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#191331121Thursday, June 16, 2016 9:34 PM GMT

Builder man wakes up and sees chicken on him. " AAAAAHHH WHY IS CHICKEN ON MY BED? DEAD ONES TOO!! " builder man eats waffles for breakfast. Builder forgets to put his worker clothes on and ends up with waffle crumbs all over him and his pajamas still on. Reese said " why did you go in your pajamas? " when builder man walked to his house, he saw the person he knew before when he was a kid. Bob the builder. DUN DUN DUNN. Bob the builder said " your under arrest! " builder man said " why? " bob said " remember?" [ FLASHBACK] builderman: yay waffles!!! Bob: that's my dads waffle!!! Builderman: n0t anymore! * eats * and pokes bob in the eye bob: OW!!! builderman: ooh... I remember now.. Gotta go! * runs * and falls ending up with a broken nose. The ROBLOX HQ is now built from the desert?? Builderman said. He said" oh god.... THE SECOND PART WILL COME SOON.
#191338352Thursday, June 16, 2016 11:23 PM GMT

How will I get to the HQ?!?! " builderman said, in tears to not see the fellow admins. " there is no road on a desert. * cries * " builderman was in tears. But he had a idea! Builderman said " I know! I can build a road on a desert!" Wiping his eyes. So, he needed a forgotten admin to build with him. He Called clockwork. He said " clockwork, help me build a road on the desert to get to the ROBLOX HQ. " builderman said. Clockwork said " sure. " it took a week for them to finish, after they were done, they got on the plane. ROBLOX was now in Mexico. Builderman had tears of joy. He saw all the rare and retired admins on it to meet the admins again. After they got to Mexico, their were signs to go to the following HQ. After they were there, they knocked on the door. Builderman rang the doorbell. When ROBLOX opened it, he hugged all retired and forgotten admins. He gave them all coffee and hired all retired admins. Builderman dipped waffles in milk. " tasty! " builderman said. " did you know you were a forgotten admin to us, too builderman? " ROBLOX said. " I never knew that.. " builderman said. After they were done, all admins walked to the sunset. The end. Do you like it or not? Say like if you like it, say bad if you don't. I'm fine with options. I don't care over hate.
#191349019Friday, June 17, 2016 1:59 AM GMT

OP asks if people like it or not Says she is fine with options Says she doesn't care over hate point out irony >wat insult her
#191371377Friday, June 17, 2016 11:55 AM GMT


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