#188868196Monday, May 09, 2016 8:44 PM GMT

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" Bogo shouted to Corvo. Its not like Corvo would find anything. Aruke came from a world filled with war and poverty, and he and his sister were living right in the middle of the fighting. All that Aruke had in his possession is an old, dirty journal, a pen, and a pocketknife. A slightly burnt photograph was on the inside of the small journal. Aruke's clothes were weathered and dirty. His shirt had what appeared to be bullet holes in them. (Aruke will explain his scars and his damaged shirt later. Lets just say that he and Addie weren't the only people with powers in his original world.)
#188879568Monday, May 09, 2016 11:57 PM GMT

As Corvo searched Aruke, no one noticed the paling of his skin. Beneath his shirt, his veins started to darken. Behind his eyelids his eyes turned obsidian black. A disturbing aura radiated from him, slowly building until the other humans could feel it.
#188972728Wednesday, May 11, 2016 9:26 PM GMT

(OY. I posted. Respond please!)
#188973922Wednesday, May 11, 2016 9:51 PM GMT

Upon feeling the presence, Corvo would immediately blink away, all the items in hand. He turns to Bogo. "Two things." He'd start. "One your finest officers couldn't catch me if they tried," he's then point to the child. "Two, I believe we have a bigger problem at hand."
#188977717Wednesday, May 11, 2016 10:57 PM GMT

Aruke's eyes opened, and huge amounts of black fire burst out from him. They took the shape of a thin humanoid figure. The figure floated three feet above the teenager's slumped body. It looked up. It's eyes were a demonic red. "Well done, pathetic human. You did quite nicely, although you did interrupt my fun. He was fighting quite well until you went and shot him." the figure said with a deep, resonatin voice. He smiled with hideous black fangs. He held up his hand and a dark blue sphere appeared. Below him, Aruke's shard glowed weakly. Selena gasped as she pulled out a long wooden staff. "No way... Thats..." "Watch out! Ion, you get back!" Yuri shouted. He threw his sword's scabbard to the side. "You police get out of the way!" He looked to Corvo. "You fighting too?" he asked.
#188979817Wednesday, May 11, 2016 11:35 PM GMT

Name: SteelBlade654 Age: 3 since creation Memory Loss?: (Did being brought to this world damage or erase your memories) No Appearance: Steel wears the shock trooper helmet from the Catalog, the top being red instead of green. He wears the exact same armor my character is wearing, his armor being completely black. If weapons are allowed, Steel has a laser pistol. Personality: Steel is quiet. He is a trained agent of Robloxia, so he tends to not be seen by anything. He also sneaks around, making sure nothing is wrong. Shard: (explain your powers. If your human you have to have them. They dont need to be extremely useful in battle, they can be simple such as causing the wind to blow harder or making it rain at will. Essentially, do whatever you want within reason.) Steel can turn invisible for 10 seconds. Cooldown is 5 seconds. Or, invisible for 1 minute and cooldown for 30 seconds. Bio: (your backstory) Steel is an agent of Robloxia. He was deployed to an enemy planet, but he was suddenly teleported to the world, along with the ship deploying him. Steel knows he must find out what happened, as this has happened a few times to him, and the teleportations were always caused by a threat to Robloxia.
#188984980Thursday, May 12, 2016 1:05 AM GMT

(Accepted by PM?) (Do I need to be accepted in the thread?)
#188985114Thursday, May 12, 2016 1:07 AM GMT

(Yeah you're accepted)
#188985290Thursday, May 12, 2016 1:10 AM GMT

A drop pod crashes somewhere hidden, secretly. SteelBlade654 I've landed. I quietly sneak around. This appears to be a city. Hey, what is that sound? "Base, I'm hearing an unknown sound. I'm checking what that is." I sneak around, looking for the sound, hearing the drop pod go back to the ship I was deployed.
#189098581Saturday, May 14, 2016 7:49 AM GMT

