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#187233120Tuesday, April 12, 2016 3:14 PM GMT

TERMS Bugout: MASH is moving AO: Area of operations OR: Operating Room Expectant: Patient expected to die GSW: Gunshot Wound KBA: Killed By Artillery Litter: Stretcher to carry dead and wounded MAS-CAL: Mass Casualty Situation MFW: Multiple Fragmentation Wounds VSI: Very Seriously Injured, will die without medical attention Post-Op: Post Operative Room, patients reside Pre-Op/EST :Pre-Operative Room, patients are stabilized TYPICAL MASH SETUP One Operating Room One Pre-Op ward One Post-Op ward Three Personnel Tents One Mess Tent One Supply Tent One Helicopter/Gyrocopter pad Four Trucks Three Jeeps Four Ambulances MASH-Mobile Army Surgical Hospital SMASH-Small Mobile Army Surgical Hospital SMASH SETUP One Operation Tent One Triage Tent One Personnel Tent (Much smaller than in a MASH) Two Jeeps One Truck Note: Construct SMASHes under natural cover if possible. TAG CODES ETS and BAS units carry different colored tags for use in a triage situation. RED- Patient will not survive without treatment, but will have a chance of survival if quickly moved to a MASH/SMASH. First Priority. YELLOW- Stable at the moment, requires treatment at MASH. Second Priority GREEN- Minor injuries, may or may not require MASH/SMASH Treatment. Third Priority. WHITE- Minor injuries, can be treated on the field. Will not require MASH/SMASH Treatment. Fourth Priority. BLACK- Expectant patient, no hope of survival. Fourth Priority. BATTALION AID SERVICE DOCTRINE BAS units are FORMALLY assigned to a MASH, however, for most of the time, they will be assigned to an MLIE or Infantry unit as 'combat medics.' After a combat situation, BAS units will ride with MLIE units transporting the wounded to a MASH/SMASH, providing medical treatment on the way. After deposit of wounded at the MASH in which they are assigned, the BAS unit will return to the front. BAS/MLIE Units are only to evacuate patients under fire when there is NO OTHER OPTION AVAILABLE. EMERGENCY SURGICAL TREATMENT UNIT DOCTRINE EST units are assigned WITHIN the MASH/SMASH. They will assess the survivability of the patient, provide further aid to wounded, and prepare patients for the operation preformed by the MASH/SMASH surgeons. EST units are the initial caregivers when patients arrive at a MASH/SMASH. EST units will also act as in-hospital clinics for personnel, treating minor aliments. When requested, EST units can deploy with a BAS unit, although these deployments are far-inbetween at best. MOBILE ARMY SURGICAL HOSPITAL DOCTRINE The MASH/SMASH is the pride of the EMD, a concept that not even the USCPF has since equaled. Henceforth, Regulations are key in maintaining our great survivability rating. Surgeons (Doctors) Will NOT travel off base unescorted, and must carry their sidearm (on safety) With them when not in an operating environment. Wounded may come at an time of day, so all in-base units will be awakened to deal with the casualties. MASH units will not have anti-aircraft capabilities, so they must be under some sort of cover. Each MASH is equipped with a blue flag with a red medical cross on it. In the event the MASH is under air, ground, or artillery attack, the MASH is to raise the flag, signifying our noncombatant status. In the event of a ground attack by the USCPF, in which the MASH has no support, the MASH is to surrender, finish operations, and be taken into custody of USCPF. In the event of a ground attack by BANDITS, the MASH is expected to engage hostiles in defensive action, and contact the nearest combat unit for assistance to ensure the safety of our patients. Units will NOT attempt a bugout while under attack, instead, they shall build defensive structures near the Operating Room and Personnel Tents to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. Bugouts should ONLY be preformed when there is a considerable THREAT of attack, or any other threat to the MASH's operational capacity, NOT WHILE AN ATTACK IS IN PROGRESS! MASH units may become individualized, creating mottos, banners, numbers,or other paraphernalia. (Ex: 8063rd MASH: Best Care, anywhere.) SMALL MOBILE ARMY SURGICAL HOSPITAL DOCTRINE. See "MOBILE ARMY SURGICAL HOSPITAL DOCTRINE", adjust as needed to fit needs of unit. Be advised the SMASH is MUCH more mobile than the MASH, and CAN bugout while under fire. "The Patient is the priority." The Combat Medic Prayer Oh Lord, I ask for the divine strength to meet the demands of my profession. Help me to be the finest medic, both technically and tactically. If I am called to the battlefield, give me the courage to conserve our fighting forces by providing medical care to all who are in need. If I am called to a mission of peace, give me the strength to lead by caring for those who need my assistance. Finally, Lord help me take care of my own spiritual, physical and emotional needs. Teach me to trust in your presence and never-failing love. Amen

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