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#186888447Thursday, April 07, 2016 12:38 AM GMT

Ok, I haven't played MC in a long ass time, and an old UHC video of mine popped up on my YT, and so I wanted to do it again. I know a server where no one plays vanilla UHC anymore, so we could do it there. We could do solo, teams of 2, teams of 3, or teams of 4, depending on how many people we have. We could also do 60, 90 or 120 mins before deathmatch. Ok, if you don't know UHC rules, look 'em up. Leave your MC name if you're interested so others know who you are. It could be fun, and it would be great competition. Anyone down? RonanB13 (USA)
#186888499Thursday, April 07, 2016 12:39 AM GMT

Due to my schedule, we'd have to either do it this weekend, or the weekend after next.

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