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#186147144Sunday, March 27, 2016 5:09 AM GMT

A man and a woman approach you. The man isn't really a man, standing thin and tall but seeming 18 or 19 years of age. The woman is only slightly older, maybe in her mid-20s at most. She holds an AK47 and keeps it pointed away as she asks, "What's your name?" You notice that the man at her side has a baseball bat in hand. - Justin Palvin | 17 | kik: JustinSaysEyy | ask.fm: /JustinMakesCash
#186147352Sunday, March 27, 2016 5:14 AM GMT

At least she has the decency to keep that thing pointed away from me. That could change at any moment though. The last thing I want is a head full of lead. I'm glad she asked for my name instead of the clothes off my back, my face in the ground, and all my supplies. She doesn't seem so hostile, then. That gun's probably for her personal protection, not for the wanton death of others. And then, there was the question at hand. I certainly remember my name, but it's been so long since the two syllables that comprise it have left my lips or the lips of others. "Dante."
#186172894Sunday, March 27, 2016 5:15 PM GMT

"Get up, Dante. I'm Anna. This is Jackson." She nods to Jackson, who tosses you a police baton. It seems beaten up, but you're grateful she gave you a weapon. "Jackson recognizes you, but he doesn't remember from where. What were you before...this all happened?" A) Police Chief B) Firefighter C) College Student D) Local athlete E) Chef F) Librarian G) Waiter - Justin Palvin | 17 | kik: JustinSaysEyy | ask.fm: /JustinMakesCash
#186185364Sunday, March 27, 2016 7:33 PM GMT

I take the weathered weapon and slowly help myself up from the ground. More personal questions now. I try to recall what it was I was doing before. I didn't have a career yet, I must've been a student. I remember now, what I wanted to be. It'd take a lot of work to get there, but I thought I could do it. Until the world I knew fell. "I was still in college," I tell Anna.
#186185777Sunday, March 27, 2016 7:38 PM GMT

Being a college student, you have some more knowledge about the world than the average person. "Oh, really? Jackson was going for his Electrical Engineering degree before the apocalypse. What about you?" Anna asks. - Justin Palvin | 17 | kik: JustinSaysEyy | ask.fm: /JustinMakesCash
#186186244Sunday, March 27, 2016 7:43 PM GMT

Electrical engineering? Might not be much use now. Unless he can jury-rig electronics together. That'd be useful. I'll wait and see how advanced his knowledge is. As for me, well, I don't think what I was going for would be much use in a scenario like this one. "I was majoring in physical science," I say, before adding, "...I wanted to be an astronaut."
#186186455Sunday, March 27, 2016 7:46 PM GMT

"Physical science, huh. I honestly have no idea what that is but hey, you're smart." Anna looks up at the cloudy sky, which is surprisingly blue for an event like this. The sun is slightly off centered. "We should get moving. Any idea where we should go?" Anna asks, observing the mountains in the distance. - Justin Palvin | 17 | kik: JustinSaysEyy | ask.fm: /JustinMakesCash
#186201347Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:04 PM GMT

She picked up a straggler, but has no idea where she's going? I can't blame her, I don't have much direction right now either. I'm not even sure I completely remember how I got here. I followed Anna's eyes to the mountains. "We could head there," I say, "may be some caves carved out into the mountains we could hide out in."
#186222491Monday, March 28, 2016 3:37 AM GMT

Anna nods. "Sounds good. Let's go, before it gets dark." Halfway to the mountains, Anna holds her hand up, signalling for you and Jackson to stop. She holds up her gun and whispers somewhat loudly, "There's a Radiated up ahead." "Where?" you ask. Anna points her gun straight ahead. "Up there." You can't see it, but you trust that she's right. Suddenly there's a loud yell and a man with ripped clothing and a deformed face limp-runs, if that's a thing, towards Anna. She fires off a couple rounds and it kills the man, as he drops dead. "We've got to go, NOW. No telling when or if it will come back, or if more are coming. Let's move!" She begins sprinting towards the mountains, followed by Jackson. You follow close behind. - Justin Palvin | 17 | kik: JustinSaysEyy | ask.fm: /JustinMakesCash
#186222524Monday, March 28, 2016 3:37 AM GMT

[At this point you can ask me for the stats of your current crew whenever you want. Just say so whenever you want to.] - Justin Palvin | 17 | kik: JustinSaysEyy | ask.fm: /JustinMakesCash
#186227881Monday, March 28, 2016 5:05 AM GMT

More are definitely coming if those things aren't deaf. I turn towards the mountains and begin running close behind Anna, hoping my ears will stop ringing soon. As I run near Anna, I turn my head here-and-there, looking out to see if any more Radiated have come crawling out and given chase.
#186360207Wednesday, March 30, 2016 3:25 AM GMT

Out of the corner of your eye, you see at least two more silhouettes moving relatively quickly towards you and Anna. She fires another couple rounds back. The first misses everything, but the second causes one the silhouettes to drop and disappear as you run away from them. Finally, you come up to a street with several homes. Could've been a pretty nice neighborhood before, well, all of this. "There!" Anna yells, turning to the left and running into a garage. After you get inside, she shuts the garage door quickly, barricading it with whatever she can find. - Justin Palvin | 17 | kik: JustinSaysEyy | ask.fm: /JustinMakesCash
#186427020Thursday, March 31, 2016 4:45 AM GMT

Lucky break. Probably a good idea to lock ourselves in here until the Radiated get bored and go somewhere else. The faster we have everything barricaded though, the better. I give myself a short moment to take a breath, then begin to help Anna in barricading the garage door.
#186448488Thursday, March 31, 2016 5:41 PM GMT

The garage door is now barricaded by boxes full of random parts and some brooms and gardening tools. Anna tells the group, "Keep quiet for a second. I want to see if it followed us. You and Jackson search the rest of the house and make sure it's clear. Here, take this, Dante," she says, handing you a gardening shovel. - Justin Palvin | 17 | kik: JustinSaysEyy | ask.fm: /JustinMakesCash
#186482817Friday, April 01, 2016 2:32 AM GMT

"Can't digging holes wait until later?" I ask quietly, gently pushing Anna's shovel-holding hand away from me as I draw my baton. "We'll be right back," I say in the same low volume as I begin to walk around the rest of the house, baton in-hand.

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