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#185613261Saturday, March 19, 2016 1:56 AM GMT

These power rankings take place after week 6 of RNFL. 1. Stanford Cardinals (5-0) The Cardinals have stayed at a top for a reason. They have the best offense and defense in the league. Leading the lead in scoring, and defensive turnovers. The only team that has a possible chance of beating the Cardinals is probably the Brawlers. 2. Seattle Brawlers (4-1) Their only loss came from the Cardinals, and that was an EXTREMELY close game, that literally came down to the last play when the Cardinals threw a td for the win. They also have a power house offense, but when they play teams with decent or above offenses, they rely on their offense solely, which may bee the problem of why they can't beat the Cardinals. 3. Orlando Eagles (2-3) Although they have been beat more times than they have won, I still think this team has great potential. They're defense is near atrocious, and that may be why they just can't stop other teams. Their offense is pretty good, which is probably the only reason why they have pulled out a few wins. If they can get defensive stops, they can be a very good team. 4. Harrisburg Hornets (3-2) This team hypes themselves all the time. Sometimes they can support it, but most times they can't. This team is actually well-rounded but they just can't seem to get wins every time. 2 of their 3 wins are forfeits, so technically they are actually 1-2, but luckily they have gotten 2 forfeit wins. 5. Vermont Venom (1-4) This team is actually very good, but their luck has not been good at all. When Raverax, Gaxu, and TEDOG1232 are all there at their games, they are an excellent team. They can match up to teams like the Brawlers when they have them. The bad part though, is most of the time only TEDOG shows up. But if they can get that lineup there every time, they have a shot at the Fighter Bowl. 6. Milwaukee Dawgz (0-5) The Dawgz stayed with the Brawlers for most of the game last week. Toward the end however, they fell apart. That is the first real look everyone got at the Dawgz. But they do have a great defense. If they can hold the Brawlers to their season low 28, then obviously you have a good defense. Unlike most teams, this team needs to work on their offense.

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