#189295426Tuesday, May 17, 2016 9:45 PM GMT

#189302472Tuesday, May 17, 2016 11:40 PM GMT

Can we start now?
#189302514Tuesday, May 17, 2016 11:41 PM GMT

Hold own, I need to get my squad. Ignorance is the worst disease any forumer can have. Do not follow the ways of it.
#189304455Wednesday, May 18, 2016 12:14 AM GMT

#189305346Wednesday, May 18, 2016 12:31 AM GMT

Can we still signup?
#189307212Wednesday, May 18, 2016 1:03 AM GMT

#189307335Wednesday, May 18, 2016 1:04 AM GMT

Also peram, we have 8 CS's.
#189314080Wednesday, May 18, 2016 3:00 AM GMT

Name: Alexander Gregory Cellia Gender: Male Age: 32 Appearance: Alexander is 5ft 3in, and weighs 167 lbs. He has green eyes, with blond, smooth hair. His face is bulky at the end, and has a huge chin. Alexander's skin is white, but is slowly flaking. Operative Weapons: -Type-30A4 HoloShotgun -Supressor -Fast Mags -Range-extender -Remington Revolver Mk.10 -Red-dot Sight -Extended Mags Ability/Powers: -Nature's Call: Alexander is able to manipulate Grass and Rock. This is pretty much a combination of Rock Manipulation, and Grass Manipulation. He can do many things, as well. {Landslide}: Alexander puts both hands to the ground, and causes many boulders to fall in random places. If any enemy is hit, the suffer major damage along with a stun for 12 minutes. The ability has a cooldown of 15 minutes. {Vine Snare}: Alexander summons multiple vines to trap his enemies. If any enemy is hit, it is snared for 9 minutes. The vines are breakable, but they are very hard to break. The vines last for 55 meters and after that a 13 minute cooldown is implied. {Nature's Grace}: Alexander points his palm at an ally, then puts his other palm at the middle of his other arm. A green helix surrounds the ally and he his healed. Heals enemies, but does NOT revive the ally. A 20 minute cooldown follows. {Rockify}: Alexander puts 2 hands on the place where his heart is. Following that, he is solidified in rock. The armour is breakable, but it takes a long time. He cna break the armour, dealing moderate damage, but he won't get any more armour until 30 minutes later. Weakness: -Alexander's Rockify has a 30 minute cooldown, when it breaks, so he is vulnerable to being damaged. He can't move during the move as well. Faction: ALT Sub-faction: Werewolf Corps Bio: Alexander was born, his family having a massive crisis, which lead to war between the family. He was sent to a refugee camp after the war killed all of family. He got invited for Werewolf Corps because they thought he was worthy. He failed the first test, but hearing the the Corps needed new units for the recent Crisis, he passed the training and meet Benson, which invited him in the Iceage Squad. Others/Extra: Not needed. AMSU Callsign/Codename: Iceage 02 AMSU Variant: AMSU Mk.1: RAIDER Custom Modules: -Serial Number 007 Enhanced Strength Module Mk.2: A Serial Number 005 but does not have a manuverability draw back, at the cost of only giving 10% strength, instead of 14%. -Type-200 Spike Launcher -Type-215 Plasma Cannon: Alexander got this from the stock. The cannon can deal a lot of damage to Leviathans. The weapon takes a long time to charge, and causes the device to overheat if over used. Can be shot pre charge for less damage. AMSU Weapons: -Type-102A1 HoloHAC -Type-110A1 HoloPistol Assistant AI Name: Wind Modified Stats Maneuverability: 40% Defense: 25% Strength: 45% Height: 73 meters Mass: 45,000 tons Maximum Speed (Outer Space): Mach 25 Maximum Speed (Planetary/Land): Mach 0.9 Appearance: Alexander's AMSU is altered as the strength system is amplified. The AMSU has a sleeker body and is green with sky blue at the top, along with brown at the bottom. Not much has ben changed otherwise. Ignorance is the worst disease any forumer can have. Do not follow the ways of it.
#189314134Wednesday, May 18, 2016 3:01 AM GMT

