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#186844575Wednesday, April 06, 2016 6:27 AM GMT

Before you start saying 'OMG this is a TIX thread!!11' I'd like to tell you that this isn't. This is just a debatable topic. So, ROBLOX recently started the removal of TIX a well known ROBLOX 'Virtual Currency'. According to ROBLOX TIX removal was due to two main reasons i.e the betterment of its business and the removal of bots which constantly make accounts and delivering/giving all of their TIX to their main account causing one to get loads of money without spending a penny. But, I'm not here to talk about the TIX removal, I'm here to talk about ROBLOX's control over itself. As some oldies might remember, back in 2015/2014 the website of ROBLOX was hacked. The hack wasn't really a big one, it just turned all of the place visits of a ROBLOXian/Dev to 0. This was also applied to popular places such as Apocolypse Rising and Work At A Pizza Place. All of their visits were gone. Though this might seem as a hack ROBLOX announced that due to one of its employees, the glitch/bug happened. Though thr glitch/bug took several hours to fix. This moves the arrow towards the fact that the ROBLOX website though told by many that it isn't hack-able was probably hacked. On the other hand, another large tragedy took place at Off Topic AKA OT at 4th of April approximately between 11-12 AM. This incident is knows as OTermination. In OTermination several OTers were banned/term'd. They were not particularly OTers as they posted in different forums such as ATR, RT, etc. Two of the several OTers either banned/term'd were FlaminMetal and TheJayZeroFive. These two OTers were widely known in OT as chill. They weren't 'edgy'. But they still got banned. Many OTers investigated it, and neither of the admins responsible for forums were online at that particular time. Neither Inception nor legoseed were online. Though accusations were put on buffaloe (a moderator widely knows for his bans) but after some investigation, he too wasn't online at that time. That leaves thoughts to wether ROBLOX got hacked or... does ROBLOX use Bots? Yesterday I made a thread explaining that mods are using threads due to which I was prevenido (translate it into English). Though it didn't contain any words which may hurt someone's feelings (as ROBLOX is too caring about feelings) nor was it too 'edgy'. This incident does somehow partially support that ROBLOX has started using bots as a way to warn/ban/term people. Another quite storing speculation is that a couple of days ago I sent a message to one of my friends with the word 'ass' in it. I was prevenido (translate into English :p). But why? Has ROBLOX started loosing control over itself? Have hackers found a blind spot in ROBLOX's excellent security? Or has ROBLOX become too lazy? Though too lazy is a good speculation as they gave 2k16's egg hunt to a random guy :P '...' Alright! 'TL;DR' kys.api 'Seriously TL;DR' Just grab some popcorn or chips. 'Omg another kid!!11' Alright! 'Nice!' Well, that's great! 'Kys' .. Link?
#186844664Wednesday, April 06, 2016 6:32 AM GMT

+If ROBLOX is actually recruiting 40 people this year on its own, then that means its business is going quite well with TIX. 'OMG this is another TIX thread!' You are my username.
#186845779Wednesday, April 06, 2016 7:45 AM GMT

I'm sorry but when you said "As some oldies might remember, back in 2015/2014" I just couldn't stop laughing. 2015 was like 5 months ago, and even 2014 isn't old. Old is like 2010.
#186845923Wednesday, April 06, 2016 7:57 AM GMT

If you were talking about hacks why didnt you say about the 2012 april fools hack???
#186845993Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:03 AM GMT

@faces I originally joined in 2013, so I don't remember 2012. Can you explain?
#186846086Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:10 AM GMT

Right so the 2012 hack basically had a group of hackers which took control over the roblox site involving expensive item items going free and even making admins post innapropiate content in the forums and they made a face which you cant get any more. http://www.roblox.com/c-Image-item?id=76382977 Some people got locked in roblox cause they had to shut down the site. Many people got banned and the old banners they used were also hacked displaying things like "i am the annoying orange banner muhahahaha". It was mayhem but luckily I wasnt there.
#186846423Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:36 AM GMT

