#186906502Thursday, April 07, 2016 6:26 AM GMT

Vally smiled. "That's very nice of you." He said. "Hm,I would like ice tea." He replied. Nobody would know that a guy like him could have the guts to kill somebody, he seemed very nice and calm, well he is nice and calm, but his temper would take control of him. He needed to fix that if he was ever going to run as president, or some kind of leader.
#186927230Thursday, April 07, 2016 6:44 PM GMT

(Lol, sorry about not posting as soon as possible. I was kinda out of it yesterday.) (Also kookoo, you come back to us right now. We will NOT let this die because the OP couldn't be here to actively participate and help out. Don't turn into another me.)
#186936675Thursday, April 07, 2016 9:25 PM GMT

"Yeah, Iced tea is pretty great," Layla said, "Though, in this kind of weather, I'd always prefer something nice and hot." She shrugged, then chuckled, "To each their own, I guess." It was nice to make some sort of small talk, sometimes. *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.
#186938526Thursday, April 07, 2016 9:53 PM GMT

(I'm begging you guys can you please tell me what's happening right now, and what happened since the start? I want to join.)
#186939129Thursday, April 07, 2016 10:00 PM GMT

(If you want to be a good RPer, start learning how to read.
#186939899Thursday, April 07, 2016 10:10 PM GMT

(Yoshi, you've spent days waiting for someone to give you a recap. You could have taken that time to skim through the posts of what actually happened.)
#186940939Thursday, April 07, 2016 10:25 PM GMT

rfdexjk soemones kookoo
#186944843Thursday, April 07, 2016 11:24 PM GMT

Garrett studied the soldier. Perhaps not so much a soldier, as an assassin, then. One who was trained and equipped as a soldier. Garrett briefly wondered who the mark had been, but dismissed it. It was not important now. "You are out of your league. And your territory. I can see plainly that your uniform is not local, and you saw that I have powers." Noticing the slight eyeing of the gun he had knocked away, Garrett added, "And you saw how fast I can move. Don't go for a weapon. It can only end badly for you." A flicker of movement in his eye. At first it looked like a person, but he figured it was just the shadow of someone passing the alley. Not important either. Drawing his attention back to the soldier-assassin, he studied the face-hiding mask for a moment before turning away. "If I see you chasing me again, I will kill you. Just like I kill all the others in my way." And he prepared to leap, his muscles tensing and red lines running over and around his legs. (If you want to go for the gun or otherwise attack Garrett now, I have something... interesting planned. And kinda major, if you're ready for something that will result in a huge change to Stepan. If not, then it can happen some other time. Or never. PM me/chat me if you need to know more.)
#186945436Thursday, April 07, 2016 11:33 PM GMT

I have limited computer access, so while I read books all the time it would be a lot quicker and more convenient if someone could be like "We're at a fight at the bank because XXX tried to rob it, XXX is gaining new powers".
#186947634Friday, April 08, 2016 12:08 AM GMT

((I've sent you a friend request.
#186948537Friday, April 08, 2016 12:20 AM GMT

(My settings allow anyone to PM me, but okay.)
#186949518Friday, April 08, 2016 12:35 AM GMT

Stepan stared towards the glowing red lines near the man leg, he snapped out of his train of thought and quickly pulled the serrated blade from underneath his overcoat and elegantly slashed at the creature before him. "Zomrieť!" Stepan exclaimed as he swung the blade towards Garret, his mind set for combat.
#186950420Friday, April 08, 2016 12:49 AM GMT

