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#190552220Monday, June 06, 2016 2:15 AM GMT

[INTRO] Unzen, derived from "unsent", is a classification of beings that contain abilities impossible to obtain as a normal living being without the efforts of an Unzen. It acts as a general descriptor for beings that were often described in myth and legend, constantly being removed from proper history through human nature. Their name came from the religions of the world, seeing them as unholy spirits that were not sent to their proper destination, making them take the form and abilities of the supernatural to bring suffering upon the human race. Their true origins and motives never certain to humans, the Unzen were struck down and destroyed in conquest and war throughout the ages. As times became more modern, Unzen seemed to disappear from the view of the world, as humans became more powerful and practical on their own, exploring and claiming parts of the world that were once home to them. Before long, the world of the Unzen had vanished from the public eye, letting humans on their own to do their own battles. They never truly did leave the world, as many still remained, in hiding from the chaos of human society. Beings that once took many forms now hide behind the mask of humans, living out plain human lives in order to continue moving on and working the world to their own desires. With such power, Unzen are able to do the beautifully horrible, or, some days, the simply beneficial things that bend the human population to their own will. Not that they are gods, persay; all Unzen are able to be killed by other beings in some shape or form, may it be a stake to the heart, or a quick gunshot to the head. If it weren't for that, they would be ruling over Earth transparently, with nothing to stop them. --- In the rural town of Pudwick, Pennsylvania, little ever seems to happen, to the eyes of a human. One could ask the question about if anything interesting has ever happened there, and almost anyone there could give the same, straight answer. No one can remember the last time their only school has brought home a reward, or the day when one of their own ever became someone important in the world. An old, simple town, out in the mountains, that is lucky enough to have the simple conveniences of restaurants and stores that others in the country take for granted. Of course, it is anything but, containing one of the highest concentrations of Unzen in the country, something that many residents of the town itself are completely unaware of. On the other side, hunters attempt to find these Unzen to kill them, or possibly become ones of their own, in a similar secretive fashion as the ones that they try to hunt. With the trouble that is brewing from Unzen hunters, it may not be long before something does happen in Pudwick, Pennsylvania, bringing a fight that may just destroy the world as we know it. Will the world maintain its sanity, and make a better world than our modern world will ever have? Or will it simply fall apart, and will the ones that survive have to pick up the pieces? That is up to you, friend. This is the world of the unsent. --- [IMPORTANT INFO] This roleplay is an urban fantasy roleplay. This means that the roleplay takes place in a modern setting, but contains fantasy elements. In this case, think about people in Aeropostale shirts shooting dragons, or a guy that is working in a cubicle during the day and driving stakes into vampires at night. The numerous mechanics of Unzen will be described in this post. This roleplay is mostly mechanicless in the sense that you are not bound by stats, perks, or any of the sort. This doesn't mean that you will have the right to break the rules, however, so make sure you understand the rules that will come later within this post. Instead, this roleplays mechanics deal with the specifics of the world of the unsent. If you need any of this shortened for you to understand, or have any questions, please post in the thread first, before you make a character and end up getting disappointed from a disapproval. --- -- Unzen Info -- Below is specific information that should be known about Unzen mechanics. - Pure and Converted Unzen -- Unzen are placed into two states, depending on their condition. This is marked as either Pure, or Converted. Pure Unzen are "born" and created completely as an Unzen, from whatever method of birth needed to create it. This can depend on the type of Unzen, as there are many species of supernatural creatures that can be covered on the lines of Unzen. This can affect the ability of an Unzen being able to procreate with a human, as ones that are not human-like in the first place usually can not effectively make a child. Birth between other Unzen, however, is not an issue. Converted Unzen were either once a human, but, through some sort of magical method, have been made into an Unzen, or are the result from a Converted Unzen and a human, or two Converted Unzens (rarely). Compared to Pure Unzen, they are much less likely to take the shape of a monster form completely, at most taking an anthropomorphic approach. They are able to make birth with both human and Unzen, with a Converted or Pure Unzen being born as a result (Converted if Human and rarely with other Converteds, and Pure with Pures). Due to the social dynamics between Pure and Converted, and Converted Unzen rarely able to find love between another Converted Unzen, there is an almost even split between Converted and Pure Unzen, with Pure Unzen having a bit more in population than Converted. In terms of power, Pure Unzen have more grips upon their abilities, but are restricted socially due to most lacking a connection with the human world. This can make it troubling for younger Pure Unzen to take on the form of a human, and for them to tolerate culture beyond their racial type of Unzen, and beings other than Pure Unzen in general. There is an ongoing theme of tension between Converted and Pure Unzen, with Converted Unzen being seen as "lesser" and unable to understand the true struggles of being an Unzen. This is rather debatable, and talking about the subject in the midst of a group of Unzen is a good way to get yourself killed. Converted Unzen are generally unable to control their abilities as well, due to their hybrid-like nature from being born as or born from a human. However, one trait that they do have above Pure Unzen is their ability to maintain human disguise. Ones that were converted from a human state usually can do it the best, as they had a human form in the first place. Converted Unzen that were born Converted usually struggle more with it, but never struggle as much as a Pure Unzen. This is due to the fact that their human state can be made from the remains of their human genetics. As described with Pure Unzen, Converted Unzen are not often treated well with Pure Unzen. However, it is also obvious that Converted Unzen are not taken well with humans, and are hunted more, if not just as much, than Pure Unzen. This can lead them to seem more hateful than Pure Unzen, abusing both sides due to the way they are treated. There are rumors that a human can be made into a Pure Unzen, but such a technique has never been physically displayed in known history. Ways to make a human into a Converted Unzen vary, but usually require a high level of control upon one's supernatural abilities. Said control can be placed to create objects that, if interacted with in a certain way, make the human turn into a Converted Unzen of a certain type. Or, one can directly place their abilities on one being, forcing a transformation from