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#189622181Monday, May 23, 2016 8:23 PM GMT

Hello, Yes, the title is pretty much correct. Terrain is an amazing feature ROBLOX has, and I WISH I could use it. However, it is a locked feature, and you can't do ANYTHING with it. Here are some things you CAN'T do with Terrain: -You cannot use it in scripts. -You cannot change any properties. -You cannot add a feature in scripting.(Eg. +100 Land, etc."). Here is what you CAN do with Terrain: -You can put things on top of it. -You can script with items on top of it(The script can't have anything to do with the terrain though). -You can edit the terrain with tools. Well, basically what I am getting at is we need it to be unlocked and have more properties so we can use it in scripting. If you can't script with it, what's the point? Sure, it's a baseplate pretty much, but everyone modifies their baseplate, and you can't with terrain. We need it so you can move it, resize it, recolor it, and more with scripting and with basic properties. However, as much as they add new terrain and other cool effects, we can't use them to the full extent due to the terrain being LOCKED and the lack of properties for terrain. Anyways, these are my thoughts, agree or disagree, but I would love to have a game that has a ton to do with terrain, and not just stick models on top of the terrain, and say "good enough". Main points: -I/Others want to script with terrain -We need more properties -Terrain needs to be UNLOCKED.
#189622534Monday, May 23, 2016 8:29 PM GMT

Support. Mostly because I have either wanted to make terrain thinner and smaller or make it really large. It's too time-consuming to do it using the tools
#189623466Monday, May 23, 2016 8:43 PM GMT

I understand, and you can't even make it smaller or bigger with scripting or properties. Pretty much useless. Hopefully this gets out to ROBLOX.
#189623617Monday, May 23, 2016 8:46 PM GMT

Does anyone else have any thoughts? I'd love to hear some more!
#189623711Monday, May 23, 2016 8:48 PM GMT

Thoughts? :)
#189623848Monday, May 23, 2016 8:50 PM GMT

I honestly thought more people would have an opinion about this. Hmm.
#189623931Monday, May 23, 2016 8:52 PM GMT

#189624665Monday, May 23, 2016 9:03 PM GMT

Regardless, Terrain is locked. It needs more features, and you can't even utilise it in scripts. Unless they recently changed this, they need to add this.
#189624692Monday, May 23, 2016 9:03 PM GMT

Well explain more of what you mean by utilize it?
#189624869Monday, May 23, 2016 9:07 PM GMT

"utilize" meaning used seeing as you can utilize dynamic lighting to your advantage so that you can make a cavern look beautiful or creepy +3k post rip main
#189625361Monday, May 23, 2016 9:15 PM GMT

They have these gorgeous landscapes you can make, but you can't use it in scripting or use their properties because the Terrain is Locked for unknown reasons(Maybe some data from ROBLOX itself is hidden there, but then again, why even put it in a public studio?).
#189626807Monday, May 23, 2016 9:39 PM GMT

which properties
#189626922Monday, May 23, 2016 9:41 PM GMT

"properties" if you're a dev you should know this scale of an object position etc. +3k i want ur tree fiddy
#189627450Monday, May 23, 2016 9:50 PM GMT

"They have these gorgeous landscapes you can make, but you can't use it in scripting or use their properties because the Terrain is Locked" >which properties
#189627975Monday, May 23, 2016 9:58 PM GMT

All properties as far as I know. It's locked so naturally it doesn't work, but you can't unlock it, so you can't use ANY OF THE PROPERTIES IN PROPERTIES.
#189628254Monday, May 23, 2016 10:03 PM GMT

explain which properties you need. All the Appearance ones except for Water ones are useless, because its terrain.... and those are just there because its an extension of BasePart. ClassName, this is the C-side class name. IsSmooth, Its smooth terrain, the old terrain is gone, so its useless. Name, no point. All terrain data needs to be terrain. and workspace.Terrain is easy. Parent, Terrain needs to be visible all the time, no point. Position, Extension of basePart, useless. Plus, cells have position. Rotation, Extension of basePart, useless. RotVelocity, Extension of basePart, useless. SpecificGravity, no idea, new property recently added. Velocity, Extension of basePart, useless. Anchored, Extension of basePart, useless. Would be to laggy to calculate physics for terrain moving as well. ResizeableFaces, Extension of basePart, useless. ResizeIncrement, Extension of basePart, useless. CustomPhysicalProperties, Extension of basePart, useless. Size, Extension of basePart, mostly useless. All surface inputs and surface = Extension of basePart, useless.
#189628581Monday, May 23, 2016 10:08 PM GMT

It doesn't matter which properties because, it's ALL locked, you can't access it anywhere. There isn't "TerrainColor", it's all just under one name. "Terrain". So you can't have terrain in a script even if you can change a few properties out of all of them, because the rest of them can't be changed and are locked.
#189628790Monday, May 23, 2016 10:11 PM GMT

I don't think you understand how terrain works, its not individual parts, the terrain object you can access is mainly just an API to interact with the terrain cells. Terrain is an extension of the class BasePart, hence why it has so many properties that can't be used, but really, terrain is stored as cells

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