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#191271370Wednesday, June 15, 2016 11:32 PM GMT

What is your opinion? It's quite a divisive issue, apparently, though there are only two genders and many, many personality disorders. I say to just keep it. It's never caused an issue before. Winning since 1776.
#191271437Wednesday, June 15, 2016 11:33 PM GMT

you're born with either xy chromosomes or xx chromosomes, none other.
#191271489Wednesday, June 15, 2016 11:33 PM GMT

nay gender should depend on your body, not on your mindset ˙ ͜ʟ˙
#191271771Wednesday, June 15, 2016 11:38 PM GMT

I just got done debating with liberals over this for like six pages. My conclusion: No Pick the gender you identify with, even if you're non-binary, you're still either male or female both biologically and in what you identify as. There is no "other".
#191271962Wednesday, June 15, 2016 11:40 PM GMT

There are only two genders.
#191273392Thursday, June 16, 2016 12:02 AM GMT

There's two genders, but I'm fine with being able to skip gender selection on signup. Why do you have to select that to make an account?
#191273663Thursday, June 16, 2016 12:06 AM GMT

@skittle They do it so new users can have a starter account with items that will interest them according to their gender, but idiotic liberals have twisted it into some kind of platform to make a statement. After sign-up it's irrelevant, you can dress however you want. It's not like people even see what gender you signed up as.
#191273789Thursday, June 16, 2016 12:08 AM GMT

I'd be nice if games can use your username so games such as hide and seek correctly say "Boyperson123 is it! Don't get caught by him!" "Girlperson123 is it! Don't get caught by her!"
#191280597Thursday, June 16, 2016 2:00 AM GMT

genders are only show when you create an account even if you choised "boy" you can still wear girl's clothes i dont see the point of more genders since noone can see your gender but you... plus it dont affect the game/platform in anyway... would be another useless update... Assassins's lenny brotherhood-- ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°) --R$707
#191281865Thursday, June 16, 2016 2:22 AM GMT

There is honestly no point, let alone logical argument, to add more genders than there currently is. Better question yet, why in the world are we arguing about this on a KIDS website? Majority of them probably don't even understand this entire transgender identity and whatever other crap that exists so why do we have to do it to please a certain few? For real people...
#191288201Thursday, June 16, 2016 4:15 AM GMT

@Gman Their parents are pushing it on them during their youth now
#191294307Thursday, June 16, 2016 6:40 AM GMT

Gender does not effect your player. ._. You managed to choose one. Go get yourself a Happy Meal and be happy with your life for once.
#191294723Thursday, June 16, 2016 6:52 AM GMT

"Their parents are pushing it on them during their youth now" Parents who do this legitimately need Child Protective Services to take their kids into custody. Doing this to your child is a huge dis-service to them, they need to discover themselves naturally and not be pressured by any kind of outside force. What happens is they buy into this and think they're something when they're really not, they get the procedures done when they're a bit older, then they have a change of hear and think "what the hell have I done" then it's all downhill from there. Some doctors have even stopped doing these types of procedures on minors for this very reason. Children don't know what --uality is yet at this point in life, and quite frankly, don't need to anyways. They're not mentally mature enough to understand the repurcussions of their actions either or what they're doing to themselves.
#191295232Thursday, June 16, 2016 7:10 AM GMT

Not this again. Just stop. I'm serious, stop it, your body is either male or female, and it's literally irrelevant here on Roblox. ''What is power without passion?''
#191295556Thursday, June 16, 2016 7:21 AM GMT

The state's expanding power and our president's incessant agenda pushing isn't helping anyone either, they've either passed or are trying to pass legislation that makes it illegal for a teacher to report a student's orientation & --uality status to a parent. Their logic is "it might make the kid feel uncomfortable", and they have no place barring information from a parent about their child. It's no different than if a kid is having thoughts of self-harm, the parent has every right to know so they can get their son or daughter help. Our court system is also egging this nonsense on by forcing parents into calling their highly impressionable children by their "proper pronouns" and whatnot, as well as letting them openly dress according to their "identified gender". I guarantee the youth who participate in this are mainly influenced by the media & internet that constantly wave this bull in our faces.
#191314271Thursday, June 16, 2016 5:26 PM GMT

Yet i am bi and i do not complain about the gender options. It's a game calm down. ._. Go get yourself a Happy Meal and be happy with your life for once.
#191328116Thursday, June 16, 2016 8:52 PM GMT

You aren't filling out a stack of paper, you're just clicking a selection box that indicates your gender. If you don't want to choose, then too bad lol.
#191328260Thursday, June 16, 2016 8:54 PM GMT

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