the interaction. It all depends on the Unzen's abilities. Generally, Unzen that lack in direct supernatural abilities outside of their physical form are able to force conversion through specific physical contact. Vampire and lycanthrope-like Unzen, for example, are able to bite in specific places to make one into one of their own. On the flipside, ones that can easily bend supernatural forces are able to force a human to convert in more unique ways, up to their own imagination. Both Converted and Pure Unzen can create Converted Unzen. Humans can technically use items from an Unzen to force a transformation on other humans, but it must all start with an Unzen creating said item in the first place. Converted Unzen and Pure Unzen have around the same level of being able to convert humans; the ability in which they convert is not dependent on state, but on what specific racial type of Unzen they are. You are allowed to be either kind of Unzen, but you should keep the characteristics above in mind for your certain state when writing your character. - Unzen Types Unzen types, alternatively known as the Unzen's "race", is what indicates the werewolf from the gryphon, the kobold from the imp, and the wizard from the sorcerer. Groups of Unzen that are generally similar in looks or power are usually placed within the same type. Due to the complexities of different Unzen types and states intermarrying between each other, it is uncertain how many types there ever exactly is at one given moment. Classification of certain types, on its own, can be rather difficult due to the many possible variations on a single type of Unzen. A dragon, for instance, can have various scale kinds, from chromatic to metallic differences. From there, a dragon can take on many sizes, shapes, and forms even within those parameters, each with their own abilities. It makes it rather stressful for the Unzen hunters of the world to keep track, to say the least, as variety and rarity is never certain in the mysterious world of the unsent. A rare catch one day can be one of the easiest finds after one finds where they have been hiding in society, making prices upon any Unzen findings upon the black market maddening to manage. Some Unzen, such as a typical wizard, are, in all senses and purposes, human in body, outside of their Unzen abilities. This can make it difficult to understand if one is a Converted or Pure Unzen of that type without some abstract supernatural method, as they have little to no need to hide their physical form. As described above, other Unzen vary upon what their physical characteristics can be. A dragon can be a human-looking being with some barely noticeable characteristics, to monster-girl level physical and supernatural characteristics, to an obvious, literal dragon. This differentiation often leads to feuds within certain types beyond simple ones between certain types and types within types. Most can agree that said feuds are rather foolish, but they still occur to this day. - Unzen Origins Despite what numerous human hunters of Unzen may think, not even the Unzen themselves are sure about their origins. Some hold onto religious beliefs that vary from "similar to our own religion" to "absolute pagan nonsense", while others simply do not care and would rather live their own life not caring about such things. This all depends on the situation that an Unzen is in. It will be unlikely that anyone will ever find the secrets behind the birth of the Unzen, and the general opinion will likely remain over their apparent "unsent" nature. - Unzen Hunting There are groups of people within Pudwick that attempt to hunt down the Unzen that flock to the town, and beyond. They do not have a specific classification other than "hunters", as their methods are mostly unorganized beyond the exchange of goods obtained from hunts. Unzen hunters can range from humans that are disgusted with Unzen and wish to be rid of them for whatever moral or ethical reason, to Converted Unzen who hate the Unzen due to the kind of world they thrown themselves into. A known rule of thumb is that human Unzen hunters and Converted Unzen Unzen hunters will typically not work together, and possibly even kill each other in petty battles over race. Unzen hunting is highly illegal in most cases, as most Unzen will set it up to seem like the murder of another human being. As most humans are completely unaware about the truth of the Unzen, this often leads to Unzen hunters being taken in and seen as serial killers of humans. This makes Unzen hunting very risky, but the rewards of doing so are seen as worth it to the few that dare take it as their occupation in life. --- -- Pudwick Description -- Pudwick, Pennsylvania has been partially described in the intro, but, beyond that, there are still some other details needed to be known. Currently, the world is in summer time, meaning that Pudwick is facing summer vacation for all the younger characters of the roleplay. While the Unzen population is excessively high for a town, the actual proportions between humans and Unzen within the town is bent towards the humans. This means that more humans live in the town than Unzen. You can find descriptions of locations in the small town of Pudwick below. There will likely (scratch that: certainly) be more locations as the roleplay progresses, which means that this will eventually find an update through a new thread. - Town Square A circle road around a square which marks the center of town activity. From here leads to the conveniences that this town is lucky to have. This includes stores, such as some small convenience stores, and typical American restaurants. South will take you to the mall, a popular get together for hormonal teenagers. From the roads, you can reach the neighborhoods of the town. - Mary Fox Park Named after a woman whose family still owns the park, it is a typical park with a lake in the center, named Lake Maurice, after her supposed mother. It is uncertain if said Mary Fox had any deal with Unzen, but rumors go around every now and then in Unzen circles that she was a particularly nasty magician. Said rumors seem to make Mary Fox one of the nicest places to understand wizardry, if you look in the right place (and aren't a human). Outside of that, it acts as one of the best places to hang out, while also getting the fresh air that people desperately need these days. - Pudwick Mall A one-floor mall that contains numerous stores, from clothing, shoes, sports gear, books, games, and so forth. If your character is a teenager, they might find itself here most of the time during the summer days that this roleplay takes place in. Occasionally, sneaky actions from more sinful Unzen may occur here, but, in most cases, business runs fine for these folk. - Pudwick School District The entire school district has the same name as the town it takes place within. From there, you can find the typical elementary/middle/high schools. The schools are currently closed at the moment, as it is summer. However, there are, as always, rumors that something suspicious is going on with the school. There seems to be rumors for almost anything in this town, which isn't surprising due to the Unzen population that most humans are unaware of. - Cinder Street A neighborhood that may as unsafe as it gets, for a human, anyway. To Unzen, this is a neighborhood of mostly Pure Unzen who generally hate humanity for the stunts they get away with. To most humans, it is just seen as a crime-ridden neighborhood that the town is unable to do much about, although it is more likely that the town government is manipulated to maintain its existence as a home for Pure Unzen. - Pioneer Grove The opposite of Cinder Street. This neighborhood is said to be the root of 'organization' between hunters in Pudwick. If you know where to look, this is where you can find the 'black market', filled with all sorts of illegal objects and Unzen catches. Generally, it is seen in a similar position as Cinder Street, and visitors of the town will be recommended not to go there, for the sake of not getting shot up by some criminals. --- [RULES] 1. As this is on ROBLOX, you will have to follow the rules of the site. 2. Follow common sense rules that are within all roleplays on the site, but aren't directly in the ROBLOX rules. This means that you shouldn't godmod, have a Mary Sue, power-play, and so forth. If you don't know what those terms are, Google is your friend. If you say something isn't in the rules, look at this rule again, and see if said rule is common sense. 