(All of this was discussed beforehand, I've got the OK) The blade cut through Garrett's back, leaving a deep slash. Dark blood flowed out, almost black, and Garrett stumbled forward. The lines on his legs stopped, then quivered and he roared in pain. The lines melted into his skin, and he breathed deeply. "You shouldn't have done that." He growled, coming to his feet. The wound on his back closed, leaving only the dark blood behind. Garrett's hands changed. The skin all but disappeared, leaving deep red splotches and pulsing veins. His fingers turned into talons, growing to twice their normal length and half their width, a structure of bone and red flesh sharper than any sword or knife. He turned and in the blink of an eye was standing in front of the soldier, one taloned hand speared through the man's gut. "I am beyond a mere mortal, now." With the other 'hand' he reached up and pulled the mask off, interested in seeing the face of the man who had dared to try to kill him. As expected, the soldier was nothing more than a man. A scar on his face, a wild beard and mustache as if he hadn't shaved for weeks. He twisted his hand once, then let the man drop to the ground, and leapt away, climbing the building next to him to get to his destination faster. What Garrett didn't notice, however, was the dark, almost black blood that was pooling with the man's normal blood as he writhed on the ground.
#186950772Friday, April 08, 2016 12:55 AM GMT

Stepan groaned in pain, barely able to think as his vision blurred, he was not prepared for that. The shock he would normally experience was nullified by the adrenaline flowing through him. He pulled himself towards the trash can to rest his back on. Stepan's vision blurred as he rested himself on the trashcan. He fell unconscious shortly afterward.
#186951593Friday, April 08, 2016 1:09 AM GMT

((If kookoo isn't on this weekend I say we should have LNG act as an admin so the thread doesn't perish.
#186951670Friday, April 08, 2016 1:11 AM GMT

(I'm flattered, especially considering my track record with managing RPs.)
#186952521Friday, April 08, 2016 1:25 AM GMT

Why is it such a big deal to just tell me what's going on right now? Im not asking for 50 robux or anything it's just a simple request. This thread is becoming inactive so another user couldn't hurt.
#186952665Friday, April 08, 2016 1:27 AM GMT

((Christs sakes, Library Exploded, kookoo got trapped inside, Sand guy fought demon guy and gang girl, shape shifting person has battled semi-regenerative guy, and that's about it.
#186956219Friday, April 08, 2016 2:28 AM GMT

Adam was intrigued by how that man got his powers. But he could ask him later. Right now, the man by the trashcan needed help. Medical help. Did he have medical training? No. But he could teleport to the nearest hospital and tell them where the man is at. He did just that. An ambulance arrived and put the injured man on a stretcher, leaving his mask behind, deeming it irrelevant. They also disarmed the man. Once the man was taken care of, Adam went around the town, looking for the man who also had powers. He needed answers, and this man might be able to explain what was going on.
#186956690Friday, April 08, 2016 2:36 AM GMT

(I used the word 'man' 8 times in that paragraph. Are there any synonyms for man that aren't peculiar?)
#186959063Friday, April 08, 2016 3:10 AM GMT

Stepan awoke,his bloodshot eyes darted around the area he was in. White.. lots of white and red, his vision too blurred to make out specifics. He suddenly felt a jolt of pain, he saw several red lines flow around his body, he head screams and saw... things.. coming out from his body. Paint? No.. blood. He heard these awful sounds of metal tearing.... He fell unconscious again, when he awoke, there was what looked like a crash car a few feet ahead of him. Stepan stood up, unscathed. The wound from the creature was gun, but there was a tattoo or marking of some sort where the wound had been. Stepan looked up and examined his surrounding, sirens, red and blue lights... Stepan knew he had to run, so he did.
#186959332Friday, April 08, 2016 3:14 AM GMT

((Essentially Stepan unknowingly destroyed the ambulance and ran off, also heard* and gone*
#186966320Friday, April 08, 2016 5:52 AM GMT

(Sorry guys, I have been in pain lately with a really bad pain in my throat. I'll start being more active when I'm better. Sorry for the short post) "You're right." Vally said. He rubbed his hands. "I still lie ice tea, whatever the weather." He answered. He wanted to start a conversation but he couldn't work out what to say.
#186997141Friday, April 08, 2016 9:53 PM GMT

"Yeah, well, that's fine! I wasn't criticizing you or anything! We're here, by the way," Layla said, entering the starbucks, glancing backwards to check if he was still going with her. *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.
#187018689Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:32 AM GMT

(I used the word 'man' 8 times in that paragraph. Are there any synonyms for man that aren't peculiar?) Guy, stranger, blond/redhead/brunette, person No time tonight, will post tomorrow afternoon