#191873454Thursday, June 23, 2016 11:20 PM GMT

@Curzon, you are late, where were you? You gonna keep up if you want to keep your job as a troll, else we'll pay the bail for Darkzone13 and he'll take your place! >:c
#191874002Thursday, June 23, 2016 11:28 PM GMT

@curzondax "bubbascal is dumb" Like your so-called trolling?
#191874276Thursday, June 23, 2016 11:32 PM GMT

"you are late, where were you?" on other pages of this thread "You gonna keep up if you want to keep your job as a troll, else we'll pay the bail for Darkzone13 and he'll take your place! >:c" no one can take my place even if i'm not explicitly trolling anymore i am unstoppable "Like your so-called trolling?" i'm not explicitly trolling anymore [2] anyone with at least a quarter of a brain here knows bubbascal never knows what he's talking about
#191874869Thursday, June 23, 2016 11:40 PM GMT

Alright, it's only because we like you and that Darkzone13 is apparently having major surgery because he dropped the soap in ban prison shower! In a more serious note, why does this kind of discussion is filled with shallow people having shallow arguments? If it wasn't for a few bunch this discussion would look like "I want it! No you don't! I want it! No you don't!"
#191875041Thursday, June 23, 2016 11:43 PM GMT

@curzon Yes, I agree. I had a main and I had argued with him with some ODer business. But you claiming that you have a brain? That's even worse than bubbascal's posts in general.
#191875603Thursday, June 23, 2016 11:52 PM GMT

Bleh,willing to admit maybe kids wouldn't understand the whole love thing(be it straight or otherwise). Children can still understand the T part of LGBTA+ though,everything else(Including straights) probably not.
#191878474Friday, June 24, 2016 12:33 AM GMT

This thread got to the 2nd page one day, multiple flame wars, no supports. What is this thread going to? I thought it died days ago.
#191879044Friday, June 24, 2016 12:42 AM GMT

I don't think they'll understand Mister T, no matter how hard those fools tries! Sorry, had to do it. More seriously, the gender theory, and therefore, transgenders, are relatively uncertain concepts of personality boxing: X gender have Xs personality/role/etc If you don't belong any of the "preset" boxes, or you don't want to, then you are in your own box, therefore you are transgender. It can't work because: Personality is developed through experience, Physiognomy is developed through genes codes at birth and afterward through your own liking and life decisions, and Roles are determined by yourself, your needs and the needs of others. And along with most other psychological traits that determine genders, they are incredibly fluid: At any second in your life, any of these can change for a complete different trait, because of yourself or others. It doesn't mean that at any second you suddenly become X gender because it fits with X archtype or transgender because it doesn't fits with an archtype at all. The whole thing is complicated to explain even for scientists and psychologists, so giving an explanation to kids will either end with giving one of the usual Tumblr Propaganda or the explanation will be filled with inconsistencies, and it's gonna end up with kids having huge personality crisis (a lot more complex than the usual teenager personality crisis) in their teenage years.
#191879409Friday, June 24, 2016 12:47 AM GMT

Just talk to almost any transgendered person,they will tell you that they thought their gender was wrong when they were a child,even if they didn't know it was a thing,and even if they didn't know you could change genders. I agree with the believe that every single aspect of a human being is the complete result of outside influence and other people's actions,along with genetics. That's a fine belief. But a trans person is always trans,they don't just abandon it or one day become it,otherwise they're most likely not really trans.
#191879827Friday, June 24, 2016 12:53 AM GMT

Guys trust me Cur isnt a troll, just a waste.
#191880271Friday, June 24, 2016 12:59 AM GMT

Megan,this isn't me trying to be rude or anything,but if someone is being hostile you should just ignore them,or if they're disagreeing with you then don't try to insult them or even be rude. Just be polite,okay?. If they're being bad enough then you can just report them,but otherwise maintain an image of politeness. It helps a lot,and if they are someone trolling they'll just go away once they realize they're not getting any attention.
#191880927Friday, June 24, 2016 1:09 AM GMT

