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#188873632Monday, May 09, 2016 10:17 PM GMT

If you have any suggestions or bugs to report, please post them here. The game: https://www.roblox.com/games/270759743/Horse-Valley-ALPHA --- Some of the suggestions so far: -Cross country race. This is being worked on. The idea is that every 2 minutes will be race, then cross country, and then other games/events I can think of. -Dressage. One friend suggested this, not sure how to implement that into the game though. Ideas are welcome. -Same friend suggested 'Stamina', that depleted overtime when you gallop, but regenerates when you rest or move slower. Thoughts? -Whip. Same friend. Will be one of your tools, use it to boost your horse for a short period, but it will lower the stamina. Thoughts? -Barrel Racing. I already made one for the swiftness training arena. But I assume people want a competition/event version of it? -Houses. I would like to hear more details about this suggestion. Do you just want a house you can decorate like in most other games, or do you want the house that has something to do with horses? -Breeding. Many people have suggested this, but I think it's against Roblox's rules and guidelines. -Wolves spawn at night and you have to avoid them. I really liked this idea, would certainly add more gameplay to Horse Valley. I'd like to hear more feedback from you and develop this idea. -More quests, horses and tacks. This is of course being worked on. Quest and breed ideas are very welcome. -Western saddles. Will be done. If you'd like to suggest something else, please be as detailed as possible with what you want. --- Some bugs I'm aware of: - Hit the Targets stuck at "Game in Progress". I have now removed this event/game/competition. Bugs aside, people didn't seem to enjoy it. - The "Hunger/Thirst/Groom" GUI doesn't show up. I need more details on when this happens and if it happens in all servers you join. And do other bugs appear with this bug, like your money bar/text doesn't change even though it says +$10? - The money text doesn't change. See above. Does it appear with other bugs? Does your stats change when you train your horse? - Lag at Race finish line. It seems to only happen to some people. Question: Does it only lag when you cross the finish line or do you lag when others cross it too? If you'd like to report another bug, please tell me: 1. How and when it happened, how to recreate it 2. How to recreate it. 3. If it happens to other servers you join. If not, what was different? If yes, does it happen to everyone in the server?
#188877599Monday, May 09, 2016 11:22 PM GMT

Make it a group game, More chance of getting more actice players, getting to fron page, etc..
#188879472Monday, May 09, 2016 11:56 PM GMT

^This new bag its not me...
#188879970Tuesday, May 10, 2016 12:04 AM GMT

ok....so let me just get this straight dude,i love this game SirMing but...could you like maybe not make a gamepass for something like renaming your horse??? plz reply....
#188880610Tuesday, May 10, 2016 12:15 AM GMT

I agree with most of these. But if the wolves do happen, you should be able to close the stall door. And in the VIP room you can get food from the tins or boxes. Or. idk the name. Ok. Now. The foals, (not saying the real word) Yes. This should happen. But with your own horses or other horses, meaning the other horses (starter,others) should come in different colours. But there should be a cutscreen but just saying that you horse has had a foal, but you have to wait for a minute (In real time) or two. Bugs: My friend has bad time to control her horse and her stats are the same as mine.. It happened on most servers. We have not had one that does not do this. I dont know what else to say (recreate it). So that is it!
#188880707Tuesday, May 10, 2016 12:17 AM GMT

(Please add bucking and rearing to be in, I forgot to add this in)
#188898305Tuesday, May 10, 2016 6:37 AM GMT

Please add something called "Lying down" like make it so at night your horse lies down in the stall, or maybe when you put it in the pasture it roams? idk.
#188899729Tuesday, May 10, 2016 8:11 AM GMT

I don't think adding Breeding would be against Roblox violations, there are many games where you can breed animals/creatures (For instance, a lot of dragon care Roblox games has breeding).
#188903348Tuesday, May 10, 2016 12:34 PM GMT

is there a way to stop being able to bump someone back if they are coming up the side of you, ive lost before simply because i was slightly faster than them so every time i got close they would bump me back
#188903421Tuesday, May 10, 2016 12:37 PM GMT

I remember a while ago you free modeled your horse and let the community have a copy xd
#188903454Tuesday, May 10, 2016 12:39 PM GMT

I hope you get good luck with this game... I just donated to the rename pass as I will not play the game, but I am generous!
#188904739Tuesday, May 10, 2016 1:45 PM GMT

i think you should add breeding as it will be fun for all players to create baby horses. I also think you should definetly add wolves for the night because it causes the game not to be so boring and with some thriller and surprise. houses are also a good idea but not s good as the wolf and breeding ideas. I think if you were to add houses it wuld be cool to visit your friends houses and see how they decorated it. another suggestion would be to add a mall.
#188904759Tuesday, May 10, 2016 1:46 PM GMT

I also think you should add a big mall with many clothes in it. this would be a good idea as most people love to personalize their character.
#188907249Tuesday, May 10, 2016 3:39 PM GMT

Make a puddle of water and put in a random places.A good idea as most of people need to give their horse some water but their thirst was pretty low that they couldn't go in there (the well) in time...
#188907291Tuesday, May 10, 2016 3:41 PM GMT

Definitely add breeding. That would be awesome, and certainly not in violation of ROBLOX rules (unless of course you added detail to the process, which really isn't needed.) Also, I think some more trails and areas to explore would be nice. The cabin is like the only random place you can explore currently. It would be great to have more cool places to ride your horse on like that though! good game so far :) I look forward to seeing it progress!!! :D
#188907746Tuesday, May 10, 2016 3:59 PM GMT

