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#190143444Tuesday, May 31, 2016 5:32 AM GMT

Well basically we will be doing roleplay on the group wall in which you can find out more on guidelines about the wall-roleplay but also in-game once we finish the game of course only adding the first parts such as Jedi Academy(Tython) / Coruscant / Dromund Kaas / Ord Martel / Hutta / Sith Academy(Korriban). Due to the large universe of starwars each place will be built small to avoid the large mastery of lag and the detailing of starwars world so expect lots of teleports to make the world smaller yet filling out each important part/necessary part of it. This doesn't mean we are making the worlds as small as a base plate-size but I or we are definitely not making it very huge. If you have Questions look at our trello page under the FAQ idea which isn't really FAQ but me answering questions ahead lol. Of course I will need a team to respectively be head of each of our classes being: Empire - Sith Trooper(Agent) / Sith Inquisitor / Bounty Hunter / Sith Warrior Galactic Republic(Jedi Order) - Smuggler / Republic Trooper / Jedi Knight / Jedi Consular. This of course is following ERA of "THE OLD REPUBLIC" and we also follow the game SWTOR in which we based the classes and mechanics for advance classes but this is NOT A "LEVEL UP / STAT GAME". Expected player limit is unknown through we will probably have it at 100. Proceeding through your trials as one of the classes will be quick and fun and should be the only part of your story that you are forced to do until you pass the Jedi/Sith academy or pay the Smuggler / Bounty Hunter fee or prove yourself to your instructor as a Sith Trooper(Agent) / Republic Trooper.

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