#187730287Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:25 AM GMT

WillGaudet thinks LA is a State!!! He was not elected!! He is not 8 months old! KICK HIM OUT OF CONGRESS AND PUT LILWAYNE BACK! -Governor of New York
#187730294Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:25 AM GMT

Will stop lying. Your "Supporter" the current PPT, made you leave his/her office so he can fake evidence for you and not be called out for it. YET YOU STILL HAVE NO EVIDENCE. You are liar and once again, HHPrinceGeroge is corrupt.
#187730420Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:27 AM GMT

Just so everyone knows, HHPrinceGeorge and WillGaudet met in secret the other day with Intelcore member LordFrancisSmith. If I didn't know better, I'd say that WillGaudet is actually that Blizzard guy on an alt; I mean Blizzard was laughed out of NUSA, so it seems fitting that he'd come back on a different account and have HHPrince get him back in Congress. Anyway, the Department of Justice supports you, wayne. Synapsic, Attorney General of the United States
#187730453Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:27 AM GMT

#WayneForFP #WayneIsAImposter
#187730566Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:29 AM GMT

@Attorney General; Thank you. Hopefully the courts will see through this and find HHPrinceGeorge guilty of corruption, and kick WillGuadet out of Congress.
#187730666Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:30 AM GMT

An imposter, @Will. Learn to spell, Jesus. WillGaudet, you were not elected. You aren't old enough. You claim he "hacked" your account, but there is no "hacking" an account on Roblox; you can only kl or pg someone. Seriously, Will, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize you're a fraud. Lilwayne, you might want to contact AnimatedDannyo; he's the US Attorney for the Web, and he'd be happy to help with this issue. Synapsic, Attorney General of the United States
#187730906Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:34 AM GMT

Will sent me scs 7/11 was a part time job
#187731506Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:43 AM GMT

@sheldonPLANKTON You are so wrong, what you said about hacking only justifies the fact that you clearly know nothing about computers and how they work. 1. ANY system is hackable given time or resources (yes, even the pentagon, for example). 2. ROBLOX just says that can't be hacked because they get messages from people claiming to be hacked when in reality it's mostly theft or some scam. 3. While there might be a small minority of the population of ROBLOX that are hacked "by definition", ROBLOX, in my opinion, ignores these people. Any sign that they think their system can be hacked would cast instant doubt upon their executives. Bottom line: Don't believe everything you read online if it doesn't have a source and it's not common sense, especially if ROBLOX says it.
#187731664Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:45 AM GMT

WillGaudet is harassing me over Skype trying to get me to say I'm lilwayne so he can keep his job he obviously stole. LMAO. WillGuadet stop messaging me on Skype, I'm not gonna lie for you.
#187731941Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:49 AM GMT

@Synapsic I can't believe you think that too. Didn't you read about the Target or Apple cases? If those big companies can be hacked, surely a start-up like ROBLOX can be victim to an attack... right? There isn't anything special about ROBLOX security. They have no magic "anti-hacker button" that they push to make hackers go away. Hackers exist and, though it may be hard to actually hack ROBLOX, it's not impossible. ROBLOX will keep on patching vulnerabilities but hackers will always keep finding more bugs and errors. Any device with an OS can be hacked in some way. Even a car or a smart watch.
#187731997Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:50 AM GMT

@BenandSam: Have you ever been told you were an idiot?
#187732097Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:51 AM GMT

@Sheldon So if your saying a multi-million dollar company with better security can't be hacked, can you explain: Target hacking Sony hacking Apple phone break (FBI, recently) They are BILLION DOLLAR companies and they were hacked.
#187732128Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:52 AM GMT

"@Synapsic I can't believe you think that too. Didn't you read about the Target or Apple cases? If those big companies can be hacked, surely a start-up like ROBLOX can be victim to an attack... right? There isn't anything special about ROBLOX security. They have no magic "anti-hacker button" that they push to make hackers go away. Hackers exist and, though it may be hard to actually hack ROBLOX, it's not impossible. ROBLOX will keep on patching vulnerabilities but hackers will always keep finding more bugs and errors." Okay first of all I doubt this person would hack Lilwayne and not Nightgaladeld this is a 12 year olds game stop getting ahead of yourself idiot. People like Finalization can only get account through phishing and what not, thats about it and Will says he was hacked not phised, anyways even ROBLOX staff can confirm there is no way to get hacked on ROBLOX. Even if he got hacked he can claim his account back through his email but hes refusing to do so, meaning that this entire case is void and Lilwayne should be reappointed
#187732200Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:53 AM GMT

When you said that the pentagon was a system I literally pissed myself and you say I know nothing about computers, I doubt anonymous would just come and take Lilwaynes account and leave Nights account alone idiot.
#187732293Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:54 AM GMT

Calvin if you don't agree with me, I get it, you don't have enough info and your not an engineer, but what I'm saying is widely accepted. Look it up.
#187732507Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:56 AM GMT

Hacking is only a possibility if there is an access point to the data, and the data would be encrypted anyway. If someone stole data from Roblox servers (and I think it's been done), everything is hashed and encrypted, so it's useless. You couldn't get acct info from a data hack of their servers. The only conceivable way to lose an acct is through pg, "fishing," and kl. (trying not to get cd'd lol)
#187732567Wednesday, April 20, 2016 1:57 AM GMT

I don't know why you're arguing over this idiot, he can go on his email and reclaim his account however he is neglecting to do so, proving he is a fraud. He was elected and he has the ballot and signatures to prove it, however Will has absolutely no proof at hand. I don't think the FBI or anyone would hack Lilwaynes account a 12 year old kid on a USA ROBLOX group and leave other high officials accounts alone. You'd need to spend a fortune to download these softwares and what not, and seeing your logic is honestly pathetic. Stop please, thank you. - S.P
#187732828Wednesday, April 20, 2016 2:01 AM GMT

I don't even know why there is a case this is stupid as hell
#187733124Wednesday, April 20, 2016 2:05 AM GMT

Fine, I'll agree it's impossible for around the next 100 years to decipher the encryption. I meant manipulating the system into gaining access, and having the ability, then, to access the raw files. You must remember roblox is not end to end encryption, so they have the ability to decrypt anything on that server that's encrypted. And I'm not trying to be rude, I just want to share my opinion on it. You've made great points too.
#187733640Wednesday, April 20, 2016 2:13 AM GMT

WillGaudet is Haruun_Shadid, lmao.
#187733671Wednesday, April 20, 2016 2:13 AM GMT

I bet his brother Mohammed_Shadid is behind all of this.
#187754028Wednesday, April 20, 2016 3:39 PM GMT

When I was talking to him (Will) on skype he said that Calvin hacked his acc lol. He deleted the message before I could screenshot. I told him that he was Harrun and that his brother Mohammed was behind all of it and without me saying it, he knew his whole username. (Haruun_Shadid and Mohammed_Shadid) Seems somebody just got caught in a lie. I might also get a professional to trace the IP on Haruun and Will to see if they're the same. I had a friend do it and they were the same, but I don't know if what he used is credible.
#187756405Wednesday, April 20, 2016 4:43 PM GMT

WillGaudet is the fraud
#187763133Wednesday, April 20, 2016 7:32 PM GMT

Actually any website is hackable. Even the CIA got hacked once.
#187764863Wednesday, April 20, 2016 7:59 PM GMT

Support, kick this little kunt out for democracy's sake.