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#187304847Wednesday, April 13, 2016 9:23 PM GMT

Hello! If you are reading this, this means you are checking out for JOTGR, AKA Jedi Order of The Galactic Republic. Here are some questions! 1. How active are you? 2.How much experience do you have with this genre? 3.Why do you want to be this rank? 4.How active are you on a scale from 1-10? 5.Are you good at saber fighting, say on a scale from 1-10? 6.How good are you with grammar on a scale from 1-10? 7.Tell me, how good are you at training with lore, saber fighting, etc? 8.What do you think it takes to be a HR? 9.Last question, What can you do to help the group out? COPY AND PASTE THESE QUESTIONS! NOT THIS TEXT RIGHT HERE, QUESTIONS 1-9!

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