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#187015223Saturday, April 09, 2016 2:39 AM GMT

(TL;DR) Here's the nutshell, I am leaving Roblox, it was an amazing time and I thank you all for your support and giving me such amazing memories since 2009. Special thanks in the longer read. Won't be surprised if I have trolly comments but this forum is for those who wish to share memories and say their goodbyes. Well then... This has been a hard night seeing many of you and having to say goodbye. But hey, the time comes for everyone sometime and sadly tonight was my night I decided to pack it all in. Many of you have followed me from the start and heck, I couldn't have asked for a better family of members. All of you so willingly following my every choice and trusting my every decision even when I doubted myself. Some many say 'Eh it was just online'. No. This was more, this was a family. All helping each other and all supporting each other and I wouldn't of had it any other way. I'd keep going but heck, I am bad at these sort of things. And I feel like if I go too in depth that it will drone on and get too messy so let's cut this short. I won't do individual goodbyes for everyone, I hold you all close to my heart and you all know who you are. If you have ever shared a group, battle, experience or moment with me in a positive light, then you are one of the people I speak about and I thank you with every part of my being, you helped create my experience here. To those of you who are younger and are still very upset about this, keep your chin up and keep supporting the group, I know you're all more than capable. Although now that I think about it, I'll do some individual speeches for some of my HR's (This is not favouritism just for the closest parts I can think of.) Yunno: Well, here we are. I know you were not there for the announcement and I'm sorry I could not have decided to do this when you were online but it had to be done. I'm sorry for starters, I know I broke the family a good few times and it has haunted me for a long time the wrong I did to you all sometimes, but hopefully with Ravenous leading CRE that will no longer be an issue and the family can prosper once again. You were always loyal to me yunno, even when you probably shouldn't have been haha, but either way I wish you luck and farewell my potato. Dagwrath: Dag, dag, dag. Sometimes I worry about you and what goes on in that head. Life is hard buddy and it will always throw you into the dirt at the worse of times, but you need to keep yourself going and I know you'll still do greatly for CRE. Don't be sad that I am leaving, look at it as a new adventure. You're doing great kiddo and I'm proud of you. And if you need any motivation, as the great Frank sinatra once sang. 'Each time I find myself flat on my face, I pick myself up and get back in the race'. RexOfDeath: Rexy boy, oh rexy boy. What fun times we have had especially when I abducted you from masqued, shhh tap tap wink wink. But yeah, thanks for being that great advisor and giving me tons of verbal debates to face every night, keeping me on my toes. Thank you for everything Rex, I'd go deeper but you already know. Don't let those demons get to you, you are a tough Russian cookie. Keep your head clean and get back in the fight. Tresupercool: Man, just to think. I spent all that time searching the internet to find you again. From Twitter, Facebook and to random Minecraft forums where your name would pop up, just to bring you home. And here I am sailing away. But hey, it's about family and I know you'll stand your ground with the others. They need everyone they can get and I have no doubt you'll do everything you can do aid them. It's been a good run Tre, and I'll miss you. Skateboard helmet. ;) Morphmaslis: Son oh son, I call you son because i've always saw you as one. We went through a hard time didn't we? Tough time, very tough, and despite your confession I don't see you any different, you'll always hold a special place in my heart David my boy. I hope life keeps treating you well and you'll stand with the others when they need it most. I'll miss you spud. Voraciousestoc: Well, you still have quite a long road leading up to be a leader, but you're nearly ready I promise. You have served me relentlessly through thick and thin and for that I am forever grateful, always stabbing anyone giving me the slightest of cheek or disrespect haha. You gave me many great times and have always stayed true. Thank you so much mate, I will miss you. Jayreaper: Little brother, heh. Lord knows how we had competition at many times and you gave me a good challenge each time. We have been through so much together, all the way from the alliance of A.U.R.A, G.R.I.N.D, Masqued and BHW/TAW to what we have now. A long path we have walked together, but I suppose it's time you became the older brother and stepped up to the family title. Your big brother was always proud of you Jay, I love you mate. Dryslayer: Man, if I had a fish bowl filled with goldfish for everytime your ego went off I'd have many crushed goldfish. But hey, you were also a brother. After the AC:EA war and you came to help me lead CBE I was at first very sceptical about you, the assassin boi and his fancy tricks. But I opened my walls to you of trust and I have never regretted that decision, I would once again drone on, but you know the deal. Love you bro, thanks for everything. RavenousVoid: Now I guess this is where I begin to drone huh? It's always been you mate, since early 2009 in doom clan. 'Doom clan' so silly now that I think of it, we were just a bunch of idiots trying to fit into being in a clan and when creepy left us, wow we just scattered. But you never left my side, always there as my 2ic through my best and worse times. I know you're worried about all this and I've put A LOT on your plate but you're ready, I have no doubt about it, everyone has gathered to support you and they will aid you. Never feel alone because if there is one thing I have learned it is if you ask, you will receive. If you struggle just look around you and look at the people who are there for you. I love you man, and thank you for supporting me as a leader through it all. I guess that's it anyway, like I said I don't like to drone on too much. Farewell Roblox you horrible, horrible but amazing community. I'll miss you. Farewell.
#187015255Saturday, April 09, 2016 2:40 AM GMT

