#185872780Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:46 PM GMT

I do have to be honest, I don't think this method is the best really... It is somewhat unfair to other candidates who could do well... Mr. Spock || InevitableBeast
#185872882Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:48 PM GMT

No, you are the ones making fools of yourselves. What happened to fair chance? This is basically kicking everyone to the side that has worked hard as well. You people are idiots. I don't know HOW you got your job but maybe YOU idiots should be the ones to get impeached.
#185872896Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:48 PM GMT

When the Senate doesn't get what they want, they blackmail the This is the Senate we chose for our country, and know we're cursed with it.
#185872956Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:49 PM GMT

The president doesn't have to appoint a supreme court justice till he wants to. For example in real life the senate doesn't want a new justice until a new president is elected so that position can be vacant for a long time you can't force the president to appoint a new nominee especially bullying the president to appoint the nominee of your choice.
#185873033Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:50 PM GMT

this is roblox honey, and senate just forced the potus to appoint the best and most fit SCJ, kyle. and if he doesn't his executive power will be taken away. ( impeachment ) 【♛】ι нave zero тolerance ғor вeтrayal, wнιcн тнey wιll ѕoon ιndelιвly learn.【♛】-- ғranĸ υnderwood
#185873049Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:51 PM GMT

People who have earned it? How hasn't kyle earned it? Explain that please "ravageddeath" Senate Majority Leader ForeverAjs
#185873075Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:51 PM GMT

It is the right of the Senate to approve and fail anyone presented to them for nomination to such a level in the government. However, this statement would have been much better thought out if it had not included the threat to fail any nomination the President presents. A simple statement as to why Kyle should be nominated would have sufficed, and then you could have talked amongst yourselves about how to handle the situation if no one was nominated. Now instead, you have most likely created a war between the Presidency and Congress. You talk about what is best for the country, and yet you want to deadlock two branches, and cause a large scale, and unneeded debate between two others. I hope you can work together with the Executive department without posting threats, and without barring everyone that is presented. At the same time, I hope the executive branch can work to fulfill what is best for the country, and if the Senate believes that is Kyle, well the Senate are still the people. Signed, Interim Secretary of Commerce Matimilion
#185873115Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:52 PM GMT

congress sometimes forgets what the people want most congressmen and women are selfish SALAM.
#185873137Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:52 PM GMT

@Funtoad You can't impeach someone for not appointing the person you like.
#185873139Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:52 PM GMT

Kyle won't be appointed because Kyle isn't biased like those who were recently appointed to the position.
#185873333Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:55 PM GMT

SO, you're basically going to **blackmail** the President, because he doesn't nominate one person for FJ? loling at the logic of this lmao >:// CIA Director || The Pride Leader
#185873390Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:56 PM GMT

@people saying we shouldn't have threatened We've tried over and over to say that we want Kyle, but our President is unwilling. This is a desperation measure to get a worthy individual onto the Supreme Court. @flam Believe me, we would NOT have done this had people not wanted Kyle. People have been asking for Kyle for awhile now. This was done in the best interests of the people. ᗩᘉᓰᗰᗩ☂ᕮↁᗪᗩᘉᘉϒ〇
#185873574Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:59 PM GMT

this is blackmail, even though i want kyle not as much tbh, this isnt the best way
#185873672Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:01 AM GMT

Impeaching Sudden for refusing to be blackmailed into appointing someone who is immature and uncapable of handling cases with a fair jurisprudence is illegal on all levels. To do so would be to violate the Supreme Court ruling that mandates all impeachments must be accompanied with a pertinent U.S code citation - the U.S code has no law stating in any manner that refusing to appoint someone the Senate wants appointed is illegal. ''In the eyes of the senators who will be mentioned upon concluding this letter, it is seen that the Honorable Kyle90038 has been refused a nomination for the position he rightfully deserves. In the eyes of said senators, the Honorable Kyle90038 is the most qualified individual to serve the Supreme Court, and his absence from it is an utter disbenefit to our judicial branch and judiciary procedures. As there are two openings currently on the bench, we call upon our President to nominate the Honorable Kyle90038 to fill one of said positions.'' Kyle does not deserve a nomination, no one does. Nominations are made on merit, not who deserves the nomination. There are more experienced, more active, and more mature candidates. ''The reasoning for the Senate's choice and dedication to Kyle90038, is for his experience, activity, and lack of bias and partialness. Currently, Kyle is one of the longest serving active judges in the federal courts. He has proven his dedication and activity over and over in his tenure as a FJ. Kyle has been praised highly by members of the Department of Justice as well as the Judicial Branch for his lack of partialness and unbiased views in the courts.'' So he was appointed, did cases, and that merits appointment to the highest court of the land? He did the job he was appointed to do - according to you (i believe otherwise considering we have a huge case vacuum of cases not taken by FJs), and now you think he should become an arbiter of constitutional law. As both a former Senator and SCJ, this is mind numbingly out of logic. " ROBLOX Forum » Club Houses » Clans & Guilds Home Search MyForums Reply to Post Original Post A Letter to the White House, from the United States Senate Posted by AnimatedDannyo on 03-22-2016 06:27 PM WE, THE UNITED STATES SENATE (or at least most of it), HEREBY SIGN AND SUBMIT THIS LETTER TO THE WHITE HOUSE. MORE SPECIFICALLY, PRESIDENT SUDDENRUSH12G. WE HEREBY REQUEST THE FOLLOWING BE EXECUTED ACCORDINGLY. POTENTIAL PENALTIES FOR NON COMPLIANCE WILL BE DEFINED BELOW. SECTION I: PURPOSE OF LETTER We, the United States Senate (or, once again, most of it) call upon our President, SuddenRush12G, to rightfully nominate for the position of Supreme Court Justice, Kyle90038. In the eyes of the senators who will be mentioned upon concluding this letter, it is seen that the Honorable Kyle90038 has been refused a nomination for the position he rightfully deserves. In the eyes of said senators, the Honorable Kyle90038 is the most qualified individual to serve the Supreme Court, and his absence from it is an utter disbenefit to our judicial branch and judiciary procedures. As there are two openings currently on the bench, we call upon our President to nominate the Honorable Kyle90038 to fill one of said positions. SECTION II: REASONING The reasoning for the Senate's choice and dedication to Kyle90038, is for his experience, activity, and lack of bias and partialness. Currently, Kyle is one of the longest serving active judges in the federal courts. He has proven his dedication and activity over and over in his tenure as a FJ. Kyle has been praised highly by members of the Department of Justice as well as the Judicial Branch for his lack of partialness and unbiased views in the courts. It has been brought to the attention of these senators that Kyle, due to a potential personal bias, has not been considered for the Supreme Court despite his incredible credentials and high praise among NUSA. We do this for the better of our country, and in the best interests of the Judicial Branch and the Supreme Court. "SECTION III: NON COMPLIANCE If our President chooses to ignore our requests, aforementioned senators have agreed to execute the following: By the power invested in the United States Senate to approve or disapprove all presidential nominations for Supreme Court Justice, we hereby declare and promise to disapprove of any and all candidates who are nominated by our President that are NOT the Honorable Kyle90038. The President is free to accuse us of whatever he pleases, but we do indeed do this with the best interests of our country in mind." There are other FJs who have attained the exact same - or higher, credentials you lay upon Kyle. You are also closing off all other avenues just because you want your friend to be appointed. That is utter insanity and a disgrace to the United States Senate. I sincerely hope all of you rethink your choice - as it is plain, dead, wrong. Signed, former PPT and former Supreme Court Justice, Pahtf.
#185873761Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:03 AM GMT

