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#190880735Friday, June 10, 2016 5:25 PM GMT

who, might i add, wasted valuable time on the senate floor that was intended to be used to discuss the very important issue of healthcare by getting up to read Dr. Suess' "Green Eggs and Ham"? Lobstery, God of Infinite Wisdom and Cruelty, King of the Pop Fans
#190880784Friday, June 10, 2016 5:26 PM GMT

who, might I add, elbowed his wife in the face
#190880941Friday, June 10, 2016 5:29 PM GMT

who, might i add, could be considered on constitutional grounds as unable to even run for presidency due to the fact that has wasn't even born in this country Lobstery, God of Infinite Wisdom and Cruelty, King of the Pop Fans
#190883303Friday, June 10, 2016 6:10 PM GMT

bernie sanders plans to turning the democratic party into the democratic socialist party
#190884248Friday, June 10, 2016 6:27 PM GMT

^ Ted Cruz plans on murdering people in cold blood like he did back in his glory days. Lobstery, God of Infinite Wisdom and Cruelty, King of the Pop Fans
#190892883Friday, June 10, 2016 8:45 PM GMT

So you're totally ok with voting for the guy who makes Mexico pay for the wall? They don't have any part in this! You're totally ok with voting for the man that makes fun of a disabled person when it's not even the disabled persons fault he's disabled? You're totally ok with voting for the guy that might get us into wars with other countries because he's a bully? Come on! Seriously? Our country is not a democracy. We are a republic, and it says it in the pledge. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Ted Cruz memorized the Constitution. I don't think Trump has. This is why I'm rooting for Ted Cruz. And do you even watch the news? It says he might come back! People can still vote for him. If you want our country to be ruled by a king, go ahead and vote for Donald Trump. But that's not what I want.
#190893335Friday, June 10, 2016 8:51 PM GMT

Well, Max, I'm gonna help you out even though this thread is off topic. What Do you believe in?
#190893342Friday, June 10, 2016 8:51 PM GMT

I'm not voting for Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. I won't vote for Donald because I don't agree with his authoritarian views. I won't vote for Ted Cruz because I have an IQ above 65. Lobstery, God of Infinite Wisdom and Cruelty, King of the Pop Fans
#190895793Friday, June 10, 2016 9:29 PM GMT

"So you're totally ok with voting for the guy who makes Mexico pay for the wall? They don't have any part in this! You're totally ok with voting for the man that makes fun of a disabled person when it's not even the disabled persons fault he's disabled? You're totally ok with voting for the guy that might get us into wars with other countries because he's a bully? Come on! Seriously? Our country is not a democracy. We are a republic, and it says it in the pledge. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Ted Cruz memorized the Constitution. I don't think Trump has. This is why I'm rooting for Ted Cruz. And do you even watch the news? It says he might come back! People can still vote for him. If you want our country to be ruled by a king, go ahead and vote for Donald Trump. But that's not what I want." 1. well, in all fairness, mexico is where a LOT of our illegal immigrants are coming from, so to some extent they do, in fact, play a role here. i'm not going to get into a debate about illegal immigration here, but i will point that out. 2. "he might get us into wars with other countries because he's a bully?" doubtful, actually. you might want to note two things here: one, donald trump is actually liked by the leaders of two different countries that could potentially, somehow pose a threat (russia and north korea, if i remember correctly) or that, at the very least, i could theoretically see us getting into a war with. secondly (and this is more speculation on my part, i should say that) though he's kind of an ass, he's also a businessman and would probably be more keen on negotiating with other countries rather than going out of his way to start wars with them. there's a difference between insulting people on social media and spending time and resources to actually start a war with them. 3. i genuinely don't know what point you were trying to make by quoting the pledge of allegiance - am i missing something here? 4. ted cruz shouldn't have been allowed to run for president as he isn't a natural born citizen. he was born in canada - it even says so on his birth certificate. one thing i find truly amusing (as well as infuriating) is that the same republicans who were quick to make grandiose claims that obama was born in kenya and therefore wasn't/isn't eligible to be president are also the same kinds of republicans that would support ted cruz, who was actually born outside of the united states. 5. i've said it once and i've said it again: we're voting for a president, not a dictator (or, in this case, a king). the president is still quite important, don't get me wrong, but the wonderful thing about our government is that they cannot, in fact, do whatever in the hell they want. also, it's incredibly unlikely that ted cruz will actually get back into the race at this point, about as likely that there will be a 'contested convention'. like it or not, donald trump has won more than enough delegates at this point to be the republican nominee.
#190896627Friday, June 10, 2016 9:42 PM GMT

North Korea and Russia like him? That's even worse! North Korea isn't a good country, neither is Russia. Wow. You just proved my point.
#190896743Friday, June 10, 2016 9:44 PM GMT

"he's also a businessman and would probably be more keen on negotiating with other countries rather than going out of his way to start wars with them" because when I think donald trump, i think incredibly negotiable and not stubborn or offensive also he is a mediocre businessman anyway
#190897141Friday, June 10, 2016 9:51 PM GMT

