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#188643957Friday, May 06, 2016 12:00 AM GMT

[ In this RP you'll create your own civilization. Right now I'm debating whether or not I should accept more than 4 people. There will be more than 4 civilizations (e.g. "NPC" civilizations) but there will only be 4 player-run civilizations for now. The only thing that's different between this and other civilization RPs is that there will be an actual plot and players will be forced to take one side or the other. First come first serve. ] ---------- [ MUST READ ; Guidelines ; MUST READ ] Everyone starts with 10 citizens, including themselves. You will be placed in a random terrain, but all of the terrains are linked together in one world, so you may encounter other civilizations. You will have complete control over your civilizations. However, I will determine the outcome of your actions/decisions. Put the word 'Golden' in parentheses after the name of your civilization if you read this. Keep in mind that this RP may get fairly complicated. Time will pass rather quickly, but it will only pass once each player-run civilization has made their move for the day. (This does not mean each player gets 1 post per day. Each player will have their own thread and will be able to do several actions during the day. The thing is the days will not advance until every player has responded.) ---------- [ Civilization Creation Sheet ] Civilization Name: Citizen Description: (Describe their race [can be made up, just describe their appearances in detail if it is] especially) Ruler Name: [In other words, your character's name] Terrain Preference: [Mountains, plains, coastal, desert, etc. Does not guarantee this terrain]
#188644036Friday, May 06, 2016 12:02 AM GMT

(I claim one of the places and I'll write my CS after school.)
#188644693Friday, May 06, 2016 12:12 AM GMT

Aight sounds good
#188644849Friday, May 06, 2016 12:15 AM GMT

Can the races have any advantages/disadvantages or are you looking for humans with only minor deviations?
#188644991Friday, May 06, 2016 12:17 AM GMT

[@Insidious; After you make your civilization I'm going to give every person like 10 points for example, with stuff like Extra Strong Citizens costing like 4 points and stuff that are weaknesses like Slower Research giving +3 points and stuff like that. So later you'll be able to add advantages/disadvantages depending on how you want your civilization to run.]
#188645901Friday, May 06, 2016 12:34 AM GMT

May I reserve a spot? This is birm by the way.
#188646678Friday, May 06, 2016 12:49 AM GMT

#188646736Friday, May 06, 2016 12:50 AM GMT

yo ill reserve a spot sign me up
#188647023Friday, May 06, 2016 12:55 AM GMT

I probably didn't get to this fast enough, but if I did, reserve me a spot good sir.
#188647102Friday, May 06, 2016 12:56 AM GMT

i think youre just in time my man
#188647152Friday, May 06, 2016 12:57 AM GMT

[Only 3 spots were actually reserved before you LNG, so you're the last one]
#188647236Friday, May 06, 2016 12:59 AM GMT

you should put a timer on these reservations say like 3 days if you dont send in a sheet by then you can reclaim that spot
#188647266Friday, May 06, 2016 12:59 AM GMT

Excellent. I shall craft up my CS and post it presently.
#188647686Friday, May 06, 2016 1:07 AM GMT

[ Civilization Creation Sheet ] Civilization Name: The Grunk (Golden) Citizen Description: The Grunk are orange beasts, about 3 feet tall on average when fully grown, and have hooves instead of feet, like a rhino or something of the like. Their faces are pretty average, much like a human's, but the eyes are more sunken in and the mouth is a bit wider. Their nose is flat, just slits in their face, like a snake or Voldemort. The Grunk are completely hairless. Their leader wears a small crown of the materials the others have gathered, so it's usually made of dried grasses and branches, but uncommonly there have been copper and gold crowns. Ruler Name: Ranko [like raincoat but without the 't'] Terrain Preference: Desert [Its hard to build a race, I could add more if you want more, in the mean time ill be fleshing out the idea of The Grunk]
#188661154Friday, May 06, 2016 8:17 AM GMT

(I'll forfeit mine so that there's now an available spot.)
#188667162Friday, May 06, 2016 1:59 PM GMT

Uh, okay? Bye tim. It would have been good to have someone with your experience participating. The choice of having mostly humans and contact with insect people I can recruit into my group, or being all insect people that I create myself, is a hard one indeed...
#188681747Friday, May 06, 2016 8:29 PM GMT