#185873791Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:04 AM GMT

"We've tried over and over to say that we want Kyle, but our President is unwilling. This is a desperation measure to get a worthy individual onto the Supreme Court." In your OPINION he is worthy. Must I remind you the President has the sole power of appointment and the Senate is trying to infringe on that power. I will also say personally he is not worthy. @flam "Believe me, we would NOT have done this had people not wanted Kyle. People have been asking for Kyle for awhile now. This was done in the best interests of the people." The People shouldn't elect SCJs. SCJs should be appointed solely on merit, the people have no say. The Judiciary is not supposed to be democratic, as if it was then Judges would be subject to pressure from the public to rule the way they want - compromising the independent judiciary.
#185873908Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:06 AM GMT

100% with patfh on this one
#185873923Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:07 AM GMT

I would not call this blackmail; this is the Senate saying we are tired of his bad nominations. Our reasoning for denying other candidates will be that they are not the best candidate and we want more experienced individuals. ᗩᘉᓰᗰᗩ☂ᕮↁᗪᗩᘉᘉϒ〇
#185873972Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:07 AM GMT

Kyle is not the most experienced, and he is not the best. I say that as a former SCJ, he is not the best.
#185874055Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:09 AM GMT

You're saying if you don't get Kyle you will decline a QUALIFIED individual ready to partake on the Courts, that isn't fair first of all and considered blackmail, I'm not supporting the President I hate him but this isn't the best way.
#185874095Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:10 AM GMT

@ryan Once again, it's the fact that the Senate wants to approve of the best candidates possible, meaning those who are experienced and have proven themselves. Kyle is seen in the eyes of the Senate as the best for this, and therefore that is why we want him. BTW I'm getting a lot of hate for this from some people, but keep in mind I'm not the sole source of it; I just support it and wrote it out with advice from the Senate. Don't blame just me!!! Also, I hope the President doesn't take this as a personal thing with me, for reasons I mentioned in the last paragraph. ᗩᘉᓰᗰᗩ☂ᕮↁᗪᗩᘉᘉϒ〇
#185874114Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:10 AM GMT

You people are holding the Supreme Court hostage and demanding your chosen candidate be appointed or else you will deny all other candidates. You're like a 6 year old who wasn't allowed fried chicken for dinner so you refuse to eat anything. You're infringing on the President's constitutional power to solely nominate Justices.
#185874207Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:12 AM GMT

@ryan "Once again, it's the fact that the Senate wants to approve of the best candidates possible, meaning those who are experienced and have proven themselves. Kyle is seen in the eyes of the Senate as the best for this, and therefore that is why we want him." He is not the best. He has no experience with constitutional law, and trial law does not directly translate into constitutional law. There are other nominees much more qualified, active, and able then Kyle. "BTW I'm getting a lot of hate for this from some people, but keep in mind I'm not the sole source of it; I just support it and wrote it out with advice from the Senate. Don't blame just me!!!" I blame the Senate at large, not just you, you're just the poor sod they had post the forum.
#185874210Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:12 AM GMT

@ryan Give me your opinion on some of the best candidates that could be appointed right now, I really want to know. ᗩᘉᓰᗰᗩ☂ᕮↁᗪᗩᘉᘉϒ〇
#185874270Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:12 AM GMT

I'm not the President, it's not my place nor my job to appoint candidates.