K bye
#187016744Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:03 AM GMT

Follow your hopes and dreams Domin!
#187017122Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:08 AM GMT

Always loyal to the Swadians? Always loyal to the Swadians.
#187017178Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:09 AM GMT

Give me your CF met
#187017280Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:11 AM GMT

have fun on the outside world, try not to die.
#187017357Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:12 AM GMT

Stay away from the queen's guard. Those guys are dangerous. ;)
#187021450Saturday, April 09, 2016 4:14 AM GMT

Live well Domn. I'll miss you. :c
#187032170Saturday, April 09, 2016 10:42 AM GMT

It was a bloody good run, shame to see you go. You know how much you have influenced me as I've said before. Farewell and good luck, you'll do great out there.
#187032463Saturday, April 09, 2016 11:04 AM GMT

I remember the times when it was me and you always beating the crap out of everyone and all our rivalries. Since 2010 we been kicking it swords up and ale down to any bugger who tried to fight us and the fam. We've defeated everyone together and had fun fighting each other to prove who was the strongest of the two. I wish I spent more time with you when you went into Calradia haha, so many good times and battles. The two undefeated Titans always fighting for supremacy and glory that even our groups would fight each other. Wish we could finish the wars we always tied or had one more last battle. I'm going to miss the bragging competitions about who has the strongest fighter or who won the most raids or who has the most clans serving them. All these years we really have been like brothers infact I considered you blood after all we been through since the rough and the good and the glory days. So many things to write, so many enemies conquered by our hands. You still don't want to admit that CBE was named after Black Blood Legion haha but dam, one mighty family you created, we all created. You will always be my one equal and worthiest of adversaries but most importantly the only brother I ever had. Take care Domm37, Domnithicus, see you and talk to you soon Brother. Our battles on Roblox may have ended but they sure as hell are going to drag on hehe. I'll participate in CRE for you and look after it the way you'd like it to be ran. See you soon Bro.
#187033206Saturday, April 09, 2016 11:41 AM GMT

well, domnithicus you were always a life long enemy on roblox, butt it's the main reason why i stayed. you warred the blades and beat them you warred TOM and beat them you warred the blades reborn and beat them you joined my genre, conquered swadians, warred rhodoks and beat them even tho i hated you, you were a cool person it was fun warring you with all sincerity (and hate), i wish you good luck in the life you never had sincerly, itest small lips P.S talk to me on Skype if you get lip reduction surgery
#187034325Saturday, April 09, 2016 12:18 PM GMT

I guess I'll say bye. "Nothing else I can say." -Unknown
#187041484Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:11 PM GMT

I do not say goodbye. I believe that's one of the bullshtiest words ever invented. It's not like you're given the choice to say bad-bye, or awful-bye, or couldn't-care-less-about-you-bye. Everytime you leave, it's supposed to be a good one. FastRap
#187041489Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:11 PM GMT

Farewell, good luck in your future endeavors.
#187042028Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:21 PM GMT

Physically Crying Goodluck! ;(
#187042219Saturday, April 09, 2016 3:24 PM GMT

Bye man. Great luck in life. Follow JESUS, and you'll never be mislead.
#187044484Saturday, April 09, 2016 4:07 PM GMT