Name: Carter Jackson Williams Gender: Male Age: 28 Appearance: Carter is sleek and we'll fit for his age. He has a chiseled chest with lean muscles. He weighs just over 190 pounds, and is 6 foot 3. He has a skinny nose that appears long from the side. He has a blowoutafro with the tips of his hair dyed a light brown, almost tan. His skin is also tan, having a white father and black mother. His eyes are a great wonder being light hazel. They were mutated at birth, putting them misplaced along his other traits. His mouth is curled to a snarl almost all the time to fit his uneasy going personality. He lastly has a large wolf tattoo placed on the right side of his neck to show loyalty to his sub-faction. The wolf shows its mouth open with sharp teeth and tongue hanging out. It's eyes are a blood red, and it's mouth seems to form an evil like grin. Operative Weapons: - Type-68A3 HoloLMG 1) Laser Sight 2) Fast Mags 3) Grip - Remington Revolver Mk.10 1) Fast Mags 2) Extended Mags Ability/Powers: -Enchanced Speed/ Sense of his surrounds 1) Pursuit - He has a short burst of speed which only lasts several minutes. In this his agility also increases alowing him to evade obstacles and such while in combat. 2) Rapid Attack - With this he can simultaneously do much damage to his prey or whoever he is attacking extremely fast. He uses this with any gun or sword. 3) Insessence - Literally meaning relentless this is what he can fix in his opponent. He does not slow down to any attacks caused by him for a period of time, and his attacks increase in damage the more he is attacked. 4) Wolf Sense - This is his 6th sense you can say. Here his other senses are increased, with a 6th addition. The wolf sense gives him feel of his environment, enabling him to be alert of any threats near him. Weakness(s): The Wolf sense tends to dull out logicall reasoning and such. He cannot think as smart as he normally can, and acts more brash. Pursuit also is a big power drainer if he fails to catch his opponent. It also decreases his damage intake, so if he was to get viciously attack while in pursuit, it would hurt him greatly. Faction: ATL Sub-faction: Werewolf Corps Bio (optional): Carter lived a comfortable life midst the homes of a New Krona. He had loving parents and his childhood was mainly tales told by his father. They were tales of creatures that stalked the night, and were the top predators of the world. Carter loved the tales his father told him. He always wanted to know what the animals in the stories were. Then his father and mother died in the Leviathan attack. His father's last words were "Put your trust in the wolves, my son". With anger in his blood he seemed revenge on the Leviathan. He put his anger in to the training to get into the Werewolf corps. He passed with the powers of the wolf helping him along. His father's words drive him on his missions, and he hops to put an end to the Leviathan Crisis. Others/Extra AMSUS CS Callsign/Codename: Alpha-00 AMSU Variant: Mk. 1 Raider Custom Modules: -Type-190 Photon-Blade -Type-200 Photon-Claws These 6 mini blades attach to the fists of Alpha-00. 3 for each fist, they act as hand to hand aids. They are useful for a certain time until they have to be replaced. When they have been used to fulfill capacity they simply fall of the fists of Alpha-00. AMSU Weapons: -Primary Type-103A1 HoloCannon -Secondary Type-112A1 AutoPistol Assistant AI Name: Prometheus Modified Stats: Maneuverability: 40% Defense: 25% Strength: 35% Height: 73 meters Mass: 45,000 tons Maximum Speed (Outer Space): Mach 25 Maximum Speed (Planetary/Land): Mach 0.9 Appearance: The primary color of Alpha-00 is black. The secondary is grey. Along the chests are grey claw marks that fade to the sides of what would be the rib cage. On the shoulders of Alpha-00 are large white two front canine teeth. One on the right shoulder and one on the left. The arms are black with white claws marks on the fingers. The legs do the same. The head replicates the mouth of a wolf, with teeth encircling it. The back has the letter A where instead of the tips of the A are fangs.
#189327810Wednesday, May 18, 2016 2:16 PM GMT

*Update* Other: Carter leads a group of pilots which go by the WolfPack. It is a group is 4 including him and each pilot has a different duty/specialized power. Carter is called by Alpha-00 or Alpha. The next pilot is Justin. He specializes in the brute force of the group, and is Carter's right hand man. He goes by Omega-00 or Omega. The third pilot is Winston. He's sort of like the brains of the group, and head of battle strategy. He draws up plans and is the one who is behind the things the Pack does. He goes by Beta-00. The fourth member is Connor and he is the newest member of the Pack. He mainly assists Winston in certain things, and is only called for backup. He goes by Gamma-00. *Addition* Appearance: On Alpha's leg is the holder of the Photon Blade it posses. It has two holsters for both his primary and secondary weapons. Extra Photon Claws are set in a pouch near the photon blade. The body of Alpha is built to be slightly smaller than the normal Raider body. The body is mostly sleek, with the head showing the eyes of a wolf at the top. They are colored a light hazel. The fingers of Alpha are sharper than a normal Raider, and contain inserted Photon Claws. The head is built a little skinner than normal to match its body. Its arms are still bulky at where would be its biceps. The sleek design but strong inner capacity and strength gives Alpha the ability to be able to chase his prey and have strength to kill it.
#189338728Wednesday, May 18, 2016 7:39 PM GMT

