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#191018375Sunday, June 12, 2016 1:41 PM GMT

I'll get your personalities completely wrong probably, but just post here if you want me to begin writing a story about the community here. I want you to give a brief rundown of who you are, who your friends here are, who your enemies are (if you have any), your favourite genre of RP and how you'd choose to fight a fight. You can do it in a paragraph or an essay or in the form of a CS that you create - it truly doesn't matter. However, it'll be first-come first-serve and I'll close it off after I get sixteen joiners. Some names that I want to be in this definitively: Timpookie Eikoopmit Timepockie Tesero Darikinth (Maybe) Trilorik (Maybe) Tenontosaurus (Maybe) PolarBearTim (Maybe) Cortexil (Maybe) I'm not counting my alts towards the total, by the way, for reasons that you'll see. Also, you can fictionalize relationships somewhat as well - if, for instance, two people here are really close to one another, maybe they'll opt to be siblings or spouses for the sake of this. I recommend not stating any relationships with my alts but rather saying anything that you have with me as being with Timpookie (who may or may not be the main character).
#191019545Sunday, June 12, 2016 2:09 PM GMT

What do you mean by how I would choose to fight a fight?
#191019698Sunday, June 12, 2016 2:12 PM GMT

Weapons, fighting styles, tactics, etc.
#191020159Sunday, June 12, 2016 2:22 PM GMT

I'd like to be in the story. Name: Roxasthedemon. Friends: Z0rr0w, Sage and j he w oi. Enemies: None. How I would fight a fight: I would fight a fight by mainly using counter attacks to fight off my enemies. Or just try to dodge their blows and try to land a hit at the fastest speed I can muster or just aim for the balls if it's a guy and just twist the glorious bags on their chests if my enemy is a girl and then run away. Favorite RP Genre: Modern Fantasy, Powers and Sci-Fi.
#191020983Sunday, June 12, 2016 2:39 PM GMT

Am I well-known enough to be a part of this story?
#191025522Sunday, June 12, 2016 3:59 PM GMT

i used to be a guy i think i still am
#191026960Sunday, June 12, 2016 4:21 PM GMT

I am happysupercooldude99. My friends are Purring, Pruz, Pawz, Pick, (the four p's!) Mack, Crystakyl, Benzoyada yada yada... No enemies from what I know. I like sci-fi RP's, survival RP's, and RP's like that one Pick made, Showtime!. Dunno which genre that RP generally is though. I'd fight a fight by reaching for the nearest weapon. I'm willing to improvise and use things like half of a shattered plate or a rolling pin. If there are no weapons, I'd just fight with my own hands.
#191026986Sunday, June 12, 2016 4:21 PM GMT

Good luck; Bloody pain in the ass making community pieces IMO.
#191027138Sunday, June 12, 2016 4:23 PM GMT

"Benzoyada" Saw that as Benzoyoda, I did.
#191027778Sunday, June 12, 2016 4:34 PM GMT

Eh, do we have to explain stuff?
#191027910Sunday, June 12, 2016 4:36 PM GMT

Benzoyoda should be a thing. There is no try, there is only Benzo.
#191029657Sunday, June 12, 2016 5:01 PM GMT

Me: A 13year-old redhead with lots of freckles that is also super short. I like dragons and I like writing poetry. Friends: Deshoras, and I can't think of anyone else I actively hang out with unless you count the plug group, and I'm not buddies with any of them. Enemies: Anybody who is consistently an ass and contributes nothing to the community. Favorite Genre: Probably fantasy. How I would fight a fight: I'd either try to solve things using brutal logic, run away if I'm outmatched, or use any type of fire.
#191031948Sunday, June 12, 2016 5:32 PM GMT

I am Pawzkat. I hang around with a lot of people, but the people I talk to most are probably you, JeopardizedJake, and Happy [as of late - I'm pretty much just checking my recent chat groups] But I do [or used to] talk to a lot of other people as well, Purring, Pick, Kenzieroo, Gingermoon, Tails, Evilboo, Sammy, Marc. Plus some. No enemies, I guess. Genres I like? Fantasy, science fiction, horror, historical, realistic. And if I were in a fight, I would try to attack from the distance. I'm generally that person who turns to the enviorment for possible weapons, so stuff like stones, books, etc. Given the opportunity, I would probably also set things on fire as a distraction.
#191032253Sunday, June 12, 2016 5:36 PM GMT

Pruz Friends: The three Ps, happy(sometimes), and more. Enemies: No one... Or everyone. You know me. I would fight by using my fire.
#191032631Sunday, June 12, 2016 5:41 PM GMT

Tim, hello! Name: Reisfeldz Friends: I have none. Well, the four members of the Reisfeldz family. Enemies: I do not need no enemies. They are either of no bother to me or purged completely. How I would fight a fight: Eh, let's be honest here, me, Sieg Reisfeldz (the red haired one) would most likely have everyone dead before the latter could even react. Offence is the best defence. Favorite RP Genres: Modern, Sci-Fi. #HailFactusNotVaktus
#191032689Sunday, June 12, 2016 5:42 PM GMT

hi im folie/tyler/chara/whatever the heck else im pretty quiet and im not super social but i make a lot of crappy puns and listen to music 24/7 my friends i guess are purring, reis, ginger, pawz, pick(?), briar, and idk probably a few other people enemies: no one really (not anymore that is) genre: mystery (namely murder mysteries, especially those where theres a killer among a group and such) how i would fight: probably just use my wits and try to hide from all conflict tbh i dont really "fight" other than fighting in words
#191033991Sunday, June 12, 2016 5:59 PM GMT

I'm kitrain/Eve I have no definitive list of friends but can easily befriend/be friendly to others. No enemies, either, since Rock has finally left this forum. I'm a semi-veteran who has been here for a year so far i believe, and is skilled in using ROBLOX studio to make things, specifically armor/weapons due to having a bad time with making maps. I like almost any sort of RP, so many that i can't mention them all. My fighting style varies to every situation, depending on what time, resources, what weapon I have in hand and more. Generally though, I rely on a ruthless thrashing style with varying ego-expanding / complex maneuvers. If i find out i'm losing I will either quit or retreat with a bang.
#191059175Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:41 PM GMT

I would consider signing up for this, but tim seems to still be angry at me. Even though I would still consider him a friend if he would let me.
#191059305Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:43 PM GMT

Thought "let me" said "eat me" Was confused
#191059346Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:44 PM GMT

Didn't know Tim was a cannibal.
#191059438Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:45 PM GMT

If only tim would eat me, then we could be friends again.
#191059451Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:45 PM GMT

You know who I am.
#191059910Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:52 PM GMT

"Am I well-known enough to be a part of this story?" I don't see why not. "Eh, do we have to explain stuff?" You specifically? No, but that's because I know you well enough to be able to accurately guess most of the things here.
#191059988Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:53 PM GMT

Hooray! Laziness!
#191060250Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:57 PM GMT

I am LevelRockey. I don't have any friends. I don't have any enemies. I don't like any kinds of RP. I don't like to fight. I don't know what I'm doing...

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