#188279758Friday, April 29, 2016 5:15 PM GMT

@Jascha What? No, they didn't. Tix were absolutely irrelevant to devs other than running ads with. I devex monthly, and the only things that matter are Robux.
#188280164Friday, April 29, 2016 5:25 PM GMT

@Kinnis97 I wouldn't waste your time on Rose tbh. It's like trying to teach Evolution to an Evangelist.
#188280202Friday, April 29, 2016 5:25 PM GMT

*On this thread. RIP.
#188280383Friday, April 29, 2016 5:30 PM GMT

"Tix were worthless and nobody is going to go bankrupt over it." Holy crap a moderator said this?!
#188280495Friday, April 29, 2016 5:33 PM GMT

"Holy crap a moderator said this?!" What's the big deal?
#188280646Friday, April 29, 2016 5:37 PM GMT

@spray He wasn't talking to me. Please re-evaluate your life if you're going to be so hostile.
#188281438Friday, April 29, 2016 5:59 PM GMT

" Please re-evaluate your life if you're going to be so hostile. " Wasn't even being hostile. lol.
#188281672Friday, April 29, 2016 6:06 PM GMT

if all NBC quit the only thing roblox will be losing is ad money thats it
#188281834Friday, April 29, 2016 6:10 PM GMT

'Ad money' counts for a lot, you know.
#188282923Friday, April 29, 2016 6:47 PM GMT

no we pay more so yeah ads make very little thats why they really dont care about NBC as much as BC and above
#188285770Friday, April 29, 2016 8:01 PM GMT

@spray You essentially called me stupid; which is an insult; which is hostile. You haven't even attempted to refute my last argument so I assume you realise I'm right but can't swallow your pride? Fair enough, it's a common case on the Internet.
#188286547Friday, April 29, 2016 8:17 PM GMT

"You essentially called me stupid" I didn't actually. Are you calling religion stupid? That's offensive. (Hope y'all know that it's alright to believe what you want to :) ) I made that point to symbolize that it's difficult to change the mind of someone already so taken by their own beliefs. "You haven't even attempted to refute my last argument" Sorry what was it again? lol "can't swallow your pride?" I have no pride because I'm currently playing a kids game with a virtual persona. lol.
#188863192Monday, May 09, 2016 6:58 PM GMT

wow the people crying over this make me sick, you complain no matter what, tix are not needed to play roblox and that's that, and if you want to play dress-up's and roleplay go to RHS and use the free wardrobe.
#188867156Monday, May 09, 2016 8:26 PM GMT

@Everyone saying that tix were worthless Tix meant a lot of things to NBC'ers. But, it wasn't because tix were worthless at all, it was because of inflation that it was removed. As a 08'er, I realized that every time Roblox became more popular, I noticed a few changes like the price floor which was a part of inflation and now tix removal. Roblox is going to a state where they have to pull of extreme measures of change to cope with the amount of players joining Roblox thus causing inflation. Yup, it's all about that inflation, check here: R+://408626329
#188870868Monday, May 09, 2016 9:34 PM GMT

@ people calling roblox greedy i doubt that you would be saying that if you had a multi-million dollar company which has to pay a very substantial amount to host hundreds of thousands of servers for people to play on, even profiles need to be stored somewhere, so really roblox removing tix wasn't roblox being greedy it was roblox trying to increase profits which go back into employment and into hosting of servers for people to play on.
#188871046Monday, May 09, 2016 9:36 PM GMT

thankyou @Kinnis for explaining to this begging NBC'er worthless tickets were and how they should get over it mayonnaise is my gender
#188890058Tuesday, May 10, 2016 2:38 AM GMT

It's also not like anyones going to miss you after you leave.
#188890216Tuesday, May 10, 2016 2:42 AM GMT

@Kinnis So you're telling me that the tens of thousands of tickets top developers got from their place visits daily and converted to R$ wasn't important to the DevEx at all? ... Don't mind me I'm just trying to confirm lel.
#188892101Tuesday, May 10, 2016 3:21 AM GMT