Main Character CS Name: Annabel Crand(Goes by the name Javelin, the same as her AI) Gender: Female Age: 22 Appearance: Annabel has a pretty intimidating form, possibly owing to her powers. She stands at an intimidating 6’3, and was muscular before going through training. She has jet-black hair tied into a neat bun at the back, and eyes with a more intimidating stare than Jurin does. Everything is business, as she dresses light but ready, with everything from her weapons, to a flare gun, to a medkit and grenades, useless as they might be against Leviathans. Operative Weapons: HoloSniper[Fast Mags, Suppressor, Range-extender], Revolver Mk. 10[Laser Sight, Suppressor]. Ability/Powers: Predator 1: Vital Point Targeting: Javelin can see where a specific type of attack will deal the most damage. For example, the long-range precision of a sniper rifle versus the hard hitting closer-range revolver, will deal much more damage to different points. Naturally, in the AMSU this can be devastating against Leviathans. 2: Hunter: Javelin can lose conscious control over her own reflexes for a short time, letting some natural instinct take over. This instinct interacts with Vital Point Targeting to let her deal devastating damage exactly where and when needed, moving faster and more viciously than she could. These Hunter reflexes are a kind of separate mind that Javelin can turn on and off at will, but while it’s on cannot control and can only barely influence. 3: Preternatural Senses: In essence, an automatic defensive mechanism of Hunter. When Javelin is in danger, she can sense it before it happens, though not where or how it will occur. She will only know when she is in danger, and when she is not. This ability is amplified when Hunter is active, to the point of being able to know what exactly the threat is and when it is coming, however, but she will not be able to actively control the response and the Hunter reflexes may respond by attempting to take out the threat before it attacks. This may result in catastrophic failure and possible injury if that does not succeed. 4: Beast: Javelin can sacrifice control entirely to “unleash the beast”. “The Beast” changes her physically and is a separate consciousness similar to Hunter. Specifically, she gains massively increased muscle, bone, and tissue density, making her extremely strong and tough. She increases in size by some as well, adding to her already somewhat imposing height and becoming much bulkier. The changes take several seconds, and after activating immediately start decaying, though much more slowly. Javelin herself can be counted as unconscious while the beast is in control, and this new thing will be purely on the attack. It has little concept of friend and foe, and will pretty much start attacking anything that it perceives as a threat. Fortunately, since the rest of GLADIUS squad has seen this before and knows what’s happening, they’re careful to not target her. After the changes fully decay back to Javelin’s normal form, she will be unconscious for a few more hours afterwards. In her AMSU, activating this channels excess thruster energy into the strength and shield capacitors, slowing the AMSU down while increasing its ability to resist attacks and deliver punches. Weaknesses: 1: Javelin has no control over her body while in Hunter and Beast modes. They are more basic entities that exist solely to kill things, and she could accidentally target and attack an ally if the Hunter or Beast consciousnesses perceive it as a threat. 2: Beast cannot Sync. Either it does not know how, or it is completely unable to. It also cannot access Jurin’s Neural Network, again, either it does not know how or is completely unable to do so. Javelin herself is unconscious while the Beast is active, but when Hunter is active Javelin can still communicate through the network because her conscious mind is still awake and alert. 3: The Beast is confused about AMSUs. When Javelin transforms while in her AMSU, the Beast retains control of it and keeps powering the generator, but seems to realize that naturally it is a tiny fraction of the size of a Leviathan. When it first emerges, it may suddenly target other AMSUs and Leviathans alike, being confused, or be paralyzed for a minute or two. It exhibits a repeated response on all occasions, leading to the conclusion that it has only a short term memory at best, or loses all memory when it decays and Javelin regains control of her body. Faction: Anti-Leviathan Taskforce Sub-faction: Werewolf Corps Bio: Too lazy to write bio for NPCs. Others/Extra: NPC in GLADIUS squad. AMSU CS: Callsign GLADIUS-02 AMSU Variant: BANSHEE Custom Modules: AI Connection: The Javelin AI will relay the information from Vital Point Targeting to the other members of the squad. It also gives status updates on when Javelin is in Hunter or Beast mode, and when she is in control of her own body. Switchbox: Auxiliary capacitors in the arms, legs, and torso allow thruster energy to be transferred to those, decreasing maneuverability in exchange for increasing strength and defense by some for a period of time. As Javelin is a sniper, she will usually stay at range except when using Beast, during which this will be used. Cluster Missile Launchers AMSU Weapons: HoloRanger, AutoPistol. Assistant AI Name: Javelin Modified Stats: Maneuverability: 60% Defense: 10% Strength: 20% Height: 74 meters Mass: 35,000 tons + X from weapons and modules Maximum Speed (Outer Space): Mach 35 Maximum Speed (Planetary/Land): Mach 1.2 Appearance: GLADIUS-02 has been left much the same, as a brand-new AMSU with only time for light cosmetic decoration. For now, it has been painted green, stripes of various shades running diagonally across it. Main Character CS Name: Alev Karish (Goes by the name Shield, same as his AI, among his squadmates) Gender: Male Age: 21 Appearance: Alev isn’t tough to deal with, but is as military as any of the others of GLADIUS squad. He is of a more moderate build and height, and dresses in a loose uniform. He has a welcome and open face, and when off duty will engage in conversation with people he