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#186092989Saturday, March 26, 2016 4:09 PM GMT

Here you will need to copy and paste this into the game. Felony stops: Welcome to RDOS Vehicle Tacticals. Here, you will learn how to do a Felony stops. Here are the poisons: 1:1 Commands the driver 1:2 Arrests the driver 2:1 Arrests the Passenger(s) 2:2 Commands the Passenger(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Gun fights. Here you will learn how to take down suspects with highly powered weapons. You MUST stay in cover and shot at the same time, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Traffic stops. When you call a Traffic stop on radio you NEED TO SAY THIS: Unit # Code 6 Occupants/Occ XNumber Car description And your location and if you need another unit to assist you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dont add this, iiMrButterzii
#186093881Saturday, March 26, 2016 4:23 PM GMT

go away

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