@EDW the renaming pass is here to stay. Wouldn't be fair for those who bought. Most RPG games don't allow renaming either. @lizzie Bucking and rearing will be added. Just haven't found time for animating as I'm focusing on gameplay and fixing the bugs atm. But yeah it will be definitely be added :) @Box_Kitten same as above. @Pokemon I see. @hibye I tried to remove collision between horses but there weren't an easy way (very hacky and situational). @Captian I think you got me confused with somebody else? And thank you :) @vibha I agree. Wolves would definitely add some more suspense to the game. Harrison's Saddlery will be bigger as more clothes and stuff are added in. Not sure if a modern mall fit the game's theme though. @seann569 I'll probably add more wells. @sugahbunny Yeah many people have suggested exploration. The only way I can see it happen is if I split the game into different place, to avoid lag, where you "teleport" to different exploration areas. I'll see what I can do in the future, I'm not that good at building/making scenaries. @breeding To all of you suggesting breeding, how would it work? Do you have like a gui for each horse, and then you press "Breed" and then select another horse. And then that horse "Accepts"? And a foal pops out? And then the foal ages and increase in size overtime? But which player gets the foal? What about crossbreds? The biggest problem I see with this is that you would have to make every single combination of horses.
#188909864Tuesday, May 10, 2016 5:00 PM GMT

for breeding yo should add a button where we can send someone the request if we can breed and then if they accept it, we would be able to have a baby horse. It would be interesting if you can add like 2 extra days after the horse breeding is done for the horse to actually be born. but honestly if you cant do this its fine but make sure to put out new horses! im looking forward to see these new updates. i agree with you that the mall will not match the theme so making the one store bigger is perfectly fine. but make sure you add the wolves that would be super fun. thanks you soo much for replying to my comments! i love your game :)
#188920886Tuesday, May 10, 2016 9:19 PM GMT

The game looks amazing so far! Some suggestions are; 1.)Press enter to skip text (for daily quests, purchasing items,etc. 2.)For dressage you could make it where you press an arrow key at a certain time (if that makes any sense?? 3.)Maybe Riding clubs/groups where you can invite friends? 4.)Wash stalls to bathe your horse? This could be if your horse's grooming is extremely down! Maybe charge H$10 for each use? 5.)Different foods for your horse. Apples, hay, sugar cube, etc. They could be different prices and each have different levels of effectiveness. Whatever you decide to add, i'm sure it will be great (: Keep up the great work<3
#188923618Tuesday, May 10, 2016 10:05 PM GMT

*for the breeding part i think we should be able to get two horses and one parent gets to keep one horse and one for another. so that if the parents are apart we still get to be with one small horse. for the part of the baby horse growing i don't think it should grow too quickly maybe it should level up. as for the mixed breeding. i think you should just put the opposite horse for each other. for example: if i have the american paint and my friend has the Arabian she would get a mini version of the american paint and i would get a mini version of Arabian horse. this way it would be diverse and cute. I think you should go with my idea because it is easier for you and everyone will still love it. *About the houses. i think we should be able to store food and water so we can just go to the house which is close by so we don't have to walk all the way to the well and the city. i hope you get a chance to read and understand my comment! i really love your game! I hope you add the new horses and clothes i will be looking forward to them. my friend (@chicksweet) and I wrote a lot to make this game advanced so please check out her comment too it would be awesome. once again i appreciate you soo much and i really hope you see this :)
#188923740Tuesday, May 10, 2016 10:07 PM GMT

For breeding, you could either have you breed with your own horses, or breed with other peoples' horses. Maybe for breeding with other people, there could be a button where you send a breed request, it should require being a certain level though. For breeding your own horses, you could go to your stall and click your name. In the list of your horses, there could be a button that says breed, and you select two horses to breed. Suggestions: There should be a dog in the shop, witch can fetch water for you to make your life easier, this should also be expensive. For houses, you should be able to decorate it and store food in it, it should also have a sink to give you water. More fashonable clothing would be nice, espeically for the girls. Maybe trophies/ribbons after winning a race to decorate your house? Milk bottles for baby horses Apple trees that you can plant in your yard to prevent having to buy carrots? At night, we should have to put baby horses to sleep at night
#188935849Wednesday, May 11, 2016 1:23 AM GMT

For dressage events, maybe people push certain keys [up down, left, right] shown on screen. Like a guitar Hero thing. The more accurate your timing is on pressing the keys, the more points you get. If you don't push the right buttons / mess up, your horse stumbles or something ! And to add to your list of glitches, this may not be a glitch but you can brush your horse while riding it? I don't think that's something someone could do effectively...
#188945206Wednesday, May 11, 2016 4:29 AM GMT

ibox4000 It is really good, but there should be wolves that come out at night and try to eat your horse and you can only take refuge in the abandoned houses. V Agreed ibox4000 made this and i agreed
#188952385Wednesday, May 11, 2016 12:29 PM GMT

New horse breeds pls, like a mustang or the shetland pony. Or Lipizzaner, :3
#188955651Wednesday, May 11, 2016 2:50 PM GMT

I agree, we should have foals, but we have to be a certain level to get them. And also, to wait a while after you have had a foal. AAAND c: we need atleast have 2 horses to get them. Also, maybe have genders, so it's not weird? :P
#188955826Wednesday, May 11, 2016 2:55 PM GMT

Alsoooooo, the mother would be unable to ride until the foal grows up.

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