See you next week! But for real, you were a great leader and I'm disappointed I wasn't able to bond with you more during my short time in Swadia. Good luck in life.
#187082005Sunday, April 10, 2016 1:11 AM GMT

Dear Domn, I know I just met you 2 months ago, but you made me smile every-time we fought together. I'll miss you and your legacy, but as 1 goes, A new one comes. P.S Stop making me Cry. -Youare -Youare
#187228418Tuesday, April 12, 2016 12:05 PM GMT

I don't really know you, but you're one of my contacts on Skype. Good luck, and good bye.
#187228499Tuesday, April 12, 2016 12:10 PM GMT

I don't know who you are, but farewell. Best of luck to you in the future.
#187281475Wednesday, April 13, 2016 9:36 AM GMT

I'm well aware that I probably have the least right of anyone to tell happy tales of our past, but it can't hurt to put my feelings on display. I met you mid year of 2011 on a late Friday night. Ryan introduced you to me as his mentor and told you I wanted to be trained. You blew me off by saying you only train HR's of CBE, which after looking back on it I understand well enough. I was just an ignorant 12 year old kid back then after all. My first encounter with you sparked my career in CBE. The first training I attended consisted of Ramm, Curry, Dylan, Ryan, yourself and I. During that training I began to realize, the task of becoming a HR in the Crimson Blood Empire was going to be a long winding road with several obstacles. My eyes were locked on your back in awe as I moved up in rank. I spent a year and a half training, every day I was improving. Every fight I took part in made me faster, smarter, and ever so closer to my goal as a swordsman. Raid after raid, and training after training. The long road that seemed so menacing before now had friendly faces and beautiful towns that dotted the valley. I began to sprint for my goal. Through the valley, up the ramp, just inside the gate. You were waiting for me just in front of our symbolic statue. That was where I fought you seriously for the first time. I wanted into the Harbinger division, my task was to fight you with a linked sword while you used a dark heart. I could either win twice or tie you three times without dying.I beat you once then tied you once. Looking back on the fight I'm not sure if you were messing with me or just trying to entertain the others. Of course I lost in the end, the fight I had been pushing myself to the limits for ended in my defeat. But strangely enough I was not mad or upset. I was so busy chasing after you I didn't notice that my goal had changed from beating you in a fight to protecting you; as my leader, and my friend. I became your Royal Guard, second only to Tre. The next several years after my promotion were my best. I had more than enough skill to protect the family, but most importantly I was finally able to stand at your side and stare into the eyes of our enemy without doubting my own ability. It's not possible to place a number on the body count I obtained over the years from guarding you. (Over half of them were you xP) We've all been through hell and back together. We each made some mistakes, but they're in the distant past. You've been my leader ever since I was 12 years old. You're responsible for molding me into the man I have become. I toughened up, I stopped accepting loss as an option, I learned to show compassion to those who deserve it, I defend those who have earned it, and I set fire to those who have sought it. It might sound silly, but CBE felt like home to me. A real home full of family who defend one another. From Gos, to Ramm, and Ryan. I consider them all my brothers. But I can truly say that you Domm37, Domnithicus, Calum, are the closest thing I have to an elder brother. I'll never forget my roots or the lessons you've taught me in life Goodbye old friend. (Took me three hours to type this because I'm tired and drowsy, if something is misspelled I'm sorry.)
#187308125Wednesday, April 13, 2016 10:17 PM GMT

wot about me dom?
#187351552Thursday, April 14, 2016 5:02 PM GMT

Farewell Cousin.
#187394411Friday, April 15, 2016 2:10 AM GMT

I guess i'll never be able to defeat you in a proper duel...In my book you wussed out at the last second and I won...Meh that won't satisfy me. Even though I didn't really get to know you as a person I always knew you as a challenger that I must defeat and overcome. I think I owe my success as an sfer and ability to get through hard times and keep fighting to both you and Jay. So I guess.. Thanks. Farewell, -Einstakt, Crimson Blood
#187394690Friday, April 15, 2016 2:14 AM GMT

-P.S. I'm the godamned Prince of Blades! :)

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