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#190284237Thursday, June 02, 2016 4:55 AM GMT

hey robloxalert nation, im your host killer kaxis, lets get right, into the noose Yep, shed got a new gf he dumped brighteyes for reesemcblox this is completely insane, shed has already posted pics of him and reesemcblox pwning noobs on SFOTH Also, in the news, ROBLOX added back the old studs, yep, the ones lego sued them for, well lego went out of business because roblox is so awesome so now we have old studs, see for yourself! http://www.roblox.com/games/24356/2006-Roblox-Crossroads TIX ARE BACK, now some of you may be wondering, "dur im dumb i dont see tix, killer kaxis is a liar" well guess what? the tix are invisible, yesterday xpert hackxer anonymousefedora revealed that tix were still there but behind a shied of some sorts and that tix items are also behind a shield, i hope he uncovers my tix bloxys and bloxymen that's it for the news today if you guys like robloxalert be sure to smack that reply button and give me some valuable input! Add 2,840 to My Post Count
#190284296Thursday, June 02, 2016 4:56 AM GMT

Totally legit.

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