Civilization Name: The Orks Citizen Description: Orks are green-skinned and red-blooded, a side effect of their symbiotic physiological and genetic relationship with fungi. Orkoid physique itself is so robust that it can withstand tremendous punishment. Orks feel surprisingly little pain, even from the most grievous of wounds, enabling them to fight on whilst horrifically injured and even for a short while after being technically dead. It is most fortunate for the Orks that they can withstand such brutal physical punishment, since their Painboyz operate on a generally nineteenth-century level of surgical knowledge; unlike humans, though, Orks are quite capable of being beheaded, having the head sewn onto a different body, and surviving the experience to fight again. The Ork Hierarchy is very 'might is right' orientated. As Orks grow throughout their lives, they go higher up in the hierarchy, eventually becoming 'Nobz' (Ork slang for Nobles) and depending on if they survive long enough, they could become a Warboss. An Oddboy is an Ork who is born with specific information programmed into his DNA that is released into his mind as he reaches maturity. Oddboyz specialise in doing those tasks other than fighting that most other Orks cannot do, although a standard Ork's genetically encoded knowledge allows him to at least keep his weapons in working order. Often there are competitions between individual Oddboyz to see who can make the most Orky item, whether it is biological or technological in nature. There are several different types of Oddboy, collectively called the Oddboyz. Some of these different types of Oddboyz include: ◾Painboyz - (also known as "Mad Doks" or "Doks") ◾Herdas ◾Mekboyz - (also known as "Mekaniaks" or just "Meks") ◾Pigdoks ◾Runtherds - (also known as Slavers) ◾Weirdboyz - (including Warpheads, the Ork psykers) Ruler Name: Grimskull Wazdakka Terrain Preference: Literally anywhere where there are things to kill. Credit to the Warhammer 40,000 wiki, as I was lazy and just copy pasted most of this info, apart from the second paragraph off of there.
#188683726Friday, May 06, 2016 9:07 PM GMT

[this'll be fun, but it'll be annoying sometimes waiting for people to post since timezones. might've been a little better to post this during the summer, but oh well] [ Civilization Creation Sheet ] Civilization Name: The Uros State(GOLDEN) Citizen Description: Legends tell of beasts of white skin and red eyes, monstrities that drag away unknowing animals and sometimes even people into lands where no one has ever returned alive. Tales tell of lands where animals constantly live in fear, watching their surroundings closely, chewing on plants and smaller animals, sometimes even their own. The Lerim people are very tall and lean humanoid creatures with skin that is whiter than snow. All of them have red or brown eyes, and have small horns the size of a human male's pinkie finger. They typically have large hands, feet, and ears. They have long, sharp claws and teeth, particularly fangs. Ruler Name: Terrota Terrain Preference: Tundra this is a siggy. i am unoriginal so it is a siggy.
#188683843Friday, May 06, 2016 9:09 PM GMT

[damn, I made mine a blank slate on purpose for those research points or whatever reading these CSes like "i wanted to do something like that"]
#188686359Friday, May 06, 2016 9:54 PM GMT

[ All accepted except Tails so far ]
#188695753Saturday, May 07, 2016 12:45 AM GMT

#188708484Saturday, May 07, 2016 4:53 AM GMT

#188708924Saturday, May 07, 2016 5:04 AM GMT

(Welp, I lost my original CS when my house lost power today. So frigg it, I'll just write up an insect race BECAUSE I CAN.) [ Civilization Creation Sheet ] Civilization Name: Sandstorm Slavers Citizen Description: The Lokthum are an insect race that dwells beneath the sands, emerging mostly to find food or to flee if a disaster is impending. They are surprisingly tall creatures, with four thin and agile arms and equally thin and agile legs. When needed, they can scuttle across on all six, but prefer to stand up straight at around seven feet, with a sort-of naturally armored torso facing a foe rather than easily targeted fragile legs. Their "skin" as it is is a tannish brown, blending in with the desert that they live in. Just from a distance, they don't appear human at all. But what really shocks many people is their faces. Compounded eyes, perhaps smaller than one would expect but larger than human eyes, observe every surrounding, the compound effect barely noticeable save for the lack of a pupil. A nose is nonexistent, instead absorbing smells through tiny pores in their carapace. But humans are most often freaked out by the mouth, which can neither smile nor frown, simply opening and closing, the middle going up and down with the rest following in a curved V-shape. Inside, a couple dozen independently moving, jointed finger-like appendages click and clatter inside to both crush and cut food, and also allowing the Lokthum to produce language. To most, their native language is simply gibberish, but they can learn to speak the language of the humans, albeit in a very click-ey, strange-sounding voice. And of course, any human looking at their mouth will be amazed at how they produce such a sound. Lokthum are normally very private people, existing in their small groups and tribes out in the desert, living off the land. But some have found a very lucrative living as raiders and slavers, thanks to their natural agility and saliva which acts similarly to if someone got *very* drunk, slowing down the brain and tiring the muscles far faster if injected into the blood, often by way of spear, which the Lokthum raiders use a lot. It also allows the Lokthum to stay out of range of swords and hammers, any of which could easily cut or crush their fragile limbs. If things do get to close quarters combat, the Lokthum will use their second pair of arms to wield small shields and light slicing weapons such as daggers or kukris, which allow them to glance blows off and target weak spots in places an opponent would not expect. Lokthum are terrible archers, however, because locating one target with their compound eyes and pulling a bow string with enough force is a task they usually cannot master. While many say that Lokthum raiders are evil and out for themselves alone, they will willingly band with humans and others who wish to share in their efforts and spoils, after gaining their trust. This means that the larger Lokthum raiding and slaving groups will often have a member of another race act as an adviser and sometimes personally handle slaves, to give them a sense of reassurance that the large, scary insects will not eat them. In the Sandstorm Slavers group, there are six Lokthum, one human, and three slaves of various species(you can choose). Ruler Name: Slavelord Tishero Terrain Preference: Desert
#188711867Saturday, May 07, 2016 6:54 AM GMT

I must ask, what have I done wrong?
#188712838Saturday, May 07, 2016 8:04 AM GMT

Reminds me of warcraft...

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