@Gamelover Socialist and Democratic Socialist are too different things. The socialism your thinking of is much closer too communism. Democratic Socialism simply says too give the people a little bit of help. Somethings should be run by capitalism, but some things should be government funded. Bernie Sanders mainly wanted (now that he is logistically out of the race...unfortunately <;c) too push us up too speed with our European neighbors. And thats my lesson for you Gamelover. @OP Okie Dokie lets do a rundown of the parties I could tell you a little bit about. Democratic Party: Tbh now that Bernie Sanders is logistically not going too be the candidate this party is dead, at least for this race. Not that they will lose, it's just not any good. I mean she's about tied (slightly below but within the margin of error) with Trump...which is scary as f**k. Which is why I might have too end up rooting for her...because as much as I hate her policies (on Social Issues she's pretty damn progressive but on Corporate Issues she is practically a Republican) she has less chances of causing a war over a twitter beef. Republican Party: Oh god...Trump...Trumpity Trump Trump Trump. If you hate just about everyone who isn't white and a part of one of the abrahamic religions that isn't islam...then...I guess vote for the republican party? I think calling him the big N word (N@zi) is a little far but he is certainly pretty awful. His tax plan would make us lose quite a lot of money (thats what you get with a tax plan with a flat rate that is so damn low...ya tax's suck but bankruptcy sucks more and the big T has a reputation for it). And on Social Issues...god damn...HAVE YOU HEARD THE MAN SPEAK! Nope. Green Party: Jill Stein, a female Presidential Candidate that is actually a good candidate. Too all the I AM WITH HER nerds of the internet this is what I give you too your claim that if you don't support hillary your s3xist. Jill Stein is basically a mini Bernie Sanders. The only issue is she isn't in one of the two main party...which makes her candidacy...difficult...very very difficult. Libertarian Party: Another party I can respect. There technically aligned with the Republican Party, but not too much of an extent. The main feeling is not too interfere with personal matters...WHICH I CAN REALLY GET BEHIND! The leading candidate is gary Johnson and he is for the most part a fairly progressive candidate. Too bad again not one of the main party. Well thats my take on things. Vote as you will c:
#190897376Friday, June 10, 2016 9:55 PM GMT

@Sangy I <3 u...but more Mexicans are leaving then coming in. c:
#190897568Friday, June 10, 2016 9:58 PM GMT

"because when I think donald trump, i think incredibly negotiable and not stubborn or offensive also he is a mediocre businessman anyway" once again, i'm speculating. i'm not 100% sure whether or not he would actually get us into more wars or not - it's always a possibility, but i don't see it being quite as likely as a lot of people make it out to be. i could be wrong, though. on a side note i should also add that i don't really consider myself a donald trump supporter - i don't hate him, and i'd definitely take him over clinton, but he's not my first choice for president by any stretch of the imagination. i actually liked bernie sanders, but it's quite unlikely he'll win at this point (though if he chose to continue running outside of the democratic party, i would still support him). "North Korea and Russia like him? That's even worse! North Korea isn't a good country, neither is Russia. Wow. You just proved my point." i like how you ignore every other point i made in that post. i guess i typed up all that text for nothing. )':
#190899480Friday, June 10, 2016 10:26 PM GMT

"Stubborn" What you have to be to try to be a leader Moron "Offensive" Oh no boo hoo he talked bad about the middle easterns and mexicans Im gonna cry like i am no older than 10 waaaah "Mediocre business man" If you are telling me being a billionare by building and owning buildings is mediocre, good luck in life kid L m a o
#190906400Saturday, June 11, 2016 12:14 AM GMT

@Sang was he really born in Canada?
#190908784Saturday, June 11, 2016 12:55 AM GMT

Most of the people in this thread are still far too young to have a political opinion, their young age combined with their american education renders them even less knowledgeable Please, stop thinking your political opinion matters. fella by the name of buckethead | add 9k to posts
#190908830Saturday, June 11, 2016 12:55 AM GMT

RIP my political opinion
#190909779Saturday, June 11, 2016 1:09 AM GMT

democrat please
#190914822Saturday, June 11, 2016 2:30 AM GMT

"North Korea and Russia like him? That's even worse! North Korea isn't a good country, neither is Russia. Wow. You just proved my point." You must be dumb so I'll try to break this down for you: North Korea and Russia are both countries that are a bit hostile to the United States. The leaders of both of those countries that could pose a threat actually respect Donald Trump. That's not a bad thing. Ever hear of "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer"? That applies here. Voting for Donald Trump is not voting in favor of a Russian/North Korean government. Such a radical change in government like that could never happen here in the U.S. over the course of 4 years. We have a system of checks and balances and if Trump proposed an idea to rule the country in a way similar to Kim Jung Un, it would be shot down in an instant. Having the leaders of hostile countries respect the leader of the United States is very important and extremely helpful.

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