#190595239Monday, June 06, 2016 8:27 PM GMT

.... Yet you preach metal like it's the official religion of this forum.
#190595371Monday, June 06, 2016 8:29 PM GMT

^ it is lol tf have you been
#190595540Monday, June 06, 2016 8:31 PM GMT

Nah, more like a civil war between rappers and metalheads
#190595688Monday, June 06, 2016 8:34 PM GMT

both the fans are pretty stupid besides for that one minority thats pretty chill
#190595944Monday, June 06, 2016 8:37 PM GMT

@metalheads and rappers: if these guys can get together so can u,
#190596009Monday, June 06, 2016 8:38 PM GMT

-comes from ost minority- kek
#190598162Monday, June 06, 2016 9:08 PM GMT

Yano I love you...but jesus christ...your becoming anti push...seriously you two should fight. THIS IS MY OPINION DONT GET MAD c: 1. Randomly rapping - If you walk in your hallway at school, you always have those kids who are rapping to themselves. They are monotone and looking so serious, like for real it looks like they're talking to themselves and everyone is concerned when they see that :/ Eh I can say from personal experience as rockers and metalheads (or basically anyone who listens too any music) sing too ourselves just as much IF NOT MORE then rap fans. 2. Weird choice of clothing - Since when is wearing overpriced, namebrand clothing considered cool? Last time I check shoes were meant to protect your feet and clothing was to cover you like what the heck. Plus for some reason a new style for them is to wear pants that are too short for them Dude, us rockers and metalheads are the king of weird clothing and styles! THE S**T WE DO TOO OUR HAIR MAN!!! THE S**T WE DO TOO OUR HAIR! 3. Attitudes and rude - They always try to act better than you and I HATE IT! They are just jerks and think they're cool :,^( Eh, it depends. Many rap fans are very inviting and pretty chill (as long as you ease them into your music taste...but if your like me your just gonna try too kill them by playing brokencyde xD). 4. History of rap and hip hop - It comes from the struggles of being poor and living in the ghetto, speaking in a certain tone for poetry. Now here in 2016, people would rather wiggle their behinds to Nicki Minaj and being ghetto is considered cool to them :/ Eh I can see your point, but this isn't every rap fan. Many of the rap fans I have met hate the insincerity of a lot of rap and hip hop fans hate the insincerity and love how artists like Beyonce, are at least trying too make a point with there music. Or with Kendrick Lamar, telling full and very fleshed out stories about personal experiences through there music...JUST LIKE US! 5. Taking rapping too darn seriously - Like seriously, all rap is is a monotone dude that sounds like all the other rappers speaking about girls and money to the simplist beats in the world. Lines like "Mayn yo got nah mo money like a two dollar huke rah" or "ain no hustlahin no hustalin makin money dough boy makin it" are considered FIRE LYRICS to them. Good thing you said this was an opinion, or else this would have totally made you a hypocrite. This sounds like Push when he says "OH! ALL METAL IS!!! IS SCREAMING AND BANGING ON POTS!!CEPT BURZUM!!!!THERE OK :3!!!!!!". 5. Blasting rap windows down in their car - Like jeez no one wants to hear that nonsense roll up your window and wuit advertising your favorite rapper Eh, it depends. Sometimes its funny...sometimes it can be legitimately annoying. But you sound a bit like a stuffy old guy being so annoyed by it. I mean how long is the car gonna be next too you for? 5 seconds? 6. HAVE YOU HEARD OF _____ x999 - All rap fans do is ask you if you heard of this rapper or this rapper. Its so annoying all rappers are the same so why does it matter if i heard of rapper A or rapper B idc my friend :/ Dude again, we do the same damn thing. In fact I think us rockers and metalheads do it more. In fact, sometimes we get PISSED OFF when other people don't know what were talking about. 7. Alongside with pop, rap is the most popular in the US - Like cmon since when is simplistic music praised upon? This is why northern Europe is better :/ Since f**king forever. Simplicity has always been praised. Thats why pop rock is so popular, it has all the substance of normal rock, and all of the catchiness of pop music. Also Europe isn't any less simple. I mean they have better pop artists (Lilly Allen cough cough) but there still pop artists. Its not all mainstream music in Europe is f**kin uping them irons or anything really.
#190610218Tuesday, June 07, 2016 12:07 AM GMT

^ who r u dork
#190619537Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:07 AM GMT

I like some rap. I also like some metal. So am I the weirdest??? O.o
#190619652Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:08 AM GMT

so weird :3:3:3
#190621644Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:33 AM GMT

That's okay, because weird is normal, and normal is weird.
#190625327Tuesday, June 07, 2016 3:26 AM GMT

Figured i'd leave this here
#190626779Tuesday, June 07, 2016 3:48 AM GMT

I like rap, but I don't do/act any of these things ._. most of the people I'm close with don't even know I like rap ._. I am what nightmares are made of (plastic)
#190642707Tuesday, June 07, 2016 1:04 PM GMT

@lolsalad do some research on Tool I've seen them in concert, they don't dress like stereotypical metalheads most of the time, they don't take themselves too seriously, & the screams are more reserved than of what metal you've probably heard of.
#190644495Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:01 PM GMT

I like both but would I merge them? heck no
#190646952Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:59 PM GMT

Ignore that baiter Salad Hes just mad cause my opinions are true
#190652229Tuesday, June 07, 2016 4:58 PM GMT

>7. Alongside with pop, rap is the most popular in the US - Like cmon since when is simplistic music praised upon? This is why northern Europe is better :/ In what way is rap and pop music simplistic
#190654518Tuesday, June 07, 2016 5:45 PM GMT

^ if you dont see it then you need to rethink life friend :/
#190660280Tuesday, June 07, 2016 7:17 PM GMT

Listen,Yadoking, just because certain things happen in your elementary school doesn't mean they happen all over the world. All the normal people here don't know what you are talking about. posts like this remind me that i'm probably too old to be on this forum, there's probably 2 other people here that are over 13. #RAP
#190662305Tuesday, June 07, 2016 7:44 PM GMT

"Listen,Yadoking, just because certain things happen in your elem--" I DONE XDDDDD Back at it again with the young kid/elementary school jokes xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd One thing I learned in elementary school is how to actually use spacing after commas ;)
#190686000Wednesday, June 08, 2016 12:45 AM GMT

Yado, sick burn! But jesus this won't last long GET OFF WHILE YOUR STILL ON TOP MAN! DON'T BURN OUT!!!!!!
#190731125Wednesday, June 08, 2016 4:59 PM GMT

lmao deadass boi thinks im a troll cause he cant respond with anything else
#190735707Wednesday, June 08, 2016 6:13 PM GMT

Salads = vegans Vegans = annoying Annoying = trolls Sorry youre a troll :P facts proven are above :o
#190743561Wednesday, June 08, 2016 8:02 PM GMT

lmao "vegan" lmao meat is god
#190743843Wednesday, June 08, 2016 8:05 PM GMT

i wouldn't worship meat, i mean sure a lot of it is good but some of it i can't stomach