@facesmasher that sounds glorious. have been around since april 2010, dunno how i never heard of this. amazing. The Pizza Is Aggressive.
#186846433Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:36 AM GMT

its so interesting isnt it?
#186846548Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:48 AM GMT

I wish I was there ;-;
#186846560Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:49 AM GMT

me too
#186846579Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:50 AM GMT

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLy5FCJZIng The Pizza Is Aggressive.
#186846583Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:51 AM GMT

also this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJEJNoxoiIQ
#186847524Wednesday, April 06, 2016 10:04 AM GMT

Bump to remain on the front-page.
#186848615Wednesday, April 06, 2016 11:01 AM GMT

All free to play games eventually take a path to destruction. Every single one has and will. A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
#186848767Wednesday, April 06, 2016 11:08 AM GMT

Probably the developers will stop making updates to amazing games such as Apoc. ROBLOX really hasn't worked this out.
#186849704Wednesday, April 06, 2016 11:43 AM GMT

ROBLOX will probably die soon. Taking away TIX,price floors etc. The community is getting angrier and angrier, longing for the old days. Then again, they will get over it and new players will come. But ROBLOX will die. Just like above said. i am one with the pop tart
#186849725Wednesday, April 06, 2016 11:44 AM GMT

well i was too late. the one above the above i am one with the pop tart i am one with the pop tart i am one with the pop tart
#186849786Wednesday, April 06, 2016 11:46 AM GMT

whoops three siggys i am one with the pop tart
#186850014Wednesday, April 06, 2016 11:54 AM GMT

you reralise OTermination has happened like 5 times and so has RTermination but its not hacks its when the mods have a bad day and just wanna ban peeps
#186850042Wednesday, April 06, 2016 11:54 AM GMT

@above its still ruining the community i am one with the pop tart
#186850183Wednesday, April 06, 2016 11:59 AM GMT

@face since when did i say it was good RT/OTermination sucks
#186851327Wednesday, April 06, 2016 12:36 PM GMT

bring back our default face!
#186851871Wednesday, April 06, 2016 12:55 PM GMT

Roblox will soon slowly start too collapse in the future but for now it's stable till they make a unwanted update that causes every single user to leave even the moderators. Try being in the year of 1x1x1x1x1 who was a staff member who hacked allot more then these people did in the days of 2014-2016 Even from how much you look at me... I'm always a Wizard Harry!
#186851908Wednesday, April 06, 2016 12:56 PM GMT

>old players >2014 - 2015 :^)
#186852017Wednesday, April 06, 2016 1:00 PM GMT

"On the other hand, another large tragedy took place at Off Topic AKA OT at 4th of April approximately between 11-12 AM. This incident is knows as OTermination. In OTermination several OTers were banned/term'd. They were not particularly OTers as they posted in different forums such as ATR, RT, etc." >acting like otermination is a thing that happens rarely and that it is the worst thing ever http://rblxofftopic.wikia.com/wiki/Off_Topic_Incidents#OTermination_Day_.2F_Sack_Of_OT http://rblxofftopic.wikia.com/wiki/Off_Topic_Incidents#OTermination_2.7COTermination_Day_.232_.2F_Sack_of_OT_.232 http://rblxofftopic.wikia.com/wiki/Off_Topic_Incidents#OTermination_Day_3 http://rblxofftopic.wikia.com/wiki/Off_Topic_Incidents#OTermination_Day_4.28.3F.29 http://rblxofftopic.wikia.com/wiki/Off_Topic_Incidents#OTremor_.28OTermination_5_Attempt.29 http://rblxofftopic.wikia.com/wiki/Off_Topic_Incidents#April_5th_Banning_Spree.2FOTermination_5 (mentioned) http://rblxofftopic.wikia.com/wiki/OTermination_Day_2 http://rblxofftopic.wikia.com/wiki/OTermination_Day_4 http://rblxofftopic.wikia.com/wiki/OTermination_Day_5 even so the otermination days are often brought thanks to MINIMODS, done during times when mods are often OFFLINE so the moderation is done by a BOT. even so said minimods are reporting LEGITIMATELY as oters often ACTUALLY BREAK THE RULES.

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