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#187108325Sunday, April 10, 2016 12:29 PM GMT

Hello, I am candidate Dogeinasuit1. I am currently a director on Kara Cafe. I thank you for reading this. In this speech I am talking about my goals if I was president, What I would do to help Kara Cafe, and all around why I would be a good fit for president. I first want to state that, I would be completly dedicated to Kara Cafe. I would always stick by everyone no matter what we are going through. Finally, I would also always have hope,persistance and I will never give up! My first topic is why I would make a great president. I would be a qualified president because, I would be completly dedicated to the Cafe. I would also make a good president, because I would never leave a job unfinished. Building off of that, I would get the job done well and with good quality. Adding on to my previous thought, I would never rush through any job and I would also never do the bare minimum. To sum it all up, I would be a great natured president for Kara Cafe. My second topic is why I would why I feel like I would be a superior president over the other candidates. One reason is I would never let my position make me feel like I am more important than everyone around me. Building upon that, I wouldn't say I am "better" than you, because we are all here for one reason, to help Kara Cafe as much as possible. Also, I would treat everyone equal and never have a bias in disagreements etc. For example, if there was a dispute between two staff members, I would not take side with one of them over the other because they're my friend or I like them better. I have many goals and a plan to achieve them as president if I get elected. My first and foremost goal is to make the community a lot more safe. I also plan to reach that goal by not letting anything slip or ignore anything even if it doesn't seem as serious as it may be. Another main goal of mine is to motivate more people to come on Kara Cafe and to persuade people to come on more often. I plan to obtain that objective by improving Kara Cafe in all ways that is possible for a president so that they are enticed to come back for more. I also have many other goals I plan to attain, if I become to president of Kara Cafe. In all there are many things I may be able to reach as president of Kara Cafe. In addition to that, I also have a plan as president, and I tend to use it. To sum everything into one, I would be a great overall president, with some flaws in some aspects. I also believe if we stick together as we one we can build Kara up to new heights on Roblox. All things considered, at the end of the day I am here to serve for you and not the other way around. Thank You.
#187127501Sunday, April 10, 2016 6:13 PM GMT

#187127588Sunday, April 10, 2016 6:14 PM GMT

How will you handle the increasing number of dumbasses in the group if you're elected president?
#187128243Sunday, April 10, 2016 6:23 PM GMT

My initial thought of your speech is that your very repetitive. But you never talked about the serious problems that effect your patrons; such as increased caffeine in your coffee, more sugar which causes diabetes, and the fields of slaves that work hard with little to no pay, and bare essentials to harvest your coffee beans. What'd be your response to these problems, as well as future controversy such as the religious effects of decorating your cups around the holiday, especially during the winter season; lest you have the same fate as Starbucks did when they were confronted with an overwhelming amount of Christians yelling in outcry about the lack of religious decoration on Starbucks' cups. a²+b² = generic sarcastic response
#187133526Sunday, April 10, 2016 7:35 PM GMT

The speech was a little repetitive about ' Dedicating to Kara Kafe ' but overall it was a good piece of writing that should be read. Personally I'm going to read them all but on the other-hand that was excellent! I may be voting for you in the future!
#187133640Sunday, April 10, 2016 7:36 PM GMT

What will you do when you realize you were a dumbass and posted in the wrong Subforum?
#187134250Sunday, April 10, 2016 7:46 PM GMT

I have no further questions other than those already asked by Precisionfire23.
#187139930Sunday, April 10, 2016 9:03 PM GMT

Thank You all so far for the feedback, I really appreciate that!
#187140133Sunday, April 10, 2016 9:06 PM GMT

Very well written. You have my vote
#187142996Sunday, April 10, 2016 9:53 PM GMT

I do not believe anybody fits under that description, but for confused people I would try to develop something that explains everything better.:)
#187143999Sunday, April 10, 2016 10:09 PM GMT

Will you continue being a dumbass after this and post in the wrong Subforum instead of the Clans and Guilds Subforum?
#187144768Sunday, April 10, 2016 10:21 PM GMT

This is in the right subform, because Kara Cafe is not a clan or guild<3
#187145828Sunday, April 10, 2016 10:37 PM GMT

WRONG. 1) The Toleplaying forum is for, and I quote, "Story telling and imagination." 2) On the other hand, the C&G forum is used to "Talk about what's going on in your Clans, GROUPS, Companies, and Guilds." Keyword: GROUPS. Therefore, you are illiterate. I would not want to vote for an illiterate baboon, so you do not deserve to be hired slash elected.
#187145868Sunday, April 10, 2016 10:37 PM GMT

#187146470Sunday, April 10, 2016 10:47 PM GMT

@Faction And since this is the Role-Playing forums, you have no reason to start flaming. You could've politely told him to replace this thread instead of insulting.
#187146900Sunday, April 10, 2016 10:53 PM GMT

Well, I'm sorry that there's SO people posting their C&G crud on the RP forum. People need to LEARN what goes into WHAT Forum, not just post random crud all over.
#187197710Monday, April 11, 2016 10:10 PM GMT

You litterally had 25 sentences of "I like Kara Cafe, I wont leave, Vote me!" but.. Good luck, may the best candidate win. My name is Lyke Saberhagen (Josh), and I support this message!
#187206083Tuesday, April 12, 2016 12:11 AM GMT

I vote for [Dogeinasuit1]! [X]
#187212164Tuesday, April 12, 2016 1:34 AM GMT

This is the part where I start to cry about misplaced forum posts... e.e

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