#202973835Tuesday, November 29, 2016 1:53 AM GMT

THOMAS Thomas had, at this point, confirmed that he was ready for the battle, all systems of his AMSU at 100%. He silently began the COFFIN drop and felt the momentum and force coming from the drop itself. He braced himself, as he later broke from the COFFIN unit and used the boosters to ensure a safe landing. Thomas then spoke into the intercom, "I'm safe on the ground. For now..."
#203018842Tuesday, November 29, 2016 1:17 PM GMT

DM The Commander of the New Krona Defense Forces, Commander Pedersen, took note of the falling COFFIN pods. After confirming that they were friendly ALT AMSUs, the Commander sent out for the nearest armored battalion to escort them back to the New Kronan Defense Center, where New Krona's Defense Forces are being organized for the Aequalis Federation assault. Eric Upon exiting the COFFIN pod, I looked around for any hostile forces. Once the landing site was cleared, I searched around for Nigel, my wingman. Luckily, the chaos of the COFFIN drop didn't separate us too much, and so I found him in no time. After regrouping, Firebolt Squadron searched for the other AMSU Squadrons. "This is Firebolt-01 to friendly AMSU Squadrons. We are being escorted to the New Kronan Defense Center to await for further instructions, over. Please confirm your status, over."
#203021765Tuesday, November 29, 2016 2:16 PM GMT

"Status con-firm, no hostiles in the area." He would then upload a map of his surroundings, and would pinpoint the New Kronan Defense Center. Using his map as a guide, the AMSU would begin running there.
#203078105Wednesday, November 30, 2016 2:44 AM GMT

(bump for other RPers)
#203092099Wednesday, November 30, 2016 5:37 AM GMT

(Going to be gone for a month or more)
#203140548Wednesday, November 30, 2016 8:01 PM GMT

(oh, what happened Gear?)
#203158721Wednesday, November 30, 2016 11:43 PM GMT

THOMAS Hmm... No enemies around... Okay. "Status: no hostiles nearby."
#203230055Thursday, December 01, 2016 3:56 PM GMT

Arthur would be making fast progress, more than halfway to the rendezvous. "Are you guys alright? You close to the rendezvous?"
#203341663Saturday, December 03, 2016 12:02 AM GMT

DM "This is Commander Pedersen of the New Kronan Defense Forces to friendly ALT AMSU Squadrons. There is no need to regroup at the central defense center, as we can just send the operation plans over encrypted burst comms." The Commander leaned over the hologram receiver in order to emphasize his orders. "The Aequalis Federation's assault force is currently being directed from 3 Forward Operating Bases set up around New Krona's capital city limits. If we can destroy these FOBs, we should be able to stop an organized invasion and clean up the rest of the stragglers. After cleaning up the FOBs, we need to pull our remaining orbital defense platforms online, over." Through the burst comms, the Commander sent the coordinates for the 3 FOBs, each marked with A, B, and C respectfully. Eric After receiving the field briefing and the coordinates, I motioned for Nigel to close up the Squadron. There's definitely something wrong with this entire invasion. The Aequalis Federation is not giving it their all into this invasion. Our reports all indicated that something is being prepared on Cesena-01, but we can't ignore this invasion as well... "Nigel, we'll take care of the Cesena-01 business after this invasion. Let's get our fellow ALT AMSU Squadrons back into the action." "Roger that sir." I brought up the comms once again. "This is Firebolt-01. All friendly AMSU Squadrons, converge on our position, over." Just then, a holo-artillery shot splashed across my OESS, which activated in time to prevent a lethal amount of damage. Looking towards the source of the shot, I pulled up my own HoloCannon. "Friendly AMSU Squadrons, be advise. Firebolt Squadron requires assistance agains the Huntsmen, over." The Huntsmen were the covert AMSU Squadrons of the ALT, comprised of all Aequalis Federation pilots and noted for taking missions deemed impossible for most other AMSU Squadrons. They also possess abilities far beyond what any normal AMSU pilots had. "Get ready Nigel, we're in for the long run." "I'm here to back you up sir."
#203346691Saturday, December 03, 2016 1:02 AM GMT

Unity happened to be relatively close to Eric as he was bombarded, and so, with assistance of his boosters, Arthur piloted the AMSU to the combat zone. As he was positioned on the flank of the Huntsmen, he'd open fire well before he was in proper range, spraying from side to side in controlled bursts. Only a couple shots hit, but as he walked closer and closer into range, it became too dangerous not to dodge his fire.
#203349270Saturday, December 03, 2016 1:33 AM GMT

(where are the other RPers. guys, let's keep this active, eh?)
#203361013Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:05 AM GMT

(Been getting a little bit bored of RPs... I might be a lot less active from here on out.) -Albert- He had tried to respond when he landed, but for some reason his damn comms were a little bit staticy. Arlington was forced to move on and look for his teammates when he heard an explosion nearby. "Looks like the party's already began," He muttered to himself before quickly turning and running in the direction of the noise. Upon sight of Eric's attackers, he quickly pulled out his Caustic Atrophy and aimed it at the rogue AMSU. "Hey, over here!" MOB shouted before firing the acidic shotgun at his foe, spraying the deadly liquid all over the mech.
#203362270Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:23 AM GMT

(Still Faction, do try to keep up with this one. I don't want it to fizzle out so close to the ending :/)
#203362788Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:30 AM GMT

At the distraction, Arthur rushes Unity forward. "Norbit, prepare cluster missiles!" "Yes, pilot." A cluster missile pod then comes out of Unity's shoulder, and begins aiming at the several joints and the pit of the enemy AMSU. It then, almost immediately after, fires off all of the rounds, devastating the AMSU's shield. "Double down, Norbit, open fire!" Unity would then level the HoloCannon and begin firing like crazy at the AMSU, not even bothering to do with bursts, just hoping to break down the shield and do some serious damage.
#203395777Saturday, December 03, 2016 3:15 PM GMT

