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#187824313Thursday, April 21, 2016 9:16 PM GMT

I hope you can all agree on what I said, stay active please. Even if we are passed around like a Syrian teen. I can give messages when my main gets unbanned, lighten claimed I'd hacked him with no proof to Rainway, he stormed out the group chat and we haven't heard from him. I'm more focuses on getting you guys back on you're feet and marching back to glory, I don't want to get anybody involved, I just want what I earned, lighten sold you out, I didn't sell you out I got forced on a join.me session to give it to this "poor man" who got h/\cked "Functionized" he's actually a sweet guy according to my friend, so I'll take his word for it, he believed lighten like rain until now, now they can't do anything and they gave BWE away to some power hungry wannabe "g/\ngst/\" who has no interest in clans just money. I put everything I had for you guys, as a former Enforcer-Gun Elites/RCL Division of BWE, I know what it's like to be passed around from leader to leader, and I'm very sorry that this happened to you, I apologise to all of you, stay active in BWE, even if I don't get the clan back, strive for the clan, not the leader. Once a wolf, always a wolf? The "co founder" claims John ruined BWE by online d/\ting, but Onur did this also, I call upon you all to be aware that BWE will rise to the top, we aren't going to die out like other clans, we aren't good alone, but together we can be the greatest we have ever been' people say we are trash, but inside. Inside our soul is what matters the most, If you have any further questions about what has happened to BWE, you may shoot me a PM, thank you for taking time to read this, Once a Wolf always a Wolf.
#187824484Thursday, April 21, 2016 9:18 PM GMT

#187824580Thursday, April 21, 2016 9:19 PM GMT

Blek welf empir
#187824735Thursday, April 21, 2016 9:22 PM GMT

#187825243Thursday, April 21, 2016 9:29 PM GMT

you arent shootingraw1 from VS are you? O_O "cool meanwhile im on laptop while intoxicatd bud napping nearby smelling likea ball sack and i dont know how to sneak back itno my hous" - wannabet 2k16 "godgdf damn yu shouldnt do take advntage of people like that id int consent to it" - wannabet 2k16 "gaanx no faces" -wannabet2k16
#187860324Friday, April 22, 2016 11:34 AM GMT

Fak you mate, talking bout Syrians has nothing to do with this but you include it here to make fun of us and them too. Imagine you're in the middle of a fakin war with no food nor home. I almost got killed in my country you cvnt, so stop making fun of this as it is serious. I bet you would cry like hell if you were Syrian, so get a life and quit hacking for power. We don't give a fak about who is the leader, we can still care about ourselves, so gtfo.
#187860506Friday, April 22, 2016 11:41 AM GMT


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