3. Attempt to be literate. This means that all posts should be beyond a single line of dialogue or action. All users should attempt to at least write a small paragraph for their responses. 4. If your character dies, they're dead, unless some shenanigan brings them to life. Death will not be cheap, however, and the costs of bringing another to life may be more tragic than keeping someone dead. 5. There is no character limit, but please keep it at a number that you can properly organize, while also not being at the level of breaking other rules through them. 6. Admins may or may not appointed, depending on the level of interest this roleplay obtains. If appointed, an admin may approve or deny characters, and kick out players that disrupt the roleplay. 7. Character approval is needed before you join the roleplay. Before you create a character, however, please read the whole document, and skim through as much of the thread as you can, to get a general idea of what is going on. If you still don't understand, send a PM, and I will (hopefully) be able to answer it. 8. Got a suggestion? Send it to me, and I'll see what I think about it. 9. Want to player kill somebody? Please get permission by the user that you wish to murder, and then post on the thread/private message me about it. If I and said person accept the murder, it will be allowed to happen. 10. You don't need to make a player character for everyone you introduce, but if the character will be generally important, you should probably fill out a character sheet for them. 11. I will attempt to run some sort of plot, but most of it will likely be led by the users. Important NPC interactions may come from me, but, outside of that, the story is up to you all to decide. 12. When making an Unzen character, look at the notes about Unzen above, and then write about it. Unzen can take many forms and have many different lives, but please keep them at a low enough power level to make things fun for everyone. 13. You can make your own spots in the setting; just make sure they make sense and they aren't something awfully major (unless you go over it with me beforehand in PMs). 14. Respect each other. Being nice will make this roleplay go a long way. This is especially important during fights. I would recommend that you go over with the person you are facing what will happen privately beforehand, if you wish for a balanced fight that won't lead to a fight outside of the roleplay. 15. Please don't judge people in this roleplay for having a certain type of character in terms of race and other heated topics, unless said type of character is bothering the roleplay enough to be an issue. 16. Attempt to have fun. If you aren't having fun, you have all the right to leave the roleplay, or not join, if that makes you happy. Please, don't bring other people down too, though, just because you aren't having fun. --- [CHARACTER SHEET] -- Sheet Description -- This is info about each part of the two character sheets. - Human Character Sheet Name: Your character's full name, along with any nicknames, fake names, and so forth that they may have. Age: The time that your character has been alive, in years. Gender: Male, female, and anything inbetween, place it here. Personality: How your character generally acts and feels about things. If it is hard to write for this, just keep it simple and build off of it from there. Physical Appearance: Your character's physical looks (eye color, hair, height, weight, etc). Cosmetic Appearance: Your character's cosmetic looks (describe specific outfits if important to distinguish between two, jewelry, clothing, weapons, etc) Relations: Your character's family relations. Are they in a loving family of two children? Are they raising said family? Or, are they just an orphan out in the street? Characteristics: Positive and negative characteristics about your character. Keep this balanced; nobody is perfect, but dealing with awfully flawed characters that are not balanced another way to make up for it isn't fun, too. Biography: Tell a bit about the character's life. You can keep some, or, if really wished, most of it hidden/faked if you wish to add mystery to your character, but please at least have a paragraph here to understand your character's backstory. A character without a backstory is not much of a character at all. Other: Have anything else you need to fill out, that the other parts couldn't fill out for you? Place it here. - Unzen Character Sheet Name: Your character's full name, along with any nicknames, fake names, and so forth that they may have. Age: The time that your character has been alive, in years. If your character fakes an age, you can place the fake and real age here, together. Gender: Male, female, and anything inbetween, place it here. Personality: How your character generally acts and feels about things. If it is hard to write for this, just keep it simple and build off of it from there. Physical Appearance: Your character's physical looks (eye color, hair, height, weight, etc), within both forms. Cosmetic Appearance: Your character's cosmetic looks (describe specific outfits if important to distinguish between two, jewelry, clothing, weapons, etc), within both forms. Condition: Are you Pure, or are you Converted? Place that here. Type: Vampire, werewolf, dragon, mindflayer, whatever. Place it here, but keep it reasonable. Relations: Your character's family relations. As this sheet deals with Unzen, you should probably go into detail about your character's blood relations. Are you to some royal family that lived in the past as monarchs, or are you just some lowbloods that no one cares about? Characteristics: Positive and negative characteristics about your character. Keep this balanced; nobody is perfect, but dealing with awfully flawed characters that are not balanced another way to make up for it isn't fun, too. Biography: Tell a bit about the character's life. You can keep some, or, if really wished, most of it hidden/faked if you wish to add mystery to your character, but please at least have a paragraph here to understand your character's backstory. A character without a backstory is not much of a character at all. Other: Have anything else you need to fill out, that the other parts couldn't fill out for you? Place it here. --- -- Clean Character Sheets -- - Human Character Sheet Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Physical Appearance: Cosmetic Appearance: Relations: Characteristics: Biography: Other: - Unzen Character Sheet Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Physical Appearance: Cosmetic Appearance: Condition: Type: Relations: Characteristics: Biography: Other:
#190552352Monday, June 06, 2016 2:17 AM GMT

