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#189802408Friday, May 27, 2016 2:26 AM GMT

As a long time comic book fan and collector, many people forget what DC Rebirth actually means. So, I'm here to explain that in a really random way. Enjoy this useless word-wall everyone. DC's New 52 was complete and utter crap. Due to agenda-pushing storylines, unnecessary continuity issues and the token character redesigns, DC took a massive hit from 2011 to 2016. Just last year, DC tried to fix the continuity with the famous Convergence storyline that paved the way for DC's Rebirth to go into full effect. With all of that background info aside, what does Rebirth actually mean? For starters, DC took the continuity back to the time period known as "pre-New 52," which is roughly between 2005 to 2010. That's right guys, it set DC back over 10 years ago. The main character who suffered was The Flash because DC kinda threw good ol' Barry under the bus with Flashpoint. Barry Allen has been dead since Crisis on Infinite Earth's, which happened in 1988, and brought him back in 2005 to pave the way for the New 52. Rebirth also brought some interesting characters into the fold. Doctor Manhattan was seemingly the puppet master behind the New 52 (still doesn't make much sense), but the inclusion of Watchmen in Rebirth leaves a lot to be answered. It's not too often you see a mature and groundbreaking comic series like Watchmen take a prominent place in DC, nor has it ever been since 2008. Hope this post helps you comic newbs.

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