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#187612594Monday, April 18, 2016 12:59 AM GMT

Vote Will & Nord We have big plans for change in NUSA. We have had a lot of experience in many departments in NUSA, as well as an extensive Military background. As politicians and as soldiers; we know what the people want! Our cities in NUSA such as Las Vegas and DC are very important to our nation, and we want to continue to work on the development of these great cities. These cities promote activity and give citizens a place to exercise their rights freely and have a great time, we want to keep the places functional and fun to be in. Why should you vote for us? We want to do it for you! The citizens of NUSA, we don’t have to listen to Republicans or Democrats that continue to restrict the votes of you. We’re independent, and will do what’s best for you. If you enjoy your freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, and all other rights you don’t want to get rid of; vote us. We’ll do what’s best for you, the citizens of NUSA. Thank you all, Let’s make the change for You, and The United States of America POTUS Candidate, WillGaudet VPOTUS Candidate, Mr_NordStrom

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