(other than the difficult formatting, at least for me, it seems to be quite an interesting RP. i wish you the best of luck sir.)
#190552434Monday, June 06, 2016 2:18 AM GMT

(( thanks, family. haven't been here for awhile, so i'm not exactly sure what to expect. i'll probably post my characters tomorrow. probably. ))
#190553289Monday, June 06, 2016 2:30 AM GMT

(( now, to wait and see if anyone tracks it. ))
#190554163Monday, June 06, 2016 2:44 AM GMT

(Alright, I'll mark for later.)
#190555530Monday, June 06, 2016 3:05 AM GMT

(( yeah, i'll post my characters tomorrow. for now, i'll just let this sit. ))
#190575120Monday, June 06, 2016 2:04 PM GMT

(( going to type up my characters. while i do that, anyone one else who wishes to join is open to. ))
#190586625Monday, June 06, 2016 6:13 PM GMT

(( going to note that abilities should go within your type of Unzen, but your skill with said abilities goes into characteristics. forgot about that. also, just going to dump my first two characters. note that these two don't mean that this rp is mostly going to be about teenage characters; the next two characters that i post afterwards will have to do more with proper adult characters. )) Name: Hunter Franzen. No alternate names. Age: 17 years. Gender: Male. Personality: Hunter considers himself a rather plain person, that lives to get the job done, and works on whatever he feels to make his life not boring as a result. This means he often juggles many individual projects of his own, only to ever deal with one. His one-track mind can make him look foolish at points, as he may be focusing on something so much that he became temporarily unaware of anything else important. ("Looks like instead of getting my summer work done, I just hung out with you all summer!"). Hunter has a hard time juggling friends and other aspects of his live, but the ones he can manage are able to have a nice, steady relationship. Hunter isn't one really to care about much beyond friendship, though, as, despite his age, he still finds it rather awkward to be considering going that far, especially now with him living with a bunch of people he just got to know. With his friends, Hunter is able to be a bit more honest with his own issues. Betraying him is a thing that hits him hard, and will 99.9% percent of the time make him freak out. Hunter, like many humans, is afraid of the unknown. He's not the kind of guy that will throw himself off a plane if he doesn't know if he'll survive the fall, or say something on the spot of he doesn't know if he will say the right answer. Considering the presence of Unzen of the town, this makes him look paranoid over the suspicious occurrences that arise within the town, despite it being "famed" for being irrelevant to the level of it being cosy for someone like him. This also makes it hard for him to trust numerous people, as he never knows if he is getting the hard truth, and for him to even take some jokes, as he is uncertain what one could possibly mean with it. Physical Appearance: Hunter Franzen is a stock teenager in most senses. Standing at around 5'10 and weighing an amount that gives him a somewhat skinny, but mostly average look, reflecting the amount of physical activity he usually takes part in, Hunter is about as normal as it gets. It seems that his family was of German lineage, although said family cares little upon that lineage, making them rather typically American. His hair is a dark, messy brown mop of hair, and his eyes are a simple blue. Cosmetic Appearance: Hunter isn't that original with his clothing choice, either, and often wears random Adidas and Under Armour clothes, despite him not being interested in sports, or just typical styles of the time (also known as: stock American Eagle or Old Navy clothes). As it is summer, Hunter is seen with shorts most of the time, and a particularly generic t-shirt that have little to nothing interesting upon them except the brand that he wears. As you can tell, Hunter cares little about this kind of stuff. Relations: Within Pudwick, Marline Franzen is his half-sister, sharing a father between each other. Said father deceased while Hunter was only a baby, and was named Arthur. Hunter never got to know his father well. Hunter's mother is a human, named Karen. Hunter's relationship with his mother seems to depend on the time of day, making it one of the primary reasons that he left off to Pudwick for the upcoming senior year. This could be due to his own paranoia, or to Karen's own paranoia about the issues within their family. Hunter isn't exactly certain himself. His half-mother, Augustine, is a Pure Unzen who has the true form identical to a human, beyond naturally dyed purple hair, and similarly purple eyes. She is a witch right to the textbook, allowing her to take incomprehensible concepts and morph them into supernatural abilities. Hunter isn't particularly aware of this whatsoever, nor does he realize that this makes his half-sister a Converted Unzen. As far as Hunter knows, Hunter's father falling for Augustine, effectively cheating on Karen, and later dying of unknown causes, led his mother to be as bitter as she is. Characteristics: Hunter will not beat you in a street fight, unless you are somehow heavily disadvantaged in some way (like if he has a gun, you don't, and he has a nice enough distance from you). Being at home for most of his life, Hunter has little knowledge in terms of street smarts and actual combat skills. Hunter's possible saving grace could be his ability to use the other parts of his head, as he's a pretty smart kid. He's just not smart in the "kill you in 5 seconds" smart, because he's a normal human being. Outside of combat capabilities, Hunter can write rather decently for his age, allowing him to write to himself without making it look too cringy. Biography: Hunter was born a single child in south-east Pennsylvania, where he spent most of his days not developing into a prince of Bel-Air, and more just sitting around and dealing with his bitter mother. His times in school were uninteresting, with him usually being the kid who would never tell what actually happened during that day of school. Even if he did, it was usually because some small bit of entertainment that didn't really matter too much in his life occurred, such as finally going to somewhere other than Virginia Beach for vacation. Hunter had little connection between him and his half-sister, despite her being the closest thing Hunter could have to a proper caring sibling. All she knew was that she was a rather spunky kind of girl, always going out and doing new and crazy things that he knew that he never could. Of course, he was never told the finer intricacies of her life, such as the fact that she was born a witch. Eventually, at the age of 17, Hunter could see that his mother was breaking down over some issue between his step-mother. With Hunter not knowing much about the tale, despite him living for so long with it in the background, Hunter had finally asked her about it. This lead to a sharp fight that viciously kicked him out of the house, as he apparently was not 'her child' anymore. Confused emotionally, and a bit beat up physically, Hunter had found himself a way to have his life not ruined on the streets of his hometown, that day, and it wasn't by calling child abuse services. Instead, he had hit up his half-sister, and asked her to get her mother to do something about it. In the span of that eventful day in Hunter's boring