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#185643922Saturday, March 19, 2016 4:26 PM GMT

PLEASE READ TO THE END TO SEE THE SOLUTION! I know that many people have created posts about the removal of tix but I propose a partial solution. After this update NBC players' only source of income will be developer products and in game purchases from games as you can't earn place visit tickets after the update and nbc players can't trade or sell ANYTHING except dev products etc. ROBLOX has reduced the price floor to 5R$ but whats the point if nbc players won't even be able to earn robux without making a game full of dev products. Even if you did sell many dev products in your games you still will only get 10% revenue from it as nbc players get charged 90% marketplace fee for anything they sell whilst bc players only get charged 30% marketplace fee (which is completely outrageous). So in theory if you sold a 10R$ gamepass/dev product you would only get 1R$ from it so you have to sell dev products for atleast 10R$ to actually earn something, and if nbc players get broke on robux they won't be able to buy these dev products so the roblox economy will break and the only way to fix it is to buy bc or robux which most people wont do as the main reason people are playing this is because ROBLOX is a free to play platform. The only solution to this (excluding bringing back tix) is to reduce or completely remove the marketplace fee entirely so that nbc developers can actually earn something. It's completely unfair for developers to create something for a platform and only get a 10% cut from purchases. Please if any admins have read this, consider reducing or removing the marketplace fee, if your a normal player then help spread the word!
#185644090Saturday, March 19, 2016 4:28 PM GMT

There is no solution. It just should not happen period. If we need to think of a solution for so many things that are going to be wrong then something is up; We don't have any good reason as to why it's being removed but we are slapped with countless downsides. It should just not happen.
#185644212Saturday, March 19, 2016 4:30 PM GMT

It's a partial solution, this update is completely outrageous so we should get an update in our favor just to balance things.
#185645675Saturday, March 19, 2016 4:54 PM GMT

#185647057Saturday, March 19, 2016 5:18 PM GMT

#185647574Saturday, March 19, 2016 5:25 PM GMT

I argee. I don't understand why they have to get rid of tix.
#185649347Saturday, March 19, 2016 5:51 PM GMT

Reading the blog post about the removal of tickets, anyone with the slightest bit of perception can see how much bullcrap is loaded into that page of lies. Especially this one: "The impetus behind removing tickets is not to make more money." Everything Roblox has done in the past 5 years has only been to put more money in their pockets. What are these new players going to do when their only source of revenue is taken away from them? Well, buy Builder's Club obviously! How is anyone just starting out going to have a chance of getting their place popular without it? Just look at how Roblox has been in the past few years: -BC only badges -BC only game passes -BC only places -BC only catalog items -Huge marketplace fee on NBC -Former BC only get 5 places -I am probably missing a whole lot more since then but I have been inactive You can keep hoping, but only an absolute idiot would believe otherwise when such a better solution is available. Just look at their reasoning: 1. Tickets are confusing to first-time users Wow, they aren't even trying to hide it! When I first joined, they weren't confusing at all! It was extremely straightforward. They even say it was common practice for games to have two currencies. And if they are trying to make it easier for first time users, look at what is happening: Roblox is removing new users' ONLY source of revenue (other than dev products, which are miniscule on their own). HOW is this HELPING new users? HOW? They are also claiming that is it balanced by adding more free content to the catalog. Although this is better than nothing, it won't help distinguish players who are called "noobs" by the standard that all they can afford are free items. Lowering the price floor helps, but it shouldn't even be there in the first place as its sole purpose is, again, to get more people to buy Builder's club so they can afford these rasied prices. Plus, part of the reason for a price range in items is for users who have worked hard on getting a popular place to be rewarded with an expensive hat! Now, there is no tangible reward for making a cool place that others enjoy visiting. 2. We don't want people to create alt accounts or just "check-in" for their daily tickets. And, yet again, Roblox uses this as an excuse to go further than necessary in removing the problem. Here's a simple solution: disable the log in bonus! Done! Let people still recieve tickets for the hard work they've put into their places and to help new users who are just starting out. Notice how they only say: "We do not want to incentivize people to 'check in' every day," but by removing place traffic revenue, they are also saying they don't want to incentivise people to create popular content. 3. Botting Disabling the log-on bonus will help with part of this problem, but I admit that place visiting bots will still exist. However, after 9 years of Roblox, this has never been a significant enough problem to fix. You will get more place visits in the long run by working on the place, making it into something people want to visit. But by removing place traffic revenue, people will have less motivation to be doing this anyway. It just seems like preventing bots is another contention stuck into this blog post to make it seem like they have more reason. I have been through years of updates after updates, each of which is clearly intended to get more people to buy Builder's Club. You can believe the lies they are giving us, or be your own thinker, reason for yourself and come to the conclusion that once again, like all the precedents, they just want more money out of us.
#185701223Sunday, March 20, 2016 10:07 AM GMT

Just to clarify the solution I am proposing isn't a COMPLETE solution, it's just a way base level players can actually earn atleast some amount of money, because of the marketplace fee on base level players, you would have to sell a 50R$ dev product/in-game purchase just to get a shirt. If ROBLOX can make an unreasonable update, then we can make an update in our favour aswell. After all if ROBLOX can say tickets are 'confusing', then we can say that the marketplace fee is 'confusing' because it genuinely is, this just proves how ROBLOX are taking money from developers, no platform would make their developers get only a 10% CUT! Also ROBLOX selling hats worth millions of tix just after removing tix proves how greedy they truly are.

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