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#189045916Friday, May 13, 2016 6:34 AM GMT

[Zone Troopers and Raiders] Troopers and Raiders can accompany eachother to make a dangerous hunting party. Both Troopers and Raiders are the basic infantry unit of the Zone Operations Command, and can weild Railguns for Troopers, and Sonic Launchers or a Sonic Blaster for Raiders. In the middle of a fight, Raiders can use their sonics to weaken someone or knock them out of commission without killing them; they take the KO'd ones into custody and for either interrogation or research on the species. Two Troopers and a Raider can win against a group of supernaturals due to the concussion of a Raider's sonic launcher which can cause an Area of Effect concussion and ear drum rupture on all targets in the area, then the Troopers can finish them off or take them to custody. [Zone Juggernaut] Juggernauts are the tanks, the ones who absorb the most amount of damage, in the ZOCOM branch. These guys can run in headfirst without automatically dying within one minute and can take a HUGE beating while beating people up with their massively increased strength. They have a Portable Shield which can shield all nearby allies around him/her, blocking projectiles except for energy sources such as lasers, plasma, particle beams, etc. [Zone Lancers] Lancers are basically marksmen with their portable particle stand and particle beam cannons. They can snipe people from a building's roof while being able to withstand some sources of damage, so no worries. Otherwise, if they wanna go out and fight, go ahead and burn some supernaturals, but they'd be slow to dodge things. [The Archangels] Archangels are the might of the Zone Operations Command, and can dive in headfirst into a battle and be alright. Archangels can fly around freely and use their swords and particle beams to annihilate anyone in midair or on the ground. Archangels have a sonic beam installed in their power armor's left hand, while the right is the particle beam; the sonics go at 160 Hz, and the particle beam is weaker from the Lancer beam. Their swords can also fire throw out ranged plasma fire with Hellfire Module, but only temporarily, as Hellfire Module will drain the battery life significantly. {Ascendant} - Ascendant has a more powerful particle beam and has the Burning Eyes. His suit has more strength and endurance, with a lot more agility, and keeping versatility. Ascendant has high skill in energy weapons, as it can form a small plasma barrier to keep projectiles out of his way, and only his way; it can form numerous amount of tricks with plasma and particle beams as ZOCOM doesn't use lasers all that much. {Warrior} - Warrior can choose to use a sword and shield, or a particle spear. His sword is the same sword, but his shield uses plasma as first defense, until it depletes of battery life, then the shield has a somewhat significant decrease in defense. His special spear can fire a focused particle beam, which does even more damage than a Lancer's Particle Beam Cannon, or a spray fire beam, in which his targeting HUD will target anything of interest and fire at all of them, which is a less powerful particle beam, but gets the job done quick. He has the Glowing Visor and wears a side cape on his right shoulder, hanging down to show his superiority. He also has massively increased agility and strength, but endurance stays the same. {Hellfire} - Hellfire can use 20mm MG on his back, which fires out incindiary rounds at his enemies, but decreases his agility. Without the 20mm, he has normal Holy Armor and jet boots. Hellfire also has a bracer on both forearms, which are both plasma flamethrowers. His Sword glows orange instead of blue and he has the ability to use Heat Wave, which blasts an Area of Effect plasma fire burst to burn anything on or around him; useful for making breathing room.
#189046919Friday, May 13, 2016 7:30 AM GMT

PEW PEW here, have a scᎥence booᏦ
#189096822Saturday, May 14, 2016 6:19 AM GMT

#190783221Thursday, June 09, 2016 5:45 AM GMT

NEW UNIT: SPECTRAs - Stealth, Precision, Endurance and Tactically Radical Assassins; this was the result from the researching and autopsy of a female shapeshifter. Although troops are unable to actually turn from human into animals, we can remake the technology. A SPECTRAs blade is especially sharpened by plasma as the blade can cut through a lamp post or the bar's walls; the other unique thing about the blades are that they are attached to the bracer (forearm) of the uniform and armor itself, basically, it's two hidden blades on each forearm. Once the target is selected and either stabbed or sliced, the SPECTRA uses the person's DNA to look exactly like them and form into the intended target. SPECTRAs also use a cloaking device that is basically self-explanatory, they go invisible. They wear a short, special trench coat going down to their lower thighs, a hood, a metallic mask with a breathing system, and the ability to read the DNA of a target's blood and disguise themselves as whatever. Their armor is actually their clothing as it is made from buckypaper, and if you don't know what it is, it's basically a very thin material, but is 500x stronger than steel; their forearms have bracers with a PDA on them, as well as the human disguising blades, an a choice to use metallic rope darts or not. SPECTRAs also receive both augmentations to make them stronger and is the only unit (AS OF NOW) to not use power armor. SPECTRAs other weapons are plasma pistols that basically shoot and sounds like the Ray Gun Mark 2 from Black Ops 2 zombies (tbh they sound awesome as hell) and look like the Plasma Pistol from XCOM Enemy Unknown.

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