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#186897267Thursday, April 07, 2016 2:44 AM GMT

This is going to be a >LONG< quit thread. I want to say right now that my accounts were: Zoloric, Alcanderate, Dracorexus, LoadingSkills, Kuere, Sahimo, and my last account optimality. Since I been on zoloric my old 2012 acc, I seen amazing sword fighting groups, great friends which I'll shout them out near the end of the long excessive thread. Quitting for many reasons because: 1. I want to deal with my in real life problems first instead of adding on from roblox. 2. ROBLOX isn't satisfying me anymore like it used to. 3. I need to grow up and take responsibility in real life. ROBLOX was a big impact on me cause of how much experience and friends I made over the great 4-5 years on roblox. I learned so much from people in this game. I can't explain myself at all. I have two words for roblox and amazing people that they know who they are. Thank you. I started my roblox journey at ROBLOX's building game. I used to some reason like that game and played with my brothers. I would always try to build a better house than my brothers cause I am a competitive person. I would laugh at the sound when I died in-game at sfotho or sword fighting tournament. The only games I didn't like and wasn't really good at was obbies. Man everytime I seen a new obby game I would try to race my friends and I always lose cause of the pressure. Good times. To be honest, I never thought I would quit this early until I realize what my life is going to be if I don't quit this game. I thought I would quit this game when I was going off to college (2 years from now). I met most of my friends through sword fighting. Like meadows, sfotho, classic sword fighting, and sword fighting groups. I met some of my other friends through events like summer event back in 2014 or egghunts cause they would help me went the event and I would help them with the event. But when the years went by I would get so egoistic when I sword fight or just something competitive in general. Which would make me so mad every time I would lose or have a negative KDR in a raid, training, meadows, scrimmages, or just losing in general. Me being mad every time I enter a game and play isn't healthy for me. I also remember the fun times where I would sf for fun and wouldn't sf to win. I would always wish to be in the old gold times back when roblox didn't have a bad community and such. When I was in 2012 that, "how was 2008, 2009, and 2010 were like for roblox" which will always be a question for me hidden in the back of my brain. All the memories I have from this site will stick to be like glue. I wouldn't never forget this game, this game was apart of my childhood. Now the shout outs of the amazing people and amazing groups that impacted me on my roblox journey. Ealtrax - Dude even though I met you in 2015 with sahimo, you are one considerate, funny, and just a wekting person in general. I give you all my luck on you reaching your goal of getting 30+ wins with 0 loses. You are one of the people truly trusted in this game. Stay wekting sky :D! Thanks for the donations and supporting me when I was in need of any robux/tix. RushCrush - You're also a true friend to me and another of the trusted people in this game. You trust me in every scrim you put me in, and would make jokes in our skype groups with mort and digi. You are a true mvp and I hope RNC will stay alive and rekt people in their way. Ruekt - Even though you are a lagger! But still a fun and great person to hangout with. I still won't duel with you so heh. :p Gonna miss your teleporting lag. O_O Khytos - im so bettr dan u at towrs bro e.e But in all seriousness you are also one of my trusted friends and also had my back when I would go on alt and you told no one. Good luck with your new group and unstable #1. Zyniel(a.k.a akai24) - y u get so med wen i call u zenyal liek df?? Same thing what I said to khy very trustworthy and damn you know how to make people med af XDEEE LEL. Wasn't it fun when you used to rekt people on tower when you were on your ipad? I would laugh at how many people would get mad cause you could tower on a mobile device. Digitived - Even though we had our ups and downs you are still a fun person to hangout with. Especially when you spam skype chats with your memes and how mort and I would troll you. ;3 I'm glad I met you and (don't tell force but you are #1 sjer!) Xpooks - I know you prob won't be able to see this, but damn dude. From alcanderate to optimality you been there and still put me in and trust me. I'm glad I was one of your trusted members and I wish TB would had lasted longer. Thanks for the donations you gave me too. Skull129 - Dude you trained me to get into tko and finally helped me achieved 100k kos back in 2014 when kos still existed. You were there for me, we did all nighters before tko tournies, we did obbies, went and build at personal servers, and all the wacky outfits you used to wear (probably still wear). You still make fun of my last name and I would do the same to you. You probably still laugh that I never achieved to gt Classic fedora and sod Clockwork shades for 5k instead of 50k back in 2013. Mortificied - Dude we are master trollers. We would troll people so hard that they would ban us from game. I'm glad I found you cause you know how to make me laugh some how with the insane trolls you do. Like spam "COME ON DADDY" or something stupid xd. I wish I could say to everyone I met on my journey something they contribute, but that will take like 100 years for me to do. I don't no like you no less than these guys I typed about. I just wanted to get stuff of my mind. Here are the rest of the shoutouts of my friends: Vahag Dimness kingninjamaster101 shadowcrows discerp coltsandnuggets1 desponds daffynoobwtf sicco funnypro3 forceenfire iraging synoic synoto reveiating oldmanconnor killnijas123 crushedinsanity frized sidees soulesskill muffinman99 sorcism assassintion0 retinex sekrov pluviable bloodthirsty1208 ip8300 entertime cpblock killeruntamed niickdoee eleos lorddbaf olzi avectus eluvio naytrump declamation wannabeguest dataawesomness he24 newdomino rectifying chloedowning08 rhea12 racemixer rocket733 nightfox0800 zetsou typeface occulto ickyhyperrr roledeino might852 Now shoutout to amazing groups: RNC Conjuerer-pmc SF HC SFC BHB BHBE SFP SK Revenge-pmc I am making a quit vid with my friends and later will be on my blurb to watch like this thread. See ya guys. Got a problem? Call me. Don't have my number? Then we don't have a big enough problem.
#186962291Friday, April 08, 2016 4:02 AM GMT

