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#185923100Wednesday, March 23, 2016 11:46 PM GMT

Hello i would like to show you some of my complaints about roblox now to start things of first of all when it comes to lag IT SUCKS! your gonna have alot of lag when you dont have a good computer seconds of all the price tags my god roblox WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME! o have spent over 100 dollers on roblox over the years and it is not worth it in the long run i think the prices should be lowered a bit by 20% or 30% on every purchace and if you dont buy good clothes WELCOME COME ON BOARD TO PEAPLE CALLING YOU A NOOB HAPPY HOLIDAYS and now well you get it now last of all on my really dumb complaints that peaple read for some reason and someone is gonna have a problem with my spelling or just wanna start a flame war becuase thats what everyone does right TIIIIIIIIIIIIIXXXXX! WHYYY! JUST WHY ROBLOX!!!! this is a kid freindly site now and well you dont want peaple calling you a noob just becuase their parents aint gonna put in a couple dollers to avoid that SO WHY REMOVE TIX ITS A PROBLEM FOR EVERYONE BC PEAPLE NBC PEAPLE DEVS NEW PEAPLE ITS JUST A BAD IDEA AND IF YOU THINK LOWERING THE PRICE IS GONNA HELP well guess what its barely gonna help and gifts you say well guess what the good gifts are gonna be used by many peaple making it common and still making new players be called a noob again ITS A ENDLESS CICLE OF DONUTS sweet sweet DONUTS! Ps this game is kinda pay to play which is REALLY BAD kinda like mobile game and besides peaple gonna write a hate comment on that mobile game opinion the only game i have seen on roblox that is not pay to play (that i know of put in games not pay to play) are field of battle and retail tycoon well unless your just REALLY RICH ok BOI I LIKE M,UFFINS

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