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#186611461Sunday, April 03, 2016 12:20 AM GMT

Arc 1: Zeus has seen bits of the future. The demi-gods are foreseen to rebel against him. He tries to limit their power. This causes Zeus to lose support of the Demi-gods and the other Gods(and Goddesses). And, ultimatly Zues caused his horrible fate of teh demi-gods rebelling. This will cause the "fall" of Olympus due to the war between Zeus and the Demi-gods. Zeus has hit rock bottom. Arc 2: A Third Party is introduced. Sanctus the minor God Domination. He says a common quote of "I will make Olympus great again!". Sanctus makes new rules, and sets new minor gods in higher positions while removing those who are a threat to him. (Example: Hera, Athena, Artimes, Apollo, etc). While other gods stick to his side due to being afraid of him, or genuinely believing in him. Arc 3: All the gods who threaten Sanctus are removed at this point. The changes in CHB start to happen. Chiron is removed from his position and replaced with Blair Willows. She will be a highly respected and very powerful Nympth and will have a high politcal power in Sanctus's 3rd Party.She will be the epitome of every Principle in school you've all hated. She creates new strict rules for camp half blood. Such as: - Camp shirts must be worn at all times - Curfew is much earlier and stricter - All camp clubs are prohibited - Training is no longer needed. Demi-gods will now "study" the training through books. - Counselors will have to do night patrols. - Forest access is prohibited. (There will be many more rules) Then, Dionysus is no longer running CHB. He is replaced with Aphrodite. She supports Sanctus, and she will manipulate the demi-gods. She will make sure the demi-gods will believe in all the lies Sanctus has said about "Making Olympus great again" This will all happen while Sanctus continues to gain more power.

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