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#188129978Tuesday, April 26, 2016 5:59 PM GMT

Information regarding Realistic Roleplay 2 As you may have or not known, about 3 weeks ago, your beloved city game called New Bloxton, also known as the exploiters playground as of 2016, we have been recently leaked. The two who leaked the game were NikePost, and Trey760. To answer questions, NO these nerds were not apart of the development team or the admin list, they are just hardcore fans who “leaked” the game because we refuse to give them admin and they wanted to see how it would feel. As this event almost brought tears to my eyes, all my hard work has been destroyed, thus made me temporarily abandon “Fallout: ROBLOX” and return to Realistic Roleplay. At this point, since map is leaked, I decided to completely remake your beloved Realistic Roleplay. With this new project comes new rules, aswell as a QA. Questions regarding the Map. Well as stated above, yes I am making a new map, after 1 year experience of scripting and 8 years of building I think I found my perfect zone. Especially with ROBLOX new union feature, this allows for ALOT of optimization. Therefore, you can expect a BIGGER map with less lag and the same amount or slightly less detail. The PD will be ALOT better than the last and there will be more home options. Rather you are living in the projects, apartments, houses, or even condos, that all depends on your wealth, which will lead to my next topic, wealth. Questions regarding economy. Veterans who played the old RRP know it is extremely easy to make billions in just one day, rather you spam buy the loan developer products or you use the stock market, or you even asked a wealthier friend to donate their millions. Well with the new Realistic Roleplay, wealth will be harder to come by. Basically, “the harder you work, the fatter the check”. This will remove instant billionaire status, and will actually create a base of wealthiness, making it worth bragging about your money. Remember those words, there will be a variety of jobs, ranging from the bottom like a cashier or janitor, to jobs that require education such as Doctors, Firefighters or even entrepreneurs such as business/company owners. You live your life, and the ideas are up to the community! Another thing I will be adding as stated above are paychecks. Every inGame day, towards sundown, you will receive a paycheck. Depending on your occupation is how much you will receive, the more you work that job, bonus money will be added to the paycheck. Those who are naturally unemployed will receive an average $50 per day, which is enough to pay for food and other items if you save up. The way you purchase cars will also be altered, cars will range from 32,000-200,000+. The cheapest being the worst and the most trashiest while the expensive is being the most luxurious and fastest. Yes these cars WILL save, and it's only a one time purchase, and you will be able to sell your vehicles. This system will enforce the use of public transportation, giving people who drive taxi cabs a way to actually make a living. Finally, banks will still be available to heist, though banks will also serve a bigger purpose. You can no longer deposit in ATM’s only withdraw. You must go to a bank or small banking stations located in some corner stores to deposit. Questions regarding Factions/Weapons Earlier, RRP was literally nothing but ro-banging and shooting while less of an actual “RolePlay” server. As an experiment around early September, before the big exploits, I removed guns for a day to see how people would react. The results actually were pretty good, instead of people shooting eachother, they came together and just relax and Roleplay. Therefore ONLY official factions may have access to weapons. THOUGH each faction has a LIMITED supply per hour. This supply will increase as the faction increases. (Not in numbers, but in Roleplay value). If a faction is known for good Roleplay, and very little RK, they will be trusted with using weapons, and better ones. Newer official factions will start with pistols, and as they progress they will lead into bigger and better weapons such as SMG’s and assault rifles. If your faction has a turf and becomes official, we will give you a weapon crate, which sells weapons to the members, yes they may sell the weapons, but keep in mind that they have a supply, so if the player sells all their factions guns for money, they won't have any to defend themselves, so be aware of that. Everyone would love to have a big faction, but sometimes that isn't good enough, notice this game isn't about big factions, it's about Roleplay. So no matter how many you recruit, you will NOT get good weapons until you are a known ROLEPLAYING faction. Also keep in mind it is not recommended to recruit anybody, because if one new guy in your faction takes all the guns and leave you defenseless for an hour, you are going to be mad. It is recommended you Roleplay recruit people into factions, and you recruit only trustworthy players that you know will not give your factions penalty strikes. As stated for penalty strikes, if a faction is reported for massive Random Killing, they will receive one penalty strike. This traces back to what I said earlier, “ONLY RECRUIT TRUSTED PLAYERS!”. I cannot stress on how if you go massive recruiting and some noob gets a hold of a gun and breaks the rules, giving your faction penalties. There will be a 3 strike rule, 3 strikes and your faction will lose its official status. You may attempt to remake a group and try again, though just don't put yourself in the situation by recruiting everyone possible. This goes for existing factions of RRP. It's suggested you go for a fresh start or make sure you exile the lower ranked people to ensure trusted players only. How to get your faction official? As of 4-26-16, there will be a pre-order on factions, this means faction turfs will be half off until 2 weeks after alpha release. Available and purchasable turfs can be found with a sign outside saying turfs for sale. Basically same thing as RRP original. ****THOSE IN NBPD WILL NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT GUN SUPPLIES SINCE THE PD IS FUNDED BY THE CITY AND THE PLAYERS WILL BE TRUSTWORTHY AND CONTROLLED BY ADMINS**** If you want to have a weapon but you do not want to join a faction, or you are in the process of making a faction, don't worry, you can still buy weapons from official factions. FAQ Q. Will the old admins from rrp be admins in rrp? Yes every last one. Q. Where there be craftables still? Yes there will. In fact there will be more stuff to craft. Q. Can I have admin? No. Q. Will there be a more in depth guide? Yes on release I will explain more on the rules. Q. Will you bring back ScarH and M4? No, after realizing those are MILITARY weapons, it is highly unrealistic to see a thug walking around with USAF grade weaponry. (Idk how many times I answered this question lol) Q. Will we even get new guns? Yes, but do not expect to see military weapons like scar, m4, but you will see a wider variety of SMG’s, Pistols, and Revolvers aswell as possibly customizable guns in the future. Q. Can we get weapon permits? I am not sure yet but I might bring those back. Any feedback and suggestions post them below. More information will come soon.
#188130433Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:11 PM GMT