@PowerH It can be believed that they felt their gender was wrong from outside influences, it's completely understandable to feel away from certains belief/needs when trying mixing with a group that fail and meeting a new one with entire different belief/needs. To make it clear, imagine a boy failing to mix with a group of boys with a large amount of common points with him, being rejected, and being accepted in a girl group with complete different points, and having to develop around this new group. On another note, don't be mad at people who don't like the LGBT or doubt it, the LGBT got really stained when Tumblr and the likes decided to join it.
#191881512Friday, June 24, 2016 1:16 AM GMT

Not all lgbt people use tumblr. Not even most of them
#191881943Friday, June 24, 2016 1:23 AM GMT

But all Tumblr claim to be LGBT, I let you imagine the terrible advertisement when someone yell "DIE CIS SCUM" "KILL ALL MEN" and claim to be defending LGBT.
#191881969Friday, June 24, 2016 1:23 AM GMT

That is debatable you are not EVERY lgbt supporter nor even most of them you are one of them, you can't speak on behalf of all of them or even most of them, if mOSt of them or ALL of them aren't you.
#191882040Friday, June 24, 2016 1:24 AM GMT

Idiots that say "kill all men" are why feminism is viewed as bad even tho it isnt And lgbt people have the right to be ticked off, just shouldnt stoop to bigots level
#191882480Friday, June 24, 2016 1:30 AM GMT

One person can't claim to be an entire group, but a loud mouth make a much bigger impression about a group on the general population, and Tumblr is known for yelling loudly. And those days it's even more of a problem because loud mouths are starting to make an impression on politics, and bad decisions are being highlighted.
#191882691Friday, June 24, 2016 1:34 AM GMT

Stop stereotyping. Lots of lgbt people on tumblr are nice. We get defensive because of murders and various issues
#191882925Friday, June 24, 2016 1:37 AM GMT

I don't think he was stereotyping, I think he was generally pointing out that some LGBT people on Tumblr are loud mouths and known for being loud mouths which is why LGBT is viewed as bad, and to be fair, no one over here has any control over murder and various issues so I don't get why you brought that here. Scrub Mckenzie |
#191882976Friday, June 24, 2016 1:38 AM GMT

Look I don't want to talk rn, my grandpa that I JUST met a few days ago doesn't care about me. Just cares about me being "confused" so please just say "support" or "no support" and go away. Guess what time it is :D 9:38 AM Im going to bed
#191883164Friday, June 24, 2016 1:41 AM GMT

@wortheless nobodys that make people feel bad because they have no life Shut up, some people have awful lives and like mentioning to make them feel like they arent alone. Just shut it Goodnight errr morning
#191883236Friday, June 24, 2016 1:42 AM GMT

If didn't want to talk why continue to respond? And frankly, I can't be sure what you are saying is true or not considering you was being a total nuisance so...I'm not going to assume you are lying, but I think you are :). Scrub Mckenzie |
#191883349Friday, June 24, 2016 1:44 AM GMT

"Murders" Enlight me on which ones. "Various issues" Again, which issues?
#191884503Friday, June 24, 2016 2:00 AM GMT

If you haven't heard of any murders of members of the LGBTA+ community just for being LGBTA+,and if you haven't heard of any issues regarding the LGBTA+ movement,you can just google them. They're not that uncommon. And there was that one really big shooting recently. That's one. And the feeling of being the wrong gender is mainly focused on feeling that your body isn't your own. It's not influenced by other people. It's just feeling that your body itself is wrong,not anything to do with personality seeming like a different gender.
#191887175Friday, June 24, 2016 2:37 AM GMT

Not a lot of luck with Google I guess, got like a handful of murders from a handful of RW extremists or radical islam. Couldn't find about issues because I don't have anything specific. The Orlando shooting from a closet G muslim, not unsurprising that he snapped out. Still wondering how he managed to reload 3 times.