#190514626Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:12 PM GMT

LMA000000000000OOOOOOOOOooooooo ooooooo oooo
#190514659Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:13 PM GMT

ok so yes the earth has a core.. you would know if you payed attention in class and if u disagree then explain to me why ppl in the south weigh more heavily.. you don't see a lot of heavy people in canada so my point stands.
#190514798Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:15 PM GMT

"Yes but it's not scientifically possible for the earth to be flat." except it is. you would know that if you looked past the agenda of your school "science" textbooks
#190514874Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:16 PM GMT

"except it is. you would know that if you looked past the agenda of your school "science" textbooks" Can you prove that it is?
#190514898Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:16 PM GMT

nobody said that?? and also gravity WILL be let out.. it's all inside of a very hot round thing in the middle of the earth.. if it breaks it's going to escape into outer space and we are ALL going to die i wish someone would listen to me before the miners go too deep and this actually happens :/
#190514997Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:19 PM GMT

"Can you prove that it is?" alright. i'll use small words so that someone as scientifically illiterate as you can understand. look outside. do you see a curve in the earth? no. the land doesn't curve. because the earth is flat. look at the moon. does it look like a sphere? no. it looks like a disc. look at the sun (not directly). does it look like a sphere? no. it looks like a disc. there are no spherical objects in our universe, and everything around us tells us the earth is no exception
#190515043Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:21 PM GMT

you sound like kebab REMOVE KEBAB
#190515110Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:23 PM GMT

"you will not be prepared for mydarkjournal" I don't even have to explain why this is all kinds of incorrect. You guys got it for me.
#190515135Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:24 PM GMT

#190515161Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:24 PM GMT

um no you might pop the cluster duhhh
#190515180Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:25 PM GMT

>and more gravity will increase your weight The first accurate thing op said so far
#190515184Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:25 PM GMT

@corporate Take the nearest ball object you see. Look at it DIRECTLY. Does it looks like a disc? Yes.
#190515262Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:28 PM GMT

"Take the nearest ball object you see. Look at it DIRECTLY. Does it looks like a disc? Yes." no, it looks like a ball the moon looks like a disc
#190515270Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:28 PM GMT

>if u disagree then explain to me why ppl in the south weigh more heavily.. you don't see a lot of heavy people in canada so my point stands. Look up the scientific definitions for mass, weight, and gravity
#190515906Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:43 PM GMT

its not possible for the planet to be flat, as gravity causes matter to cluster in a 3 dimensional plane, leading to irregular but ultimately spherical objects, and if that object has a large mass, like earth, then it is destined to be very spherical, due to the balence between gravity and the pressure gradient force. anyone who says that it is possible for earth to be flat in the 21 century is naiive to modern physics, just sayin. -fishLAD <
#190516550Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:53 PM GMT

actually flat planets can exist.. how do you explain islands? if earth was removed islands would still be there they'd just be smaller flat planets
#190516630Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:55 PM GMT

The intelligence is lacking in this one. "Will it blend, that is the question?" ~Tom D.
#190516744Sunday, June 05, 2016 5:56 PM GMT

@Lily- wtf???? W T F ? ? ? an island is part of earths crust, and if you removed the gravity of earth it would dissociate and fall apart... -fishLAD <
#190517049Sunday, June 05, 2016 6:01 PM GMT

actually the crust is under the ocean continents like america and islands like hawaii just float on top of the water.. if you took out the crust and everything they would float in space as their own planet.. gravity would just balance itself out as they all have heat from their own cores
#190517342Sunday, June 05, 2016 6:06 PM GMT

Lmaoo! Lily ill have whatever your smoking I think I need it after reading that sht -fishLAD <
#190517726Sunday, June 05, 2016 6:11 PM GMT

um actually i don't do anything bad like that so i dont know what u really want but i hope u understood my point
#190517819Sunday, June 05, 2016 6:12 PM GMT

hawaii doesn't float u nerd it is part of the oceanic crust, built by the upflow of magma from the mantle, ie a hotspot, so not I didn't get your point, because you haven't got any point -fishLAD <
#190517982Sunday, June 05, 2016 6:15 PM GMT

um say what you want but the magma is only connected to volcanoes which are extended parts of the crust that go through the island.. it doesn't actually have anything to do with hawaii itself just like how a tree grows through the ground but isnt part of the dirt on the surface.. if the miners and scientists keep going down in the earth they're just going to release that magma into our oceans and could melt our islands
#190518390Sunday, June 05, 2016 6:21 PM GMT

you are a special kind of stupid, you assume without any evidence, only reason the hawaiian islands exist is because of a hotspot of magma below the islands, i.e. a magma chamber, that has broken out of the crust and built rock on top of the crust, the movement of the oceanic crust in a north west direction has caused an island arc to be formed as the crust moves over the hotspot. Your lack of knowledge and yet certainty amazes me, you must be awful to argue with, because you don't take anything on board, you just make up pseudo theories like tf the thinnest part of earths crust is 7km we haven't even managed to mine down to 1km, we have no chance of exposing the mantle and even if we did magma would erupt and then cool filling in the gap we created. get your facts straight before bothering to post any crap again. -fishLAD <
#190518664Sunday, June 05, 2016 6:25 PM GMT

actually i didn't assume anything you're just making up what i think even though i never said that. i'm pretty sure you don't know what you're talking about and i've been to hawaii before myself so i know what i'm talking about it's just that you're point is wrong.. it's people like you that are gonna lead to all the gold disappearing and letting the escape of gravity destroy us all :/