(Peram, mind controlling my characters)
#203400359Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:32 PM GMT

(just letting you know, I'm in school. Cannot do RP stuff for a while today)
#203404271Saturday, December 03, 2016 5:24 PM GMT

THOMAS He silently engaged Theta's AMSU and aimed at the hostiles. He then began firing at them as he looked at one of the enemy mechs, and activated his S-Node and OESS, protecting and boosting him. He then began trying to reverse the gravity of that AMSU's left leg.
#203420293Saturday, December 03, 2016 8:03 PM GMT

DM The Huntsmen, an elite branch of the ALT that was separate from the Phoenix Division and the Werewolf Corps, was in actuality the enforcement division of the Enlightened. While they operated under the ALT by principle, even the top Commanders would never be informed of the Huntsmen's missions, just that they were deployed by the ALT. Now, the Huntsmen are being deployed to act as the AMSU support for the puppet Aequalis Federation's invasion, mercilessly ripping apart New Krona's stationed ALT AMSUs like they were paper dolls. The current Huntsmen Squadron engaging Firebolt Squadron is the Oni Squadron, noted for harboring impossibly powerful telekinetics. As a result, as multiple projectiles headed towards the Oni Squadron's leader, he simply raised up his AMSU's hands to stop them in mid-air, and letting them off back towards the AMSU Squadrons that fired them. The Oni Squadron is made up of five Mk.3 BANSHEEs, making it difficult to attempt long and close-range engagements without preparing for some serious damage. Eric Why did it have to be the Oni Squadron? I've heard that even one of these guys could take down Leviathans within minutes, unlike the standard hours that most other AMSU Squadrons take. Upon seeing that my HoloCannon's rounds are being diverted back, I boosted to the side using the Maneuvering Jets. "Good to see you back from Potenza everyone. Let's form a saturation attack on Oni Squadron's leader. We need them to be disoriented from the sheer amount of firepower, over.", I said over the secured comms to nearby AMSU units. Nigel and I both maneuvered over to a high hill near an interstate, where I could still spot many civilians trying to escape using their hover-cars. I can't let the Aequalis Federation, and the Enlightened to just kill#### ###ple without cause... "Fire!", I yelled to Nigel. We both brought our HoloCannons up and fired off a steady burst of holo-artillery towards the bunched up Oni Squadron. We also had our Cluster Missles and Railgun Turrets online, firing off our ordinances in order to maximize the saturation attack's effectiveness.
#203432253Saturday, December 03, 2016 9:58 PM GMT

#203440494Saturday, December 03, 2016 11:43 PM GMT

(bump x2)
#203466650Sunday, December 04, 2016 4:45 AM GMT

-Albert- Arlington saw his acidic projectiles go flying only to be redirected BACK AT HIM. He quickly reacted by launching his thrusters to the side and barely escaping his own attack. The shots left a really big hole where they exploded. "Alright, you got it!" Al replied over the comms as he loaded his Caustic Atrophy using his speedloader. He then would fire another burst, this time hoping the synchronization of this attack meant that the deadly projectiles could meet their mark.
#203523658Sunday, December 04, 2016 7:42 PM GMT

"Beginning blitz!" Arthur would use Ground Raise, raising the ground beneath the AMSU squadron to destabilize them. Then he'd have his AMSU continue to fire continuously on the Oni Squadron, his HoloCannon effective at keeping them suppressed and their shields low.
#203663131Tuesday, December 06, 2016 4:02 AM GMT

DM The Oni Squadron was lifted up into the air as the ground below them was raised by another AMSU unit. Despite this, the Oni Squadron calmly reorganized their formation and thudded back onto the dirt without too many problems. Their OESSs also came into action as several holo-artillery came from a burst from a HoloCannon. "Oni-02, how's your armor?" "Just a scratch Oni-01. These guys are annoying me now." "You tell me... Now, let's do this by the drill." The Oni Squadron abruptly disappeared from sight, only to reform into a ring of AMSUs with an energy signature pulsing from the center. Using their combined telekinetic skills, the Oni Squadron violently dragged the nearby loyalist ALT AMSUs into a spinning tornado of debris. Eric What's going on here? Are they going to do what I think they're going to do? Ah, great, duck! "Nigel, brace yourself!" Despite my warning, Firebolt Squadron found itself outmatched in terms of Silentian powers, and our AMSUs are now part of this elaborate tornado of debris created by the Oni Squadron. "This is Firebolt-01 to friendly AMSU units, try firing your railguns into the eye of the tornado. The projectiles should be too fast to even attempt to counter, over!"
#203664933Tuesday, December 06, 2016 4:23 AM GMT

THOMAS As soon as I saw that AMSU go up in the air as I silently waved it 'see you, space cowboy', I then looked back at the other AMSUs and...oh crap. I got dragged into the tornado, along with Theta. "ALAN, status report!" The AI then replied, "Shields are currently at 92.4%. Meanwhile, your levels of danger are...currently at 23% and rising." Well, great. Not only am I dragged into a tornado, but Firebolt-01 is telling me to shoot the eye of the tornado. Well, alright. I aimed my HoloCannon at that eye and began firing right away.
#203694325Tuesday, December 06, 2016 2:27 PM GMT

"Norbit, fire into that eye!" "Yes, Pilot." Arthur would begin to amass a boulder using his powers to throw into the tornado, all the while firing into the eye. His rocket pod would be ready again, so he'd take aim at the many pieces of debris surrounding him and would fire, blowing each of them up, which in turn added to his now-building boulder. His HoloCannon would continue to fire off into the eye.