@Kinnis "Tix were absolutely irrelevant to devs other than running ads with. I devex monthly, and the only things that matter are Robux." All your places are severely unpopular which means that you rely on your OBC income, trade, clothes (All of which are BC exlcusives) to run devex. Basically you aren't even using the only feature NBC's have to earn money. How do you have the gall to make generalizations about NBC when clearly you don't know what it's like?
#188897164Tuesday, May 10, 2016 5:43 AM GMT

@kinnis no president of forums +394k posts
#188899868Tuesday, May 10, 2016 8:25 AM GMT

it used to be 13:1 then it moved up to 17:1
#188899879Tuesday, May 10, 2016 8:27 AM GMT

@rose it is pretty obvious that they wont make a daily reward bonus of robux, otherwise anyone could buy anything if they played for a long time
#188902658Tuesday, May 10, 2016 12:01 PM GMT

@Kinnis i dont give a damn if you ban for this, but lets get one thing straight here you dumb ass: 04-28-2016 11:11 AM "The ratio to tix to Robux was like 13:1, that's worthless. The only purpose tix had at this point was running ads." Forum Moderator Joined: 21 Feb 2010 Total Posts: 1658 ROBLOX Admins 04-28-2016 11:12 AM "In reality the only thing you're against is the fact you don't get that fraction of a single Robux every day. A new system that can award free Robux will come in the future." YOU may of not needed tix, but did you ever to think of OTHERS before YOUR OWN GOD DAMN SELF?? NBCer's USED TIX TO ACTUALLY CUSTOMIZE THEIR AVATARS!, so you can shut your damn mouth cause you dont know EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF WHO USED TIX!, I AM ONE OF MANY WHO USED TIX!, YOU SAYING THAT THEY ARE USELESS, WORTHLESS AND POINTLESS, PISSED ME OFF, YOU ARE ACTING JUST LIKE THE GREEDY ASS BCer's WHO DONT GIVE A SHT ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT THEIRSELF! JUST BECAUSE YOU HAD NO NEED FOR TIX, DOES NOT MEAN OTHERS DIDNT HAVE REASONS FOR THEM, USE YOUR FREAKING HEAD FOR ONCE!!
#188903236Tuesday, May 10, 2016 12:29 PM GMT

Just so we understand each other more Kinnis: I had BC for a month, but what gave me my most profits was my old place from 2010. After keeping it open it got 25k visits. I eventually closed it down because it was amateur and I didn't feel like revamping it so I just kept it crappy. But those tickets were my main source of profit because I could turn them into R$. And when my BC expired they were still an important source of profit for me. And that's only 25k visits, not even 10 visits daily. Imagine a top developer who gets thousands of visits and thousands of tickets daily from people, that they then convert into R$. Those tens and thousands of tickets were what allowed them to make $1,000 and more off the DevEx. You probably rely too much on your OBC for DevEx profits which is why you couldn't understand the usefulness of tickets, which is why you consider them useless, but think about people from my perspective who didn't have BC that long and gained income from place visits. There's all kinds of people who made R$ in all kinds of different ways on ROBLOX. Don't be so closeminded. You're a mod, for Christ's sake. You're supposed to be more open-minded than US.
#188903525Tuesday, May 10, 2016 12:43 PM GMT

You noobs might not realize this but this isn't just for NBCs, but for this whole game to stay alive! Removing tixs causes harm for this game in the long run. Word of mouth spreads fast, and the simple notion that ROBLOX now is offically a "pay to get anything" game, Numbers are gonna start tanking in a few years. Want to know why? Players AGE! And turns out, you can't keep a kid's game alive with players that are all adults. TIX had new players stay with ROBLOX and possibly paying for BC cause they love the game. Now with TIX gone, what is the point to staying as a new player? Sure you can play a few games and get some free hats and clothes, but the more cooler items are locked behind robux, so what's the point? This is cause and effect 101, you cut off free currency, you cut off free player retention, you cut off potential customers, and with veteran players leaving the game, who do you have to replace them? Oh, before you say that ROBLOX would add free prizes and robux to achieve in the future, riddle me this, do you really think ROBLOX would end up doing that?