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#187313148Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:32 PM GMT

How do y'all feel about a RP set in 1943, where Germany gets the atom bomb first and nukes the United States. Devastated, the Cold War starts quite earlier and Germany begins to mass produce atom bombs, but a group of American & British spies uncover the documents and relay them back to the US and the UK. Germany takes out most of the world using nuclear warfare but eventually, Russia surges forth and takes over most of Germany while the US & UK bombard all of Europe, aside from France and the Nordic countries with nuclear bombs. Russia and the Euro-American Coalition go to war with each other and during that time, a brief peace treaty leads to the UK colonizing most of Africa with Japan expanding its empire, taking over most of the Asian continent but don't attack the Russians due to their losses with oil, and that Russia's manpower and production rate is only matched by America's. Chinese remnants become democratic and join the US when they stage a small-scale invasion of Japan. Still, the US nukes Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but Japan pulls its forces from the mainland to defend Japan. The US takes over half of the Japanese mainland before the Japanese form a peace treaty with the US. The United States then gives portions of land to The Democratic Union of New China [DUNC]. War still rages between Russia and the Euro-American Coalition, with the UK, France, and Spain bringing soldiers conscripted in Africa to purge through parts in the Middle East and attacking Russia from two fronts. On June 4th, 1950, the US will have finally controlled the airspace surrounding Moscow and drop the JB-32 Atom Bomb "Slugger". These results in Russia releasing its fail-safe to launch all atom bombs at Europe, the Americas, and Africa. American and European colonized islands will still resume life, with the US President and cabinet going to Hawaii to set up New Washington, and the UK fleeing to the Falkland Islands. 322 years later, The Republic of America begins to reclaim land along the west coast and creates the Commoner's Grand Wall, which spans from Washington State all the way to Yuma in New Mexico. The British have also reclaimed Ireland and have dug an underground tunnel from Dublin to Holyhead in Wales. Not much is known about the Japanese Empire or Russia, but the Coalition Space Exploration Program [CSEP] between the Republic of America and the British Communion of the Isles, launched the first satellite into space and has used it to take pictures of Russia, which is mostly craters and new settlements. Albeit, there is one LARGE city which has been named by the Coalition, "Jolly Commie". SO ARE YOU INTERESTED? We'd have WW2 gear with some advanced aspects weapon-wise and technology wise. But it'll keep the feel of 1940-50's America. It's kind of like Fallout but just really expanded. a²+b² = generic sarcastic response a²+b² = generic sarcastic response
#187313249Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:34 PM GMT

Would be cool as an ISRP tbh..
#187313572Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:39 PM GMT

>Germany gets the atom bomb first and nukes the United States. >the Cold War starts quite earlier I'm not sure how those two things follow each other. You understand that the Cold War started when Germany was nearing its defeat and the UK and US raced against the USSR to reach Berlin first?
#187313840Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:44 PM GMT

Technically, Germany and the US were both rushing to get nuclear bombs. [Somehow] Germany gets the atom bomb first and uses it against the US. But when I said that, I meant the Cold War starts earlier than it was relatively stated in textbooks (1947-1991). a²+b² = generic sarcastic response

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