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#185620150Saturday, March 19, 2016 3:48 AM GMT

First off, this is a rather rough draft of the rules, if you have any questions contact me immediately. Rule 1: NO SPAMMING. This includes on the comments of the game, if you do, the comments might be disabled. You'll also be punished, until you have proven you're worthy of being forgiven. If you have done this too many times, or broken other rules the Council will vote on what to do with you. Rule 2: No rude behavior/vulgar language during the game. As a game that sees new viewers daily, the last thing we want is for the new camper to be appalled by hosts being irresponsible, and campers being rude. (HOSTS:) If you have been warned twice, you'll be temporarily demoted, until the Council has decided what to do with you. Rule 3: This rule is for hosts particularly. Do not admin abuse under any situation. Do not harm any of the campers EVER. If a camper feels you are closing their freedom, or violating their privacy, I will speak to you. Read the hosting application for more information on this subject. Punishments will vary, depending on the severity. The Council hates this act the most, and we will discuss what happens to you. Rule 4: I'm sure you can guess, have fun! There is nothing we love more than for you to enjoy yourself anywhere in our group. Make sure you have fun, while following the other rules. I hope to see you as a host one day. NOTE: There may be other rules eventually. This rule is NOT active until June 10th 2016.

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