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#191098950Monday, June 13, 2016 2:55 PM GMT

NBCers are still entitled to receive some sort of compensation because they were promised some. There's nothing wrong for them to argue against whatever means of compensation they're getting now if they aren't satisfied with it. However, the blog conveyed how the changes will be a migration, so NBCers shouldn't be too quick to get upset. I also understand that ROBLOX wants users incentivized with "the desire to experience incredible things with your friends," so I get why users will argue that ROBLOX isn't about what you can do with its currency. At the same time though ROBLOX is saying that avatar customization will continue "to be creative and rich." I honestly don't think that catalog freebies allows NBCers to remain creative with their character, but realize: we haven't even seen the rest of the "migration"!!
#191116331Monday, June 13, 2016 7:45 PM GMT

Lol how did this get deleted
#191139973Tuesday, June 14, 2016 1:31 AM GMT

@anthony because community sift breaks filters, and so i will rewrite this thread once more.

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