life, Hunter's life changed, with him now finding himself smack dab into Pudwick, a whole new world to him in itself. Other: He has no style, he has no grace. This human, has a funny thing. He can handstand, when he needs to, and stretch his arms out, just for you. (Not really. He can't even do a handstand.) --- Name: Marlene Franzen. Often called "Marley". Age: 18 years. Gender: Female. Personality: To Hunter's eyes, Marlene has always been the sort of Manic Pixie Dream Girl that he would need to be an actual living being. In truth, Marlene may be rather spunky, and often likes to make life better for the people around her. However, as Marlene is a functioning living being in our society, Marlene has more to her beyond this. More specifically, Marlene has direct insecurities that she can never address to anyone, as most of them deal with her own state as an Unzen. Said insecurities often make her feel the need to go with drastic measures to deal with them. ("If you tell anyone about this, I will kill you." That kind of way.) Marlene is also insecure about her friends, and is often seen as a bit too clingy about them. She can never be sure about what will happen to them, as the world of Pudwick is more dangerous, in her mind, than anyone ever seems to know. Walk down the wrong street at the wrong time, and you'll get yourself killed. Considering this is a rural town, and not a big city, this is a big issue. Marlene often seems to talk a lot to people because of this, as she wants them to be on her good side so that she can have their back (or so they can have her back if she does something really stupid). Physical Appearance: Marlene is a young woman at the height of 5'7, with a decently athletic build to fit the physical demands of magic use. Marlene's eye color and hair color are different than Hunter's (being a dark brown and black, respectively) due to a force in changing it with arcane methods. Without containing it (which is done usually through casting), her hair and eye colors are a vibrant lilac color. Her hair is quite long, reaching down to her back. This is a pain to take care of, but Marlene likes it enough to keep it around. Her body is rather lively, and it is rare to see her in a state of exhaustion when she isn't over-exerting herself. She takes after her mother, who was a British woman before settling in Pudwick. Cosmetic Appearance: Marlene's clothing styles while fitting in with the human world range through typical tomboy styles, showing off her personality. While, being a witch, she does have a set of clothing to fit it, consisting of robes and wide-brimmed purple witch hat, she has enough common sense to realize that she shouldn't be wearing it out in the public. Condition: Converted Unzen (Human father + Pure Unzen mother). Type: Witch. Marlene has the powers of using abstract concepts to make certain supernatural occurances a reality. This means that she can use abilities in the form of 'spells' that affect the natural world in unbelievable ways. Her kind seems to be a form that takes physical traits mostly similar to humans, beyond strange natural hair colors and eye colors that make one look like they come from Japanese animation. Witches and wizards typically are organized in councils of some sort, but Marlene's family are atypically uninvolved with those groups. This has to do with a feud between their family and said groups, specifically one that is directly named 'the Magi Council', due to a bloodline issue. Relations: Important relatives are described mostly in Hunter's sheet. For a recap, Karin is her half-mother, Augustine is her mother, and Arthur is her dead father. Marlene, similar to Hunter, had little relations with her father. Similarly, she knows little about his side of the family, and never particularly cared much for it, either. Marlene did not know much about Karin, either, though this is mostly due to Augustine keeping said feud between each other (until the day that Hunter had to come to Pudwick). Marlene inherits Augustine's bloodline of the Holloways, a group of wizards that have had questionable actions and morals throughout history, including getting into deals and relations with even more questionable Unzen. This had ruined the bloodline to the eyes of most wizards, making it seem corrupt and typical to fall into the dark arts. Thankfully, Marlene isn't that kind of person. For now. Character relations between her friends will be demonstrated in the roleplay, and in other character sheets (if said relation applies to that character). Upon Augustine's side, Marlene has her grandfather, Alban, who, along with Augustine, acts as her mentor in the arts of the arcane. Her actual relationship with the man is surprisingly steady, despite her being born with a human as her father. This is due to witches and wizards often finding themselves with humans in the first place, as numerous of them have mostly human forms and can get away easily as disguising as one without much trouble. On the other end, they can manipulate a human into making a child through their abilities, and then run off with said child. Thankfully, Augustine was the first kind. Characteristics: Being a Converted Unzen means that Marlene has less control over her abilities, and is more likely to lose control and kill someone with it. This means that Marlene does not usually use her abilities outside of the comfort of her home, where she can do it in secret under the teachings of her mother and grandfather. Her physical abilities vary greatly depending if she is using her powers or not. Without control, it is possible for her to throw people at a force that shatters bones on impact. This is rare, however, and takes up a bunch of energy. Marlene's own abilities are undeveloped, for she is still in training to become a proper witch. She isn't the kind of witch that you'd be seeing flying on a broom and making concoctions; rather, she is simply able to cast arcane spells that have effects depending on many abstract factors. This makes it difficult to create complex spells without years upon years of training, that Marlene does not have. Biography: Marlene isn't the one to talk about her life, keeping it all hidden in secret, and even covering up things that she doesn't want other to see. She may have done horrible things in the past, but she has made sure that only certain people will ever know the issues she had to deal with in her life before the day Hunter came. So, information upon said issues will be kept hidden until they are mentioned in the roleplay itself. All that will be told is that she had some issues with a couple people, and it lead to horrible results. In current news, Marlene had received a call one day from her half-brother that he was in big trouble. His mother had kicked him out of the house, and he didn't want to flounder around in law anytime soon. So, she had told her mother about the issue, making her drive over and bring Hunter over to Pudwick. Other: She's probably a weeaboo, considering her natural hair color and eye color. Dirty American witch weeaboo, what a combination!
#190588440Monday, June 06, 2016 6:46 PM GMT

(( is anyone interested in this or ))
#190595351Monday, June 06, 2016 8:29 PM GMT

(( safety bump ))
#190598641Monday, June 06, 2016 9:14 PM GMT

(( i'll post the other characters tonight. if nobody is going to join after that, then i'll just let the rp die, and then make something else. ))
#190599197Monday, June 06, 2016 9:22 PM GMT