doesn’t or barely knows about any topic. Operative Weapons: HoloRifle[Grip, Extended Mags, Fast Mags], Revolver[Laser Sight, Suppressor] Ability/Powers: Molding 1: Gargoyle: Shield can transform his body and his gear into any material he’s touching. While transformed he is still conscious and can sense his surroundings, but cannot move. When he transforms into a liquid such as water, that water flows out and acts as water usually does, but flows back and reforms when he wants to come back together. When in the AMSU, it will also transform except for the power core, which cannot be transformed due to its nature of drawing on the Silentian powers. While using Gargoyle, he looks like little more than a statue, which can be as detailed as he wants, from basic “humanoid statue without a face” to “medusa seems to have turned someone into stone with every detail perfectly preserved”. This also allows him to blend perfectly into his surroundings. 2: Copycat: Shield can make mirror images of himself nearby out of the materials nearby. They can move independently and look like him(or his AMSU), and they can even use a mimicked gun if he has one. However, they do very little damage and will collapse in just one hit. 3: Stone Tomb: Shield can cause any nearby hard material, such as rocks or steel, to cover an enemy. This restricts movement, and leaves no air holes. If he concentrates on it, he can continually reapply it so that the target will have a much harder time breaking free, if it can at all. 4: FIssure: Shield can cause holes to open up in the ground by making the material move away from it. The range of this is even more limited than his other abilities, and he needs to be very near to move a little of it, and touching it to move more. This is easier with liquids like water. Weaknesses: 1: While using Gargoyle, Shield cannot interact with the world and is vulnerable. He is harder to destroy, but if his statue gets chipped or something, it will cause injury. 2: Shield needs to be able to see whatever materials he is manipulating. For example, if he is touching the ground but that ground is hidden by water, he will not be able to use it for Gargoyle or Copycat. 3: Obviously, in space his powers are more or less useless, unless whatever they’re fighting happens to ram a spaceship. Faction: Anti-Leviathan Taskforce Sub-faction: Werewolf Corps Bio: Still lazy. Others/Extra: NPC in GLADIUS squad. AMSU CS: Callsign GLADIUS-03 AMSU Variant: RAIDER Custom Modules: Enhanced Ballistics Plates, Grappling Hook, Railgun Mounts. AMSU Weapons: HoloCannon, AutoPistol Assistant AI Name: Shield Modified Stats: Maneuverability: 30% Defense: 35% Strength: 35% Height: 73 meters Mass: 45,000 tons + X from weapons and modules Maximum Speed (Outer Space): Mach 25 Maximum Speed (Planetary/Land): Mach 0.9 Appearance: This AMSU is fairly old, but has been modified and upgraded to keep up with the squad of newer BANSHEEs. In accordance with its name, it has several semi-detached armor plates on the torso and arms which can be used as shields against attacks, and if that armor is penetrated the regular armor will provide the protection needed for armor components. It has been painted a dull, steel grey, with dull, metal yellow streaks around the waist and shoulders. Main Character CS Name: John Tinem (Goes by Dart, same as his AI, among his squad mates) Gender: Male. Age: 22 Appearance: Operative Weapons: HoloShotgun[Laser Sight, Grip, Fast-Mags], AutoPistol[Extended Mags, Range-extender] Ability/Powers: Short-range teleport 1: Blink: Dart can teleport anywhere nearby that he can visualize in his mind. If he would teleport into an object, he automatically corrects and teleports to the nearest edge. After a few seconds, he automatically teleports back to the position he started in. 2: Mirage: Dart teleports to many places nearby within an eyeblink. This leaves a shimmery image that can serve to confuse opponents. The images cannot move and will disappear if something moves through them. 3: Stepping Stones: Dart will Blink rapidly, but does not jump back to where he started, instead traveling in a route. He will Blink, then stay where he emerged for exactly 1.4 seconds, during which he can turn and/or shoot, and then he will blink forward. This will repeat until he decides to stop, but use for too long will tire him quickly. 4: Timeout: Dart disappears for about half a second. He reappears exactly where he was after that half second has passed, though to the side or back if something occupies the spot he was in. Weaknesses: 1: Using Blink or Stepping Stones too much will tire Dart. At first it isn’t much, but the tiredness factor increases exponentially, meaning he could even pass out if it becomes too much. 2: If he has to “sidestep” something after reappearing from a Blink or Timeout, he cannot control where exactly he will come out. 3: After using Timeout, Dart gets dizzy for a few seconds after re-emerging. This can cause temporary problems with balance and weapon accuracy, among others. Faction: Anti-Leviathan Taskforce Sub-faction: Werewolf Corps Bio: I might give them something as we go along, if they survive. Others/Extra: NPC in GLADIUS squad. AMSU CS: Callsign GLADIUS-04 AMSU Variant: BANSHEE Custom Modules: Enhanced Strength Module, Cluster Missile Launchers, Photon Blade AMSU Weapons: HoloScatter, AutoPistol Assistant AI Name: Dart Modified Stats: Maneuverability: 60% Defense: 0% Strength: 34% Height: 74 meters Mass: 35,000 tons + X from weapons and modules Maximum Speed (Outer Space): Mach 35 Maximum Speed (Planetary/Land): Mach 1.2 Appearance: Like GLADIUS-02, GLADIUS-04 is a very new AMSU. It has been painted black with white horizontal stripes running across the torso. So yeah, a couple of custom modules for GLADIUS-02, but none for the others. Hopefully the powers balance out, and once again these people are FREE to kill if the narrative warrants it. These folks here and my character Jurin are all very young, Jurin is only their senior by one or two classes and none have a ton of experience in the field.
#189340136Wednesday, May 18, 2016 8:10 PM GMT

