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#185802686Monday, March 21, 2016 10:20 PM GMT

"It's clear the kid had a mental disability, no grown man at his age would act that way if he didn't." he looked pretty normal to me specially judging by one video he could've passed as a normal person in fact let me enlighten you of what ASD would look like "Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts; Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities; Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period (typically recognized in the first two years of life); and, Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning." he was a little cringy and i guess you could say he had some sort of deficit in social communication (reading emotions) but from one video you can't tell persistence, other than that there would be no way to tell. "Hello, I am xdhappyxd, a pro bloxxer, so trust me, for your own good, stay out of my way."
#185802774Monday, March 21, 2016 10:22 PM GMT

Saying someone has a mental disability isn't an insult, maybe if you didn't have the mindset of an edgy razor kid then you'd realize that. I can already see the kind of person you are OP You're the same kind of person who uses the word cringe as an insult The same kind of person who tells others to drink cleaning solutions And the same kind of person who makes fun of the mentally disabled It's obvious who you are You're literally the product of what many youtubers label as leafys target audience But continue please, you're just proving my point more
#185802889Monday, March 21, 2016 10:23 PM GMT

please explain to me how the video proved he was autistic in any way did he show basic symptoms of autism (or what is determined as it is..) leafy screwed up but mostly everyone else though he was a normal human??? "Hello, I am xdhappyxd, a pro bloxxer, so trust me, for your own good, stay out of my way."
#185802942Monday, March 21, 2016 10:24 PM GMT

@drink Fair enough, though this is why you shouldn't personally attack others and harass them online Sooner or later you're going to mess with people who are already on the fence about life... Leafy and his audience are what's wrong with the world His videos produce nothing but pure negative energy They can be entertaining, as long as he stops attacking kids and if his audience wasn't filled with 11 year olds But that's not possible
#185803123Monday, March 21, 2016 10:26 PM GMT

(Sorry that was meant for your last reply lol) I know signs of autism, probably because I've seen and know a few people with it So maybe that's why it's harder for people who don't know about it, to make fun of it. (If that makes sense) Which is why I encourage people to actually take the time and learn about autism If you knew more about it you'd be able to recognize the signs Same goes with any other mental disease
#185803205Monday, March 21, 2016 10:28 PM GMT

dude if you're going to talk about something please reply to my original post 1. the dude had already been roasted on tosh.0 (very harshly too) 2. the dude in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM show any indication of ASD in most (not going to say all because there is no way in hell im watching that) of his youtube videos 3. while looking in this dude's yt video he doesnt even say he has autism. I don't understand what leafy did wrong other than the internet blowing it up (reddit) if i had to roast people for a living I'd roast people for a living this guy would've been a perfect target "Hello, I am xdhappyxd, a pro bloxxer, so trust me, for your own good, stay out of my way."
#185803380Monday, March 21, 2016 10:30 PM GMT

great.... my post overlapped.... well disregarding that last part "I know signs of autism, probably because I've seen and know a few people with it" same here buddy you're not that special I'm giving you the facts of what is considered basic ASD signs that psychologists use to diagnose it he rarely showed any of those in the egg video... "Hello, I am xdhappyxd, a pro bloxxer, so trust me, for your own good, stay out of my way."
#185803435Monday, March 21, 2016 10:30 PM GMT

he apologized but i don't forgive him since his content is still cancerous your property now belongs to souppee
#185803694Monday, March 21, 2016 10:34 PM GMT

1. The dude enjoyed being on tosh.0, he was paid, tosh was polite during it all (even though he joked), the kid then made a video to sponsor the episode on tosh.0 because he enjoyed it so much, tosh.0's fan base didn't threaten to kill him. 2. The kid was obviously socially awkward to an uncontrollable point, yet he decided to talk to he ladies. It was obvious that something was mentally wrong, showing the kid had a social anxiety disorder due to the way he repeated himself and was speaking to hem. 3. No one has to say they have autism or anything, the kid obviously didn't want to make people feel sorry for him. As he said, he onl wanted to inspire people and bring joy to his fans
#185803752Monday, March 21, 2016 10:35 PM GMT

