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#187615023Monday, April 18, 2016 1:33 AM GMT

In 2105, two brothers created the Underwood Farmer's Market, originating from Georgia. Because of Georgia's rich soil and the fastly growing People's Republic of Tidewater's town Southside, they began working for money to create a small produce company. After gaining enough money, they purchased a building and started selling their items, calling the the Underwood Farmer's Market. Underwood Farmer's Market was created to sell food and animals for low prices and to create jobs for the strengthening PRT economy. In 2112, the company expanded enough to be able to import and export goods. Despite usually being peaceful and keeping to themselves, the Underwood Farmer's Market, or otherwise UFM, will defend their farmland from invading bandit groups (like the Reds) and civilians attempting to steal product for their own needs. Because of their mainly farming intentions, the company does not supply its employees with expensive or otherwise powerful weaponry. Underwood Farmer's Marketis a well-known and functioning farmer's market where food and goods can be exchanged, families can be fed and farmers can unite to support their families and friends. --RANK GUIDE Company Director // Head of the company, founder and director. Associate Director // An aid to the Company Director. Company Manager // Manages the store itself and its employees. Foreman // Head of the farm, manages the land and the farmers. Store Clerk // A store employee and associate. Delivery // Delievers product from the farmland to the store. Farmer // Does the work at the farm, has power over the farm hands. Farm Hand // Assistants to the farmer. Might grow plants, feed or butcher livestock. Volunteer // A possible employee, applying for a job. ---PRICING ( PWD is a non-canon currency created by the fanbase for ATF. According to mulitple LPMs, the currency would be to 1940s-1930s standards. ) Produce: Bread(wheat): Loaf // ¢0.10 Apps: 2 pounds // ¢0.25 Ons: 10 pounds // ¢0.49 Eggs: dozen // ¢0.69 Orges: Dozen // ¢0.49 Bottle of ketchup // ¢0.19 Coff bens: 2 pound bag // $1.29 (Because of expensive import prices.) Wheat: Bushel // $2.06 Doughnuts: Dozen // ¢0.15 Robef: Pound // ¢0.69 Sliced bacon: Pound // ¢0.59 Pork Roast: Pound // ¢0.39 Lamb: Pound // ¢0.59 Special meals can be created by the company manager. (EX: Doughnuts and coffee for $1) Other produce items can be asked for. Prices will be on request. --FORMS Uniform Guide: The company does not have an official company uniform. Farmers are free to wear clothing of their choice. Clerks and store employees are asked to wear simple dress shirts and suspenders. The dresscode is very lenient, but does have some restrictions, such as: -Armor and combat rigs are prohibited. -Handguns are allowed on the waist below. Rifles and shotguns have to be stored. -The company symbol must be visible on the uniform. Workers will have an armband around their biceps. -Aprons are prohibited. -T-shirts and other shirts with logos other than the company logo are not allowed. -Neon clothing is not allowed. -Athletic clothing is not allowed. -Trench coats are not allowed. Credit to SolidStreet and Captain_John.

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