Add a Military? I'd love to see this happen.
#188130454Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:12 PM GMT

- BA Lt General & SAS Brigade Commander
#188131425Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:37 PM GMT

Marcus add a option to put a bounty on someone or mug someone! :D And add C4 sticky bomb, taster E-14 (i think that is the name of the taser on here), and please add a option where you can call 911 for medics,police, fire and rescue. ps* if you do add fire and rescue option can i be the chief of the fire department. I would like if if you do add it! :D
#188131619Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:41 PM GMT

Oh sorry for asking this but can you bring a UZI, saw-off shotgun, and a option to put a bandanna on the gun. Thanks bro i really love your games. p.s and add a vote kick option so if there an hacker/eplodier*** so we can kick them pps ***= i dont know how to spell that word. :D
#188131670Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:42 PM GMT

Why would you have a bandanna on a gun?
#188131749Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:43 PM GMT

:D hello: Because its like a gang thing. add a option so we can have stocks assest when we die and 1 gun when we die!
#188131790Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:44 PM GMT

i gtg to 4th period in class i talk to you later when i get out of high school!
#188131849Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:45 PM GMT

Can you make STOCKS alot harder so that little kids can't just come over and look at numbers? Instead make them read the graphs and make the percentages random. Also, could you fix the weapons? Weapons are pretty boring and easy to use. FPS Gun system with high high recoil perhaps? If you team up with Stylis Studios they will probably supply you with gun models.
#188132026Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:49 PM GMT

Wait will the game still allowed to have wars in the game and what if innocent people are there they might get shot
#188132137Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:52 PM GMT

Well it is crossfire so I guess it's not intended RK
#188132384Tuesday, April 26, 2016 6:57 PM GMT

will everyone get there money back?
#188133243Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:15 PM GMT

It's not RK it's miss fire but it's recommended to have a justified reason before you go off shooting somebody. And yes there will be wars still, and finally no you will not be able to use your old money nor will you be able to use old gamepasses
#188135889Tuesday, April 26, 2016 8:05 PM GMT

will you add melee weapons like bat or knife.and will my friend thath lost admin by scritp problem get his admin back?
#188135963Tuesday, April 26, 2016 8:07 PM GMT

#188136753Tuesday, April 26, 2016 8:22 PM GMT

Wow dude Dont go to far there... A C4? That will probrably cause 1% More rk than there is on rrp now, But the option of calling 911 will with a good idea... Perhaps if theres no cops in the game... m
#188136815Tuesday, April 26, 2016 8:23 PM GMT

@Jaylanlilley12 m
#188137308Tuesday, April 26, 2016 8:32 PM GMT

Will the NBPD from the original RRP be added to this one?
#188137850Tuesday, April 26, 2016 8:41 PM GMT

What if your faction sells to someone and they RK with the guns u sold Do they get the blame?
#188143089Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:09 PM GMT

Q: Will money be given back A: No, sorry due to alot of money from exploiters. It will be 10 times harder to make money now. Sorry man :(
#188143122Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:10 PM GMT

Q: What if your faction sells to someone and they RK with the guns u sold Do they get the blame? A: No, you would get blamed for rking, punished.
#188143197Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:11 PM GMT

A: More realistic no guns, mostly melee weapons from now on.
#188144290Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:29 PM GMT

LIke: brass knuckles, Taser/ stun gun, and baseball bats, and knife the ones that u hit them in the gut, and some annimation** like lipping** :D ps ** means i dont know how to spell that word ;-;
#188144675Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:36 PM GMT

#188144912Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:40 PM GMT

A - Will the NBPD be reformed? A - Will lawyers have a purpose now? A - Will all bans be reset? (Unless your an exploiter, etc)

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