You support someone who posts daily hate speech. Good on you my friend.
#185803805Monday, March 21, 2016 10:35 PM GMT

his content is actually funny at least he's not like 99% of youtube who make let's plays and scream extremely loud in the intro/outro and his fans are like never serious so if you can't handle a joke i don't suggest watching him
#185803918Monday, March 21, 2016 10:37 PM GMT

@op Joke- what tosh.0 did Bullying & harassment- what leafy did Learn the difference
#185803946Monday, March 21, 2016 10:37 PM GMT

I don't see what's so funny about saying the word cringe 900 times in a single video.
#185804040Monday, March 21, 2016 10:38 PM GMT

" Joke- what tosh.0 did Bullying & harassment- what leafy did" no leafy fans did the latter... both of them were satire. tosh.0 probably didnt had that because tv people are not "redditors" and aren't easily triggered by everything. "Hello, I am xdhappyxd, a pro bloxxer, so trust me, for your own good, stay out of my way."
#185804097Monday, March 21, 2016 10:39 PM GMT

@giraffe guy (lol) 'Cringe' was funny at first, then it became overused by low life's who feel the need to fit in by insulting others They themselves, have actually become cringy by insulting others with the word cringe (In before someone uses this against me)
#185804286Monday, March 21, 2016 10:41 PM GMT

What pisses me off is when people say "Oh he made a mistake get over it stop trying to milk this!" but the funny thing is what he did was far worse than what TheFineBros did and TheFineBros got long term hate that still continues now. Double standards of the YouTube community.
#185804545Monday, March 21, 2016 10:45 PM GMT

" but the funny thing is what he did was far worse than what TheFineBros did and TheFineBros got long term hate that still continues now. Double standards of the YouTube community." bullying happens everywhere, it actually shapes people up to a CERTAIN EXTENT (my opinionnonononon) the next generation is overprotected (myself included) and in turn we're going to have less tolerance for stress which is a necessity but whatever thats a topic for another day also you're comparing water to oil what......................... "Hello, I am xdhappyxd, a pro bloxxer, so trust me, for your own good, stay out of my way."
#185804675Monday, March 21, 2016 10:47 PM GMT

most of leafy's videos are just him making fun of ppl lol thats basically cyberbulling in a way its also his fans' fault too, his fans are toxic and they always give people death threats leafy also fked up for making fun of a mentally disabled man
#185805012Monday, March 21, 2016 10:52 PM GMT

"bullying happens everywhere, it actually shapes people up to a CERTAIN EXTENT (my opinionnonononon) the next generation is overprotected (myself included) and in turn we're going to have less tolerance for stress which is a necessity but whatever thats a topic for another day" You do realize that LeafyIsHere has over 1 million subscribers on YouTube and most of them go to the channels that he is hating on and tells them to kill themselves, right? Oh yeah, I'm sure having thousands of children telling you to kill yourself shapes you. "also you're comparing water to oil what........................." How?
#185805233Monday, March 21, 2016 10:56 PM GMT

"You do realize that LeafyIsHere has over 1 million subscribers on YouTube and most of them go to the channels that he is hating on and tells them to kill themselves, right?" > up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT up to a CERTAIN EXTENT "How?" they're completely different issues, one has to do with copyright and one is about cyberbulling??? explain to me how you can even compare that it's like comparing an american football team to a soccer one lol! "Hello, I am xdhappyxd, a pro bloxxer, so trust me, for your own good, stay out of my way."
#185805298Monday, March 21, 2016 10:56 PM GMT

lol bottom line is you guys can't take a joke and take everything leafy says 2 seriously
#185808375Monday, March 21, 2016 11:42 PM GMT

"they're completely different issues, one has to do with copyright and one is about cyberbulling??? explain to me how you can even compare that it's like comparing an american football team to a soccer one lol!" Yeah and one is worse than the other. It's okay for people to bully but it's wrong to copyright your video format that you created. "lol bottom line is you guys can't take a joke and take everything leafy says 2 seriously" If you think Leafy is funny I feel sorry for you.

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