#192589651Saturday, July 02, 2016 7:35 AM GMT

Name: Muzaffer Güler Gender: Male Appearance: Gas mask. Brown eyes and hair. Black jacket, shoes and pants. Equipment: MPT-76, Ottoman sword. Biography: A turkish muslim who is on vacation on Narahaba.
#192589755Saturday, July 02, 2016 7:37 AM GMT

(Excuse me sir, do you know how RPs work or are just here to troll? If the latter, please don't even try.) Mariko looked as if she was about to tear up and cry tears of ecstatic joy. "Thank you," she whispered, and stepped forward to embrace you in an attempt of a loving hug. Mei didn't seem too bothered that her years-long friend was being hugged by another girl, and in fact smiled from the side as if happy for you. Even she imagined this to be some kind of milestone in both you and Mariko's life, though now would probably be a good time to finally start executing the uprising that is desperately needed.
#192590141Saturday, July 02, 2016 7:45 AM GMT

"Ah, no problem," I say, slightly surprised as I hug Mariko back. I spend a few moments holding the sweet girl before speaking up again. "Do you want to head to that warehouse now?" I ask Mariko, still holding her close to me.
#192590493Saturday, July 02, 2016 7:52 AM GMT

She nodded her cheek against your chest in agreement. "Yes. It'll be at least an hour to get there, so early in the morning right now would be a great time to get a head-start." The setting outside was bright and sunny, a perfect mood for traveling, with clear waters and the only obstacle to be weary about was traffic and government harassment.
#192590605Saturday, July 02, 2016 7:54 AM GMT

"Okay," I say, holding Mariko's head to my chest as I look over at Mei. "Mei, are you ready to head out?" I ask her.
#192590790Saturday, July 02, 2016 7:58 AM GMT

"Sure!" Mei almost bounced out of anxiety to get moving out of this house and into the city. It had been a while since she's actually been in there, and anticipated to see how much it had changed since her last visit, though it was probably minimalist. "We can take my boat," Mariko offered as she looked up at you.
#192590966Saturday, July 02, 2016 8:02 AM GMT

"You have a boat?" I ask, slightly surprised. I've never taken a boat that isn't public transportation before. "That's good then, come on, let's go," I say, patting Mariko's head and letting her go from the hug, preparing to follow her to her boat.
#192591515Saturday, July 02, 2016 8:14 AM GMT

Mei trailed behind you and Mariko to the exit of the house where, in the glistening light of the high sun, there beamed a beautifully sweet cruising speedboat. For someone who told of a terrible living condition, her boat was gorgeous. Its figure wasn't slim nor tall, and pointed at the front to conceal an insanely powerful engine while was enlarged at the back to be able to withhold a double deck of chrome racing-grade exhausts. Its paint job mostly consisted of a shiny crimson with the doors showing white that slightly leaked into the front. If you were to ask her about it, she would respond, "It's just a few tune-ups..." But this had to be the thing she was most proud of owning, and proof that her time as a mechanic had some good value to it.
#192591740Saturday, July 02, 2016 8:19 AM GMT

I didn't expect her to have a boat, and I certainly didn't expect her to have such a nice one. "Wow, um, this is a really nice boat," I comment as I climb in with the two girls. I decide to sit next to Mariko for the ride so I can watch her pilot the boat. "Maybe we can take a vacation with this one day," I say with a smile as I take a seat.
#192592137Saturday, July 02, 2016 8:28 AM GMT

"If we make enough money, definitely!" Mariko agreed with a giggle as she seated herself as the driver and placed her hands on the steering wheel, which was laced with cheap red leather. Mei hopped into the backseat, internally feeling a little lonely, but nothing bad enough to exploit how she felt. Mariko took out a single key from a pocket to start up the boat. Its engine didn't sputter at all and instead impressively began to rumble with power, enough the slightly vibrate the entire boat. And with that done, and nothing else to be said, Mariko drove the boat out of your property range and into the nearest water-highway towards the destined warehouse. It felt easy enough being the first step towards your life-changing journey... though almost too easy.
#192592273Saturday, July 02, 2016 8:32 AM GMT

I glance over at Mei, feeling a bit bad for her. I'm usually always sitting right beside her, but now I'm not. "Hey Mei, come sit up here with us," I say, scooting over a bit in my seat to make room for her.
#192592430Saturday, July 02, 2016 8:36 AM GMT

"What? While the boat's moving?" Mei looked up at you to question after quickly shaking her head out of an apparent daydream. "...Are you sure?" It was a decently fast boat while moving, but nothing really too dangerous. The only real "danger" would be public questioning, though even that was pretty limited since Mariko purposely chose water routes and highways that are typically not driven on for various reasons.
#192592708Saturday, July 02, 2016 8:42 AM GMT

