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#191389268Friday, June 17, 2016 6:18 PM GMT

Welcome to the United Airlines TM we'll tell you about the team from United Airlines TM and we are making are Rules, Interview, Etc. -----[RULES]----- 1. All staff and high rank should use proper grammar to our passengers or High rank 2.Do not kill people using Abuse Admins that if there have no reason 3. Do not use a Group admin arbitrary because it can cause big mistakes if there is no reason 4.Do not damage the plane as we fly or disturb staff we were concentration 5.Do not like lying to staff and high rank us 6.Use ":slock" when there are already many of our staff and passengers -----[Interview Rules]---- 1.since the interview use correct grammar or that once one does not pass 2.Do not Copy and Paste when interview that could fail 3.you may ask something to the interviewer before starting to question 4.Use ":slock" when there are already many of our staff and traineers/training interviews 5.When people start to arrive, tell them to have a seat. Then wait until the start time comes around. 6.Then, send all the helpers around to test for safe chat. The staff members will need to tell each interviewee to say "sw4u" if they say it without hashtags they are good. If hashtags are in the text, they have safe chat and you should alert the Host or Co-Host to remove the from the game. 7. You will have to answer 10 questions under a 30 second time limit per question. If you cannot do this you will fail your interview 8.if you passed go to training or not.If you fail you will get kick 9.all interviewer have to figure out or make sentence when traineers already answer 10.IF YOU GET ONLY GET 1 MORE THAN USE BAD GRAMMAR THAT YOU FAIL! -----[Question Interview]------ 1.How many grammar which scale you? (1-10) 2.Why do you want to work here? 3.Work out what you like on United Airlines TM? 3.Please correct the following sentence. "I wat to wrk here pls" 4.If a passenger can be warnings three times what you have to do to passengers? 5.What do you do when we fly? 6.Whether you can use Admins? 7.What is out of an airplane? 8.Who is Chairman of United Airlines TM? 9.Are you ready to work here? 10.Any Question? -----[Rank Descriptions:]----- Ground Crew - you have to focus when there are more moving air and you can control or Pushback Gate. Cabin Crew - you have to clean up in the air and when we fly you have to provide food and beverage service to our passengers and use correct grammar. Security - You should keep in airports and airplanes use razer and do not use indiscriminate weapons and should be careful if there is a passenger or staff may be three warnings what you should do? First Officer - you would use a regular plane as we fly to and how you use the air vehicle and follow the words of the high ranks you or Ground crew and you still training pilot Captain - You can now fly more powerful than the First Officer, but you must follow words High ranks or Ground Crew Senior Captain - Now you've become a Field Officer / Trainee but you are still the best vehicle drove great and the interview / training starts you assign that to become a pilot Intern -Now you've become Interviewer / High ranks and become Chief Ground Crew and use proper grammar when you become interviewer Respresentive - Now you've become Interviewer / Receptionist also ye are as the High Ranks Board Of Directors/Developer - Now You can be the best director and can choose his own job in MR Chief Financial Officer - You are more Rank High level now you follow the instructions that High rank from you Chief Operating Officer - Now you can kick anyone if there are people who can be some warnings but you can create your own commands from Chief Executive Officer - Now you are High rank higher and become an elite high rank intern - Chairman use correct grammar ^_^

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