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#190021561Sunday, May 29, 2016 10:49 PM GMT

so my last thread said " 1. Optional Voice Chat for Games. 2. NBC can trade limiteds (not sell) 3. Trade non-limited items 4. delete a user if they have been inactive for over 3-5+ years 5. if an account is deleted make the username avalible 6. spaces in names 7. periods in names 8. 1R$ a day similar to 10 tix 9. NBC to create groups 10. Daily challanges for r$ (Ex: Play 10 games) 11. Add lifetime BC/TBC/OBC back 12. Devs can publish official items to catalog 13. 'noob' should be censored 14. cut down on scammers and hackers. 15. publish a way for users to make their own rigs (ex:r15 r6) " and now I got 15 more 16. make more payment options (ex: bitcoin, skrill, ect) 17. users should be able to create meshes in programs (blender) 18. ban the use of words that are obviously bad in-games 19. audio should be any set amount of time but also like the longer = more robux 20. add shoes as a buyable content 21. bring minimods back? 22. remove cookie codes so no more scams 23. ph0ne verification program. 24. user levels (ex: just joined = level 1, 168 friends, 2 yrs old = level 27) 25. easier ways for people to make robux. 26. in-game advertisements like mobile (user or professional made) 27. remove dev's being able to ban 28. reporting bugs and glitches gets a reward 29. allow models to be sold 30. for buildermans sake cut back on the MM and roleplay games if you like any of these say "support:#" ex: support:5 219 R$2 > i am poor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#190021772Sunday, May 29, 2016 10:52 PM GMT

I like all of them! I've Been inactive since 6/2/2014 - 4/23/2016!
#190023295Sunday, May 29, 2016 11:09 PM GMT

i like all but 25 and 26
#190023365Sunday, May 29, 2016 11:10 PM GMT

NO! NOT 25! I mean 26 AND 27!!
#190024292Sunday, May 29, 2016 11:21 PM GMT

#190025054Sunday, May 29, 2016 11:31 PM GMT

1) No, abusable 2) makes BC useless 3) crashes the stock market 4) So telamon, Builderman, jj5x5, John Doe, etc should be deleted? 5) No, cause some accounts like RobloxAdminSystem have games, and when people play them then what will the username show? 6) No, they added Underscores. 7) No, they added Underscores 8) No, Abusable. 10) ROBLOX doesnt have time to host daily ROBUX events 11) Sure 12) No. first off, what do you consider a dev? And many devs are evil. 13) LOL no noob 14) Of course, but how exactly 15) nah 16) There is enough, but no reason not to. 17) No, they created sx games 18) Too many things are allready censored. 19) Support 20) No. stupid ODer 21) Sure 22) Wouldnt stop scammers, and ROBLOX needs cookies to track accounts 23) Email is good enough. 24) Why? 25) No 26) Devs can add this themselvs 27) No. 28) No. ROBLOX allready knows about all bugs. 29) No. They are called FREE models for a reason/ 30) Support You seem to have PRETTY bad ideas.
#190025639Sunday, May 29, 2016 11:39 PM GMT

Okay kid. You need help here. 1. Swearing, screaming six-year olds, hard to censor. Nope. 2. Where did we even get a limited? Nope. 3. Sell and trade please. Support a little. 4. What, so you can namesnipe the Erik.cassel username? Nope. 5. See above. Nope 6. NOODLES NO. We don't need to stress out devs more. They already were ruined with PGS 7. This doesn't seem like a bad idea. Support 8. Economy destabilization. Let's go with 3 a week 9. You would have to have a certain account age. Support support support! 10. Fun and earns you robux. Support 11. Neutral on this one. 12. After heavy moderation 13. Really? Nope 14. Impossible 15. And create more gaps in the characters? Nope 16. Oh yes. #bitcoin 17. Sounds good 18. And keep the good words? Is that what you imply? If so, support. 19. Look, can't we just go free 2 mins and pay for longer clips? 20. No. Might need more coding on the devs hands and the admins to make it possible. And would just be ugly. 21. What? 22. What does that have to do with it 23. What does a phone have to with verification? 24. And what benefit would these provide? 25. Like dropping the tax. Support. 26. No no NO. 27. No. Punishment of an appropriate level is needed for some offenses. 28. Can go downhill fast. Found a glitch: roblox! Rewarded 29. No. Some use models to look at scripts and learn from them. They do not need to pay for that. 30. MM? Plus, devs have the freedom to make any game(within reason)
#190026339Sunday, May 29, 2016 11:47 PM GMT

I love how the people above me are acting tough, Ignore them they aren't saying constructive critisism. They're just trying to make you mad for no reason. Unless you want to listen to them.
#190027034Sunday, May 29, 2016 11:54 PM GMT

so basically give NBC most of BC's features nope
#190027602Monday, May 30, 2016 12:01 AM GMT

also I dont like most of these but some of them could work. Dont listen to the people that are mean please. They only are trying to make you mad.
#190029174Monday, May 30, 2016 12:19 AM GMT

lol i bet it took you an hour to write all those. and literally how are my ideas bad. if anything at least 5 benefit the community. 207 RAP R$2 > i am poor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ level 23 on Euskera's calculator
#190029362Monday, May 30, 2016 12:21 AM GMT

for ex: 16: more users can buy BC making the game longer 23: users have to verify it's okay if someone makes a treade 27: official devs on devforum abuse this 11: users don't need to renew 12: since when was more items a bad thing 207 RAP R$2 > i am poor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ level 23 on Euskera's calculator
#190029419Monday, May 30, 2016 12:22 AM GMT

live longer* 210 RAP R$2 > i am poor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ level 23 on Euskera's calculator
#190029744Monday, May 30, 2016 12:26 AM GMT

Banning the word noob might ban all groups that love noobs. As an Admin Noob of my friend's group called Noob Club. Banning the word "noob" is not necessary. It's like saying that you should ban hotdogs but the hotdog vendors become unemployed. Think about it.

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