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#187981681Sunday, April 24, 2016 5:11 AM GMT

DAY 1: 4/24/16, 3:17 AM Hey guys, so I've been hearing recent noises in my apartments and I'm wondering if I should investigate. It's been happening alot tonight. Weird crashes, so should I?
#187981805Sunday, April 24, 2016 5:15 AM GMT

(Im not sure how this works so I'm going to pretend it's a comment blog I guess) (2 new comments) User: CheetoGo Date Posted: 4/24/16 4:46 AM Most likely you put the dishes in badly and they fall in the cabinet. It happens to me. User: coolbro Omg is this gonna be paranormal activity!?! INVESTIGATE!
#187982601Sunday, April 24, 2016 5:36 AM GMT

3:23 AM 4/25/16 So I've taken the guts and courage and I decided to investigate, (check attatched image) and I found this. Someone had ransacked my apartment, but left this cardboard box. Do I open it? *attatchment here* 437-4/25/16.jpg (the image is just a kitchen table with the lights on with a blank cardboard box on)
#188040726Monday, April 25, 2016 1:08 AM GMT

(1 new comment) User: CheetoGo I followed this blog because I have a feeling this might be getting a little scary for you. But a cardboard box? It's probably some dumb kids pulling a prank. Happens in my neighborhood.

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