(ok i will b joining. within today. somehow.) *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.
#190599998Monday, June 06, 2016 9:34 PM GMT

(I decided to bear the word-wall and make it through it in its entirety. It seems pretty cool, and I'm thinking about making a character. I just want to let you know though, if I do, I may the personality spot blank or close to blank. I really don't enjoy filling that out and I find that I deviate from what I write too often. I hope that's okay.)
#190600786Monday, June 06, 2016 9:46 PM GMT

(( that's fine ))
#190614671Tuesday, June 07, 2016 1:06 AM GMT

(i finally did it) Name: Ala.von Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Alavon is mischievous and fickle. She enjoys messing with people, whether it's making them overly confused, or simple practical jokes, and finds it fun to see others mildly irritated. Alavon is most attracted to novelty, and new things. She is quite social, and enjoys chatting with random strangers. She doesn't mind a waste of time. She is a bit of a show off at times. Physical Appearance: Alavon is small, being of around 3 feet. She looks like a really tiny human with with red, insect-like wings. Her eyes are of a bright, vibrant red color, and her skin of a soft and gentle lilac pink. Her extremely volu.minous hair is of a curly dark fuschia, and reaches down to her back, reaching to her hips. Her bangs, which cover part of her eyebrows, are wide and fluffy, almost like a disiy character, and sweep down from her left forehead to her right, tucked behind her ears. Her lips are tinted a slight purple, and her terrifying cheshire grin, her smile, her teeth are comparable to sharks. Her wings, as stated earlier, are insect-like, with webs instead of feathers. They're much larger than her body, and reaches farther than her arms, but they fold neatly against her back when needed. Alavon's body, while is human like, is able to remind someone of a wasp, seeing how thin, small, and fragile it appears to be. Cosmetic Appearance: Clothes tend to follow a red and silver color scheme, though she tends to opt for more creative colors as well, such as black and pink. They tend to be "flowy", and usually hang loosely on her. Though they do cover a ton of skin, usually being long sleeved and skirted, they aren't modest or conser.vative at all, and usually bring attention through glitter and shine, along with fancy jewelry on very special occasions. Sometimes, when she's feeling especially tired and lazy, she wears sweatpants and loose shirts. She wears make up, when she deems it not a waste of time, such as sheer lipstick, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Condition: She's a fire elemental/fairy/bird thing. Type: Pure Relations: Alavon was born within a glass ball. This glass ball was eventually stolen by a tiny drake, and stuck it within dry hay within the fires and flames of her youth. She popped open one day, at the 21th of May. That drake, afterwards, proceeded to teach her everything it knew. That is to say, she doesn't know any of her original parents, or if she even has any. Characteristics: Alavon, being a Pure Unzen, has much more control over her abilities. This would allow her to do fancy tricks with fire, use her wings to maneuver quick and with grace, burn things with her hands, manipulate temperature with ease, and use a few magic spells, since fairies are magic. However, she can't do complicated sorts of magic, only simple, specialized ones meant for her use only. Her learning of magic is limited as well, since she tends not to study things that don't interest her. Biography: Alavon usually focuses less on her past, slightly more on the future, and most on the present. As such, she tends not to talk about her origins. She, however, is content to speak about other people's histories and the bad deeds that they have done, along with the general gossip. Other: probably is literally an anime *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.
#190614782Tuesday, June 07, 2016 1:07 AM GMT

(( accepted. ))
#190629216Tuesday, June 07, 2016 4:30 AM GMT

(Still trying to think of an interesting character. I may have a CS up by tomorrow.)
#190662612Tuesday, June 07, 2016 7:48 PM GMT

(( going to bump; i'll get the other characters that i wanted to post sometime tonight. rp will start when a couple more people join. ))
#190705175Wednesday, June 08, 2016 4:43 AM GMT

