#187232613Tuesday, April 12, 2016 2:52 PM GMT

(I wasn't leaving, I was headed for the guys Fun-Room or whatever.) "You misunderstand. Alfgeat will do harm no longer, by the end of the night."
#187233172Tuesday, April 12, 2016 3:16 PM GMT

(I misread, sorry, I thought that you were declining his hospitality and leaving. Void what I said earlier about them blocking the door.) Aside from the guard who's practically broken, Ælfgeat's men form a blockade intending to stop you from getting to the tyrant, with four spearmen in the front and one archer behind them (the second archer from the wall was the one who spoke with Ælfgeat and had his daughter threatened). It's highly likely that the guards trying to stop you are only trying to avoid having their families or themselves slaughtered by Ælfgeat, but they'll still be a hindrance. So far they have yet to shout or do anything to notify Ælfgeat and the rest of the household, but you can only assume that if you or your men (who are following your lead and grabbing their weapons and shields) do anything to instigate a fight they'll make noise of some kind. (For the fight, I'm setting the health of all of the footsoldiers (be they spearmen or archers) as being 30, Sirs Cennyd and Emlyn at 60, yourself at 80 and Sir Ælfgeat as having 100 health. I'll be using the d60 system that I devised for combat, with the adjustments that I posted just now. When two men with spears both try to impale one another, for instance, I'll also flip a coin to determine who it is that's attacking, with heads being that it's your guy attacking and tails meaning that the enemy's attacking.)
#187233357Tuesday, April 12, 2016 3:23 PM GMT

Coenhelm speaks in a hushed tone. "Stand aside, and let us end this abomination."
#187281065Wednesday, April 13, 2016 8:41 AM GMT

"Even though some of us want this barbarian dead, most of his men are just as barbaric, and he will assuredly wake them up if we try anything. The only reason we're even on the night shift instead of the day shift like most other people is that we're newer recruits - And I assure you, once his men are awaken, they'll outnumber all of us five to one and have us slaughtered," Says one of the spearmen.
#187285674Wednesday, April 13, 2016 1:14 PM GMT

"The longer you obstruct this justice, the liklier that becomes, now for the sake your families, stand aside."
#187315306Thursday, April 14, 2016 12:06 AM GMT

"We can't do that," Says the same guard.
#187315610Thursday, April 14, 2016 12:11 AM GMT

"You can and you will, if you truly hold concern for your loved ones. I will not offer a fourth..."
#187337748Thursday, April 14, 2016 8:42 AM GMT

They look uneasily at one another, and maintain their position. If you want to get through them, you'll have to fight them.
#187342531Thursday, April 14, 2016 1:16 PM GMT

Coenhelm takes his hand off of his sword, drawing back. "Very well. I will take my leave of this house." Turning, he makes for the exit.
#187344407Thursday, April 14, 2016 2:09 PM GMT

"Your majesty, we can't just let Ælfgeat get away with this atrocity!" Says Sir Cennyd.
#187345018Thursday, April 14, 2016 2:28 PM GMT

"I'll will not kill innocent men, nor will I take respite in this house. Alfgeat will have to meet his fate at a later day."
#187345165Thursday, April 14, 2016 2:32 PM GMT

(alt+apostrophe is æ, by the way) Sir Cennyd appears as if he's about to put up an argument, but then decides against it. He puts his axe back in his holster (being the last of your soldiers there to do so), although he does keep his shield at his arm, likely expecting an attack of some kind.
#187345897Thursday, April 14, 2016 2:52 PM GMT

(Ipad) Coenhelm begins towards the doors of the entry hall. If these men felt the need to protect the wretch, that was their decision, and the consequence would be theirs.
#187408562Friday, April 15, 2016 9:33 AM GMT

(Press and hold the "A" button until fancy letters appear) Without your order, a number of the soldiers are backing down, and without the number of soldiers that they'd've had on your orders, some of the rest are beginning to doubt that they could win. Even Sir Cennyd stepped down towards the very end.
#187413444Friday, April 15, 2016 1:16 PM GMT

(I figured that out right after I posted.) "We'll put up in an inn for the night."
#187414771Friday, April 15, 2016 1:59 PM GMT

"As you command, your majesty," Says Sir Cennyd, with Sir Emlyn nodding his agreement, but remaining silent, as always. "Shall we stay at the same inn as the rest of our troupe, or should I seek out a different one?" He asks.
#187414878Friday, April 15, 2016 2:02 PM GMT

"The same. No sense in scattering ourselves to the city."
#187414970Friday, April 15, 2016 2:04 PM GMT

Both of the knights nod their understanding of the statement, and you remember the way to the inn rather well. The door is closed at this time, but I'm sure that if you knock someone'll answer the door.
#187415219Friday, April 15, 2016 2:11 PM GMT

Coenhelm steps up to the door and knocks twice,
#187415475Friday, April 15, 2016 2:19 PM GMT

You hear the sound of someone shuffling down the stairs, and then he says something in a language that you don't understand. Sir Cennyd, presumably a native speaker of the Greathian language, translates. "He's saying that it's late and is asking what the purpose of your visit is."
#187415871Friday, April 15, 2016 2:28 PM GMT

Coenhelm looks to Sir Cennyd, for him to translate. "Rooms for the night."
#187416644Friday, April 15, 2016 2:49 PM GMT

He translates, and gets a reply. Sir Cennyd chooses not to translate the reply, though, and instead responds to it himself, before he gets another reply and speaks to the soldiers, saying something to them in their language. He then speaks to you. "We're able to get six rooms, your majesty. Presumably you'll want a room for yourself?"
#187416882Friday, April 15, 2016 2:55 PM GMT

"That would be well." Coenhelm looks towards the Manor at the city center. "It's likely the guards reported to Sir Ælfgeat. Post a watchman, on rotation, in case anything should happen..."
#187454708Saturday, April 16, 2016 1:23 AM GMT

The innkeeper gives you a key with a numeral engraved on it, and the Knights begin conversing with the soldiers to establish a watch.
#187457414Saturday, April 16, 2016 2:01 AM GMT

Coenhelm, bag over shoulder, enters his room. If Sir Ælfgeat sought him out in the morning, so be it. Though he suspected such a man knows only cowardice, in regards to such matters, no matter his prowess in the field.