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#187825968Thursday, April 21, 2016 9:39 PM GMT

⊁▬ [DE] Decimated Empyrean: Recruitment Centre II Guidelines▬⊀ ⊁▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊀ ⊁▬ Table of Contents ▬⊀ 1) Introduction 2) Directory 3) Disclaimer ⊁▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊀ ⊁▬Introduction▬⊀ The following has been written to provide clarity in the proper use and effective function of the [DE] Decimated Empyrean Recruitment Centre. This document will attempt to explain what one should do at the recruitment centre and how to avoid any conflicts that may arise within a server. It is imperative to follow this to serve as a guidebook on the proper usage and management of the centre. The Recruitment Centre is a place open to anybody willing to learn about the Vaktovian Empire and its affiliates. People who are on the visiting team are not to be killed, unless posing a threat to the defense or effective conduct of [DE] Decimated Empyrean and DE forces, rules in the directory are breached, or if an Officer puts him on "KOS". The visitors do have an option to join the "Raiders" team. Those on the "Raiders" team are to be killed on sight, without hesitation. If a Raider wishes to speak, he may do so by switching to the Visitor team. ⊁▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊀ ⊁▬Directory▬⊀ ⊁▬Visitors▬⊀ Visitors attending the Recruitment Centre with any hateful or derogatory name against the Empire are likely to be harmed or harrassed during their stay at the facility. Infractions such as causing unruly disturbance or attempting to rile up members of the [DE] Decimated Empyrean will result in swift termination. While visiting the Recruitment Centre be aware of your surroundings. Keep in mind that raiders may be nearby and danger may be present. In order to make the protection of visitors as effective as possible, visitors should remain out of the way of [DE] Decimated Empyrean attending to the defense of the Recruitment Centre. If becoming "KOS" or being considered hostile towards [DE] Decimated Empyrean is not your priority, you should remember to not pass the red line that is warning you from crossing onto the elevator. Persistent attempts to gain access to the lift will result in major repercussions. Taunting or intentional disrespect to [DE] Decimated Empyrean and DE will not be tolerated. Most important of all, have fun and ask our members questions. Meeting [DE] Decimated Empyrean up front and using the time to learn about the Empire is what all visitors are encouraged to do. Keep in mind that Officers of the Empire are trained personnel with experience handling conflicts, who may not have time to deal with anything they find too unimportant for their attention. ⊁▬Penders▬⊀ Penders are to be in the Level One [DE] Decimated Empyrean Uniform. If they are on the pending team and are not in the correct uniform, they are to be warned, given a proper amount of time to change, and if they do not do so, they are to be shot on sight until they change it. Penders are to be respectful, and whilst you are in that uniform, you are representing [DE] Decimated Empyrean. You are to follow the same rules as the DE. Failure to abide by these simple regulations will result in your termination in the Entrance Program, and will increase the possibility of you being added to the recruitment BLACKLIST. ⊁▬Empyrean's▬⊀ [DE] Decimated Empyrean are to not to kill visitors on sight without them being "KOSed". Unless, said Visitor is being disrespectful, or purposely causing mischief. Though, if the Visitor is copying ones name in [DE] Decimated Empyrean/DE, or purposely disrespecting with his name, this visitor is to be killed on sight. [DE] Decimated Empyrean are representing [DE] Decimated Empyrean in a public game, You are to respect all individuals no matter who they are. If you are uncertain about orders, or if you're allowed to kill someone, ask before you do so. Prove [DE] Decimated Empyrean is superior by these simple ways. ⊁▬[DE] Decimated Empyrean▬⊀ [DE] Decimated Empyrean are also not allowed to kill visitors on sight without them being "KOSed", unless a visitor is being disrespectful, purposely causing mischief or impersonating another [DE] Decimated Empyrean. [DE] Decimated Empyrean are equipped with standard StA-54 rifle - this weaponry is restricted to INDOOR usage only, and use of the weapon must be used for appropriate reasons. These reasons being; 1. Your life is in danger, or others around you are in danger. 2. There is someone disobeying orders or being disrespectful/immature whilst being on-duty. 3. Enforcing the regulations/guidelines. 4. An individual is marked "KOS" 5. Uniform raiders. 6. Someone is disrespecting/insulting [DE] Decimated Empyrean, or [DE] Decimated Empyrean individuals. 7. A visitor crosses the red line restriction on the path to the elevator. 8. Someone is copying the name, or has an inappropriate reference to a Vaktovian Individual in their name. Though the weapon is typically restricted to indoor usage, you may only use it outside if there is an exploiter, or misbehaving Vaktovian personnel. Failure to abide to these regulations will result in you only being able to access the floor your spawn is on. If caught on the bottom floor, you will be killed on sight. ⊁▬Individuals marked "KoS"▬⊀ Those marked for "KOS" will have the word "KOS" atop their name, bolded and in red. These people are to be "Killed on Sight". The only reason you are not to kill them, is if an Officer is speaking to this individual. When that Officer is finished speaking to him, or kills him, then you will continue to eliminate him until the "KOS" is removed. If an Officer isn't present, and cannot put certain individuals on "KOS". Sergeant+ may claim these individuals to be "KOS". He must notify an Officer beforehand. Though if someone is wrongly put on "KOS", this Sergeant/Lieutenant will be punished. ⊁▬Exploiters▬⊀ Exploiters are automatically KoS. If you cannot kill or damage a exploiter, lagswitcher, glitcher you are to immediately contact the Obsidian Order or a Officer and to prepare to leave the facility. If the place is destroyed or there are obvious out of placed objects, or certain objects that should not be present, you are to leave immediately. ⊁▬The Ramp/Elevator▬⊀ Visitors are not allowed passed the line marked in Red, in front of the Elevator. This is to maintain security for the Offices and Throne Room above. If our Emperor, or Officers are on the second floor, they must trust you to have the first floor secured. Visitors may only be on the second floor if an Officer is speaking to that individual. Level ones are also not allowed on or near the second floor without an Officers permission. You are to kill any Visitor that crosses the red line. You are also not stand on the Red Line and lunge your sword over it. If there are more than 8 Visitors, a Vaktovian ranked Corporal+ may move the "Red-Line" in front of the elevator, to the next black line in front of that line. Though, if there a Higher-Ranking Vaktovian than this Corporal+ in the server, he is in-charge of the decision to move that line, Not the Corporal+.This is to have more space in-between the visitors, and the elevator; Preventing a genocide amongst our own people with our own weapons. ⊁▬Jail▬⊀ All [DE] Decimated Empyrean are authorised to use the prison cells as a means to contain Raiders who use the surrender tool and forfeit their weapons, or Visitors who are breaking the rules of the Recruitment Centre. Prison cells are not to be abused, and doing so can result in punishment to the individuals involved. ⊁▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊀ ⊁▬DISCLAIMER▬⊀ Keep in mind this guide is not permanent and may be subject to future edits. Refer to the [DE] Decimated Empyrean/DE Army Corps descriptions for the most recent version. The purpose of this thread is to inform on correct procedure while on duty at the Recruitment Centre. ⊁▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊀

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