Corvo would grin wickedly. He would pull his metal mask from his pocket, and place it upon his face. He cracks his neck. "I've fought worse, demon," he boasts, flipping out his sword and preparing a windblast.
#189125158Saturday, May 14, 2016 7:47 PM GMT

"We'll see!" the demon laughed. The monster held out his palm and shot a blast of dirty frost at the humans. The attack nearly struck them, but at the last moment Selena generated a shield of magic. "You two keep him occupied while I'm casting!" Selena shouted. A magic circle lit up beneath her feet and she started chanting. Her shard glowed brightly inside her chest.
#189125635Saturday, May 14, 2016 7:56 PM GMT

Steel I sneak up on the figure blasting 2 civilians. "Base, enemy detected. Attacking." I fire my laser pistol at the figure, then activating my shard to run in cover.
#189150623Sunday, May 15, 2016 3:11 AM GMT

The laser distracted the figure, and Yuri used this as an opening. Yuri charged at the figure and struck at it's back.
#189151815Sunday, May 15, 2016 3:32 AM GMT

Steel Still in cover. I run to another cover, firing my laser pistol at the figure while running. "Enemy is distracted."
#189291690Tuesday, May 17, 2016 8:39 PM GMT

(Oy, Tails, we're waiting on you. )
#189382492Thursday, May 19, 2016 3:43 PM GMT

Corvo would grin savagely underneath his mask before freezing time. He would draw one of his last few grenades and cook it, letting it go at he last moment before it would explode. It enters the frozen time and the fuse stops. Corvo fires a huge gust of wind at it so it would fly just in front of the face of the monstrosity. He grins again, panting heavily from the use of energy, before unfreezing time. The grenade explodes in a ball of shrapnel and clockwork in front of the creature's face. (Sorry for posting so late, GCSEs are a bugger.)
#189395082Thursday, May 19, 2016 9:09 PM GMT

Staying out of range, Yuri used Azure Edge on the figure. "Bah. Pesky flies!" The figure released a pulse of icy daggers. Selena finished her chant and pointed her staff at the enemy. Arrows of light spread out from its end and intercepted the icy daggers. On the sidelines, Ion's eyes widened and glowed brightly. He walked fowards toward the battle. "This battle... If that boy is struck... That demon will use his body as a source of energy. It will take the body as it's own and use his shard." Ion whispered. He collapsed.
#189398678Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:13 PM GMT

Steel "Enemy doesn't see me." I still keep shooting the figure when I hear Selena. "Uh oh, base, did you hear that?" I quickly turn invisible again.
#189403333Thursday, May 19, 2016 11:37 PM GMT

Ion's shard was still reading the future. "Strike the demon down with your Shard. Strike it's host, and the monster shall prevail." Ion's shard stopped. He struggled to his feet, and pulled out a tuning fork staff from his robe. "Selena, I'll fight too!" he shouted. The figure began to rush towards Ion.
#189403820Thursday, May 19, 2016 11:46 PM GMT

Steel I keep blasting the figure. "Base, enemy isn't surprised... this is bad."
#189409054Friday, May 20, 2016 1:14 AM GMT

(Your turn, Tails)
#189567799Sunday, May 22, 2016 7:25 PM GMT

(I might rewrite my CS a little. Just some backstory changes.)
#189674504Tuesday, May 24, 2016 8:42 PM GMT

(oy, hurry up and reply)
#189710919Wednesday, May 25, 2016 2:14 PM GMT

Corvo blinks into a nearby alley. He takes out a Pierro Spiritual Remedy and drinks it, rejuvenating his energy. It was his last unfortunately.
#189740980Thursday, May 26, 2016 12:58 AM GMT

Ion finished chanting. A large bolt of energy struck the demon in the chest. "This is... No!" The demon disappeared in an explosion of fire. (Big scene between the demon and another character coming up. Keep going if you want. If anyone wants to start this RP anew, tell me. We're not too far in yet.