(( excuse the wait; here's the other character sheets i was talking about. posting one at a time because roblox = roblox )) Name: Marzell Maykis. Takes upon the name "Zalperaot" within his Unzen form, although his true name is used between his most trusted friends, and his 'family'. Age: 33 years. Gender: Male Personality: Marzell is a blunt, unforgiving person, to the point of absurdity at points. If you were to be in some chamber and he had to save you, and if you were crying for him during said situation, Marzell would scold you about relying upon other people. He takes upon this cold, edg.y persona to hide his internal an.g.st over how Pudwick had rui.ned his life. This doesn't mean he can't care for people externally; he wouldn't have two ad.opt.ed "children" (only one actually counts as a child, the other takes upon the form of a young girl) if that was the case. Marzell has a hard time maintaining rat.ion.ality within his Unzen form, due to the un.stable nature of being a Converted Unzen. Physical Appearance: In his human form, Marzell is a male with a height of 5'11 feet, and a lanky build. Similar to Hunter and Marlene (although not related to them), Marzell has a cau.ca.sian skin tone. Marzell's eyes are a distinct blue color, unlike his hair, which takes on stark jet black. Said hair is also long for a male, being straight and reaching, at farthest, his shoulders. One can find distinct pu.nk/rock vibes when looking at him, reminiscing on his younger, more innocent days. His face is never seen as anything but cleanly shaved by most people. In his Unzen form, Marzell's appearance is anything but his original human form. Acting as some sort of representation of the p.lague "stoppers" of old, Marzell's body dons a white, leather-like plag.ue doctor "mask" that acts as his face. The holes where his eyes would be are only a black void, and, looking inside them, you will find absolutely nothing but...pretty much nothing. It is a supernatural abstraction that still allows Marzell to see, unaltered to what it would be like with human eyes. The same leather that makes his facial 'mask' covers his whole body, his whole body overall being a 6'1 feet, wre.t.ched and bony mess. Said bodily features are mostly not seen, outside of his white, lon.g-nailed, si.ckly fingers in this form, due to hiding most of it through a magical robe of sorts. Cosmetic Appearance: Think of any current ro.ck band. Find a hoodie for it. Now, imagine Marzell wearing it, along with some blue jeans with holes in them. This is the style of the common Marzell. It doesn't get much different than this. Even his footwear are usually the same black boots. In his Unzen form, most of his body is covered with Grim Re.a.per-like robes, that put a shadowy void upon anything within it. This covers most of his body, beyond his bald, plague-doctor faced head, and his freaky-looking hands. The only way to look within it would be to take it off completely, though no one usually would ever want to, as they aren't i.ns.ane. Condition: Converted Unzen (forced through magic). Type: "Plague doctor". Although most hunters would not see this as an actual type of Unzen, considering no others of the same kind directly exist, Marzell's current desires at the time had forced him into said state of being. These Unzen are seemingly able to make conc.octi.ons that have supernatural effects, and have a supernatural understanding of a physical body. This allows them to be stealthy k.i.ll.ers, or miracle workers in medical fields. Or both, which seems to work well for Marzell. Relations: The closest thing that Marzell currently has, outside of people within his workfield, are the two people he takes care of on his lonesome. This includes Ignacio, real name Qrunerk, who was an abandoned white kobold Pure Unzen that he had found one day, and Lilac, a young girl that he seems to have taken care of for as long as he could remember. Characteristics: Marzell is skilled at what he does, considering his condition with his memory forcing it to be most of his actual life. He can in.tox.icate people without them even noticing, and, despite having no medical background, can do what he can to even gr.ie.vous injury. Beyond this, however, he is not particularly skilled in physical combat, especially in his Unzen form, which is rather fra.gil.e and weak. Biography: Forced magic am.nes.ia has made it hard for him to remember his past outside of his time entering Pudwick fifteen years ago, and, considering how much he hides his identity under his "Zalperaot" persona, it's unlikely that you'll find anything interesting about his childhood anytime soon, or any of his early years before he became an Unzen. It's all scattered, and trying to remember it usually only brings him pain. It's a situation that he'll never truly understand on his own, due to the magic used upon him to make him an Unzen also altering that part of his memory. These days, Marzell finds himself working as an alchemist in Unzen circles, posing in human society as a jobless male living in an apartment with two adopted children. It's not the most ideal conditions, but, with most of his life warped, it's hard for him to do anything beyond it. Other: le depressed edge man *tips fedora and then parkours it*
#190705296Wednesday, June 08, 2016 4:45 AM GMT

Name: Lilac Maykis. True name/Familiar Name: Ninarth. Age: 14 years. True age is unknown, though the most current instance of her traces around 200 years back. Gender: Female. Personality: Lilac appears to be a rather lovely individual, who could forgive anyone, and yet also be fragile to the simplest things. Yet, before sealing her old self within a familiar, Lilac was a different person, who was bitter and manipulative of the people within Pudwick. Her condition as being one of the first born Unzen within Pudwick had granted her a lot of authority, which she used to punish people that got in the way of her and the town. However, with her deal with a man fifteen years back, Liliac had forced said persona into a familiar, and was birthed anew as a young child within the care of said man. Due to this, what was once Ninarth is now the personality of her familiar, and her own new innocent persona is a result of said separation. Despite this, she is still aware of her past, and perhaps isn't as nice as she may seem. Although not at cruel as she once was in the past, she will not hesitate to beat your face in if it means that she can maintain her own integrity. When fighting another Unzen, she also does not seem to be as insecure, and will not be afraid to hurt someone if needed. Physical Appearance: Lilac takes the form of, yet again, another caucasian female. Her height is a bit shorter on average, and it is said that she looks more like a little girl than her age as a soon-to-be high schooler. This is probably due to her old self over doing the whole "looks like a little girl but is really some hundred years old" shtick. Her hair takes upon a long, chestnut brown ponytail, with the rest of his her hair being long enough to sweep over her eyes. Her eyes are a noticeable emerald green, shared with her Unzen "familiar" (with the Unzen's eyes, obviously, being more 'draconic' in style). Said familiar seems to take the form of a white, furred draconic being, that stands in a feral, four-legged position. It has a short muzzle, and does not seem to have any horns whatsoever. It's wings are rather unique, taking on a form reminiscent of Marx from Kirby; its wings are white with hexagonal, differently colored scales under them, making a rainbow-like color. Said scales seem to shimmer slowly between many different colors, cycling them based upon a rainbow pattern. The size of said creature is rather small, being able to fit upon Lilac's shoulder. It is possible that, if she linked with said familiar completely, that her true Unzen form would appear; which would be an anthropomorphic version of said familiar, at the height of 6'4. Cosmetic Appearance: Despite the income faked from her father, Lilac often brings herself to wear nice clothing, usually with short dresses. If there's anyone in Pudwick who looks girly, it's this girl. She also wears two small drop earrings, in the shape of diamonds. One are upon each earlobe. Her Unzen form does not seem to wear any clothing whatsoever, so this doesn't apply. Condition: Pure Unzen (unknown birth combination) Type: Dragon. In this case, she seems to be some sort of anthropomorphic draconic being, that can understand past parts of herself and other people within sleep/trance-like states. Said parts are vast and differentiate between possible timelines; this allows her to see certain outcomes and carry out ones that lead to the most favorable outcome. Apparently, she has some control over people's linkage, and can force certain events to occur at a cost. This is what had happened with the creation of her familiar, and Marzell. Her abilities are unable to be done right off the bat, in, say, a combat situation, making them less useful. Her ability of this is limited at the moment due to a lack of a true link with her old self. She can also cast various sorts of rainbow-colored supernatural energies, usually with extreme heat condensed within them. Lilac also has a connection her familiar, as it is truly her own self in a contained state. If said familiar is killed, then she will revert to her old self. Lilac can communicate with her familiar, and feel the pain of said familiar, too. Relations: Marzell is her "father", although, in truth, her old self had set up a gambit that set herself as this for reasons that her current self has still yet to understand. Ignacio acts as her "brother" in this case as well, with Lilac being the older on in terms of fake and real age. This makes her the caretaker of her younger "brother" often, in places that Marzell can't due to his condition. Marlene is her truest friend, despite the apparent age gap, in her new separated form. Tragedy had brought them together, and now work together to fight the people that brought said tragedy that night. Characteristics: Without her old self being within her anymore, Lilac's powers are limited, and are restricted to the use of Ninarth. Physically, she is literally just a little girl, though her old form may have been much more physically capable. She can probably slap you really hard, but that's as far as it is going to go without her familiar. This has gotten her into trouble in the past, in an incident that had to be hid from the town for the sake of peace and prosperity. Biography: Tidbits about her story are already peppered within this character sheet, so to put everything together, she was born as one of the first Unzen of the town, apparently showing dominance. She had an occurrence with Marzell that made him like it is, but the significance of it is currently untold. She became friends with Marlene from a horrible incident that made them have to both cover it up, and with Ignacio after Marzell found him alone and abandoned. Now, she works with Marlene in her spare time to fight against hunters and other sorts of nasty people that may be out to get them. Other: probably a pretty important character with huge backstory towards the town???
#190706329Wednesday, June 08, 2016 5:05 AM GMT

