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#189179303Sunday, May 15, 2016 4:40 PM GMT

In today's segment, "Is It Worth it?" We will have some topics on Week 1. We are joined with the God Him self, Rodriquex. Devin: How are ya Rod? Rod: Good, thank you. Devin: So, as we start off, our first topic will be about the veteran, jonjames. Is he REALLY worth it for SKC? Rod: Many will argue about this because it's only been Week 1. Yes, he is worth it for SKC at the moment. Why? I mean the guy is a vet, he can score and...... Well. Anyhow the guy still needs to learn how to pass and learn some respect. Devin: Last topic for today is the other vet Obbert, he did poor in yesterday's match, it seemed impossible for him to get past the defense. We asked the coach earlier, bookface, here was his response. Book's Audio: "Yes. He is a fantastic player and we will be looking to build a team around him." Devin: So Rod, is he worth it? Rod: Like I've said its only been week one. For now like Jon James, he is worth it for DC United right now. He is also a vet which will absolutely help out DCU. Like bookface said that they are trying to rebuild a team around him does sound scary but for now he is worth it. Devin: Hahaha alright, thank you Rod and we will see you on the next segment of "Is it worth It?" Rod: Thank you.
#189179336Sunday, May 15, 2016 4:40 PM GMT

should of been in spanish !
#189179377Sunday, May 15, 2016 4:41 PM GMT

Next question for Rod... Will BPP get a contract offer #ripBPP #signBPP
#189179474Sunday, May 15, 2016 4:42 PM GMT

you should do a radio talk show "kobe from bloxville you are on" "am i on?" "yes" "butts"-hangs up-
#189179489Sunday, May 15, 2016 4:43 PM GMT

That's a very good question BPP, will use that one soon Kobe, I don't feel people enjoy the Spanish part lol
#189179527Sunday, May 15, 2016 4:43 PM GMT

uve been pranked called
#189185943Sunday, May 15, 2016 6:16 PM GMT

Fat bump

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