(LNG, very impressive CSs. Accepted) (otrip, you might want to revise your AMSU weapons and Bio. I think you confused Operative Weapons for AMSU Weapons. Also, this is for everyone, if your character is part of the Werewolf Corps, your bio needs to reflect that you are part of the Aequalis Federation, not planets part of the New Union. The Werewolf Corps is a Aequalis Federation military branch, while the Phoenix Division is a New Union military branch) (otrip, otherwise, good CS. Accepted)
#189340781Wednesday, May 18, 2016 8:23 PM GMT

(Perm I think I got my weapons correct, just double checked. And about the bio thanks. I won't rewrite the bip cause im lazy af, but I'll take that info into consent during the rp.
#189341266Wednesday, May 18, 2016 8:33 PM GMT

(Nvm) *Update* Bio: Carter grew up a ruthless individual. He was raised by parents who were in the military. During the Leviathan Crisis, his parents were sent off to combat the creatures. Little did he know they were both silentians, and died fighting a Leviathan. He used the anger he felt from their deaths to enter the Werewolf Corps. He discovered his Wolf powers and used them to help him pass and graduate the corps. Right now he leads missions with his four man squadron called the WolfPack. He continues the legacy his parents left
#189341411Wednesday, May 18, 2016 8:36 PM GMT

Hah, I just realized I forgot to make an appearance for Dart. Is that required?
#189341767Wednesday, May 18, 2016 8:43 PM GMT

(appearance is needed. also, everyone, please type within parentheses when OoC typing)
#189345162Wednesday, May 18, 2016 9:44 PM GMT

(May we begin?)
#189345897Wednesday, May 18, 2016 9:55 PM GMT

(I think there are two more people that wanted to make CSs. Wait for them for now)
#189346870Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:08 PM GMT

(May I spectate for now?)
#189348172Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:26 PM GMT

(not really interested Gear? eh, why not spectate when we start up the 1st ARC?)
#189348762Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:34 PM GMT

(Perm do we all work together to defeat the Leviathans?
#189353534Wednesday, May 18, 2016 11:48 PM GMT

(pretty much, yeah)
#189354442Thursday, May 19, 2016 12:01 AM GMT

(Also what is this ARC?)
#189375463Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:43 AM GMT

( Question, can a character not be part of a squad? )
#189377188Thursday, May 19, 2016 12:07 PM GMT

(Mine isn't, I think.)