Name: Ignacio Maykis. Real Name: Qrunerk (no last name). Age: 12 years (both forms). Gender: Male. Personality: Despite being a smarter kobo.ld than others due to his scale color, Ignacio still lacks a good link with the human world. Despite him living his whole life in the human world, Ignacio is still curious as ever about the intricacies of it, as he often demonstrates a blatant unawareness of things a human would understand from their upbringing. This doesn't mean that he is a fool, however; he just lacks common sense that a typical kid would have. In truth, he is rather smart for is age, at least in the terms of understanding the Unzen world. This is shown through him not being blind about what his sister and Marlene seem to do on a daily basis. Physical Appearance: Ignacio takes the human form of a boy with the height of 4'8 feet. His skin color suggests South American origins. His hair is a dark brown, which is often mistaken to be black hair, and his eyes are a plain dirt brown. His body is a healthy weight, despite his upbringing with Marzell. He may seem a bit messy with his medium length hair, though is more on his end, though, as he just doesn't seem to mind that kind of stuff, despite whatever his "sister" says. In his Unzen form, Ignacio, with his true name, Qrunerk, is an exactly 4 foot, white scal.ed kobold. Kobolds generally have dra.co.nic features, and Qrunerk is no different, with a dra.conic head with a muz.zle with many sh.arp little teeth, rept.ilian claws and feet, and other typical chara.cteristics. An eng.raving is upon the right side of his neck within this form, identifying his bloo.d as a kobold of a .pries.t status. Qrunerk has no hair within this form, and is completely bald. Cosmetic Appearance: Unlike his "sister", Ignacio is fine with simpler clothes, featuring the plain.est of plain t-shirts, and simple shorts, with shoes from a year or so ago tacke.d. upon his feet. He's not a child of fashion within his human form, not seeing the point of it as a kid. Although rarely ever in his ko.bold form, due to him wishing to hide it, said switch seems to come with a magical robe of sorts made by his parents, showing off his cl.ass. Holding it together are belts that can hold s.atc.hels and weapons by h.olstering them on it. It comes with a hood, which is often placed over Qrunerk's head to cover his baldness, which is a thing he doesn't like. Condition: Pure Unzen (Converted Unzen + Pure Unzen). Type: Kobold. They're like, m.id.get reptilian people. Some have d.raconic abilities, usually signified by a special scale color. As Qrunerk has the special scale color of white, he has slight power over manipulating light and bright, fire-like abilities. These types of kobolds are often seen as priests within the hidden, t.ribal society that they have, as they often have human-like intelligence, and can develop into powerful wizards. Relations: Lilac is his "sister", and Marzell is his "father" in this adopted family. Marlene, being Lilac's friend, is, unsurprisingly, Ignacio's friend as well. It's just one big m.es.sy family, isn't it? Within kobold hierarchy, Ignacio, or, more properly, Qrunerk, is one of the highest b.lo.ods a kobold can be, being white scaled. However, due to his lineage, his status is seen as a "false priest", giving a reason for his abandonment from his parents. He doesn't know anything about them, unfortunately. Characteristics: Despite being a Pure Unzen, he's just a kid. If you freak him out enough, he might accidentally blind you or something, but that's about it. Pu.mmeling poor kobold kids isn't nice. Don't do that. He has the potential to become a powerful magician, but, as the time of the creation of this character sheet, he's just a kid. He is precious. Biography: Born from a Converted Unzen and a Pure Unzen within a kobold family, Qrunerk's existence was doomed to hiding from kobold society. H.oly bl.o.ods born from a Converted Unzen are seen as bringers of cor.rup.tion and doom to the race of kobolds. This forced Qrunerk to be a.ban.d.oned quite obviously upon the street which Marzell lives upon a night 12 years ago. Seeing said kobold child on its lonesome, Marzell found himself handling two very young Unzen children in only his 20s. Through strokes of luck and miracles, things seemed to work out, and Qrunerk grew up as Ignacio. Of course, Qrunerk would not be hidden from his true existence himself, with the robe made for him being enough for him to continue remembering his true origins. As of now, though, he lives the life of any other child, enjoying what is now currently his summer days in peace. Hopefully, those peaceful days can last, so he doesn't have to bother with his existence as a "false priest". Hopefully. Other: this was a pain to post
#190706440Wednesday, June 08, 2016 5:08 AM GMT

(( alright, after mangling that third one (i don't think roblox likes large weight, messaging of the privates, skin, or anything in religious structure) i can finally say this. if you need help with joining this, please message me. i'd like to get this started sooner or later, with more than two people in it. ))
#190727643Wednesday, June 08, 2016 3:57 PM GMT

(( afternoon bump. ))
#190732169Wednesday, June 08, 2016 5:16 PM GMT

(Marked. Not joining, but I wish you good luck.)
#190733661Wednesday, June 08, 2016 5:39 PM GMT

(( i'm not sure why you would mark a rp if you aren't going to join, but okay, thanks. ))

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