Sorry if I missed anyone on my thread, I made a video with almost all my friends. Probs missed a couple but yea. Got a problem? Call me. Don't have my number? Then we don't have a big enough problem.
#186962726Friday, April 08, 2016 4:10 AM GMT

what a loser
#186962982Friday, April 08, 2016 4:15 AM GMT

I do not even know you, but you seem like a good person. Good luck to you in life.
#186965968Friday, April 08, 2016 5:36 AM GMT

Goodbye & Good luck. ;'( !!!!!!!!!!
#186972767Friday, April 08, 2016 12:09 PM GMT

where am I idiot
#186972879Friday, April 08, 2016 12:12 PM GMT

It's sad to see someone go who doesn't have the Veteran badge. Even though I don't know you, Good luck in life!
#186973024Friday, April 08, 2016 12:17 PM GMT

what a loser [2]
#186973901Friday, April 08, 2016 12:47 PM GMT

So you're sahimo/kuere.. if u told me i'd give u those lims srsly
#186984360Friday, April 08, 2016 5:47 PM GMT

Df I didnt know that u r zolo e.e Peace bro U were cool
#186984478Friday, April 08, 2016 5:49 PM GMT

goodbye :,(
#186984547Friday, April 08, 2016 5:50 PM GMT

#186989381Friday, April 08, 2016 7:35 PM GMT

noob. i thought u were boogie on opt at first ripriprip
#186993000Friday, April 08, 2016 8:40 PM GMT

never had a clue who u were until I started to come back to scrimmaging k 'o well "The Ape God...."
#186994494Friday, April 08, 2016 9:06 PM GMT

overall a pretty chill dude, rip.
#186996636Friday, April 08, 2016 9:44 PM GMT

guess i wasnt a big impact on ur roblox journey. but good luck in life opt
#187006342Saturday, April 09, 2016 12:16 AM GMT

#187006456Saturday, April 09, 2016 12:19 AM GMT

v-v u remember this ? http://prntscr.com/apx59y.......... v-v was a joke, im sorrie
#187028677Saturday, April 09, 2016 6:59 AM GMT

@Dbaf But I put you in my vid. Like I said sorry I didn't get to put in people for thread. Was at night when doing this so I was half asleep. Sorry I missed people which I missed A LOT of people and groups. They know who they are and I still love them on that. @Discerp Dis I love that photo. That made me laugh tbh. Got a problem? Call me. Don't have my number? Then we don't have a big enough problem.
#187033886Saturday, April 09, 2016 12:05 PM GMT

put me autist
#187033911Saturday, April 09, 2016 12:06 PM GMT

#187035836Saturday, April 09, 2016 1:06 PM GMT

gudbai e.e
#187038032Saturday, April 09, 2016 2:07 PM GMT

Ill miss you Opt
#187038104Saturday, April 09, 2016 2:08 PM GMT

#187042282Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:25 PM GMT

Bye man. Great luck life, follow JESUS and you'll never be mislead.

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