"Aw, don't worry about it. Come on, I like being next to you," I say, holding my hands out to Mei, offering to help pull her over to me. She should be able to come over safely by herself, but she might want the extra reassurance.
#192593064Saturday, July 02, 2016 8:50 AM GMT

Seeing her encourage her further made her smile with some more confidence at the idea, and with her legs shaking a little bit, she quickly moved forward pull herself up and grab your hand. Just of thought of being able to sit next to you again seemed to motivate her enough, as if she could resist an offer like that. But around this same time, there was something a bit odd appearing on the boat: a small red neon dot appearing on the hood. Mei didn't notice it, as she was too busy climbing up next to you, but Mariko gasped a small shriek as she knew exactly what it was and tried her best to keep cool about it. With a concerned frown, Mariko turned to you briefly to inform, "Yasuo, they're watching us..."
#192608091Saturday, July 02, 2016 2:37 PM GMT

I pull Mei on to my seat and hug her tightly for a moment. I let go, then look over at Mariko. "Huh?" I ask, turning my eyes towards the boat, "oh. Well, we aren't doing anything suspicious, so just keep going like normal. Try not to worry about it." It's true we're not doing anything wrong right now, but I hope that boat doesn't follow us to the warehouse. I scoot closer to Mei and wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me to comfort her and make sure she doesn't end up panicking in front of that surveillance boat.
#192608174Saturday, July 02, 2016 2:38 PM GMT

Z0rrow, this sub forum is currently getting raided. IDK what to do D:
#192608425Saturday, July 02, 2016 2:42 PM GMT

This forum now belongs to LMaD.
#192609233Saturday, July 02, 2016 2:56 PM GMT

Lmad is a second-class sub-forum, so who cares?
#192620165Saturday, July 02, 2016 5:29 PM GMT

(I think grammar itself finds our forum superior because you can RP LMaD but you can't LMaD RP.) Though you may not have thought it was suspicious to just take a ride throughout the county, the government apparently did. Mei didn't ever notice because she was too busy enjoying the embrace of you, but that surveillance boat kept a good distance on you at all times. It wanted you to know you were being followed, and it was doing a good job. Mariko's tension increasingly was building as she neared her warehouse, and when she was on the same street, she turned to you in an even more concerned tone to say, "We're almost there and they're still overseeing us..."
#192678428Sunday, July 03, 2016 7:26 AM GMT

"Just go past the warehouse then," I say. No chance of hiding from that boat, this one is a bit too conspicuous for that. Only hope is just to bore those guys until they go somewhere else. "We have to do something else for awhile. Maybe we could take a walk in a park, or see a movie. Anything else.
#192687803Sunday, July 03, 2016 11:26 AM GMT

"Alright..." Mariko reluctantly agreed with a shaky voice as she drove around a corner. The warehouse that you were originally going to could be pointed out because it was the only building on that street that Mariko kept a regretful gaze upon. It was a large building when compared to others on the street and was constructed relatively in the middle. Nothing was too outstanding about it at all as it was old and desecrated with mold and vines smearing its primitive bricks. Mariko didn't exactly have anyplace else to go and just seemed to of drove throughout the city's streets mindlessly. It's not like she had much money to do something expensively fun, especially for three people. Mei kept hold of you, but even her expression determined that she knew something wasn't right. The red dot still followed.
#192775557Monday, July 04, 2016 11:03 AM GMT

"You can take us somewhere cheap. I don't mind going anywhere with you," I tell Mariko as I keep Mei held to me. That warehouse seems ancient. I'm surprised it hasn't been torn down or renovated yet. Maybe everyone just wants to forget it even exists. That's good for us, then. Makes it a safe place to store our things.
#193283060Sunday, July 10, 2016 12:54 PM GMT

Did you abandon this?
#193311315Sunday, July 10, 2016 8:33 PM GMT

I haven't been feeling mentally okay lately. Tomorrow starts the beginning of my new job which I am stressed about, and I'm still shaky about who's still my friend and who hates me. If you want this to continue, I will try all I can to make it good, but I would personally like to either abandon it, hold it off for a long time, or, an idea I had while typing this, start a different but similar ISRP in the near future.
#193311608Sunday, July 10, 2016 8:37 PM GMT

I don't think I'd be interested in a different but similar ISRP. You can abandon it or hold it off, but do tell